Welcome to TSLL’s 4th Annual French Week!
Sunday August 11, 2019

~Scroll to the bottom of the post for a round-up of all of the posts shared during this year’s French Week~

My affection for France is grounded in the over-arching premise of approaching life with the intention to seek quality over quantity in all arenas of living, thus enabling the individual, the community and a culture to live well.

The art of living well is a conscious choice, a thoughtful and considered choice, when there are many choices to choose from. Granted the choices become easier when the land you live upon offers terroir that is rich in soil that is capable of nurturing a vast variety of produce, vineyards, wheat, flax and feed for the animals that share their milk for the delectable fromages. But France hasn’t had it all that easy to put it mildly when we reflect upon its tumultuous history. And in part, a large part, it is because of its history that much of the customs, traditions, fashions and behaviors which have become loved by people around the globe are what they are today.

In this fourth annual French Week here on TSLL blog, we will dive into much of what is loved and appreciated about France. From the food, simple decor touches, talking to an American who has called Paris home for 20 years and take a walking tour of his arrondisment, explore Paris’ famous Marche aux Puces, share my latest recommendations for hotels, restaurants and more in the city of Light inspired by my recent trip to France this past July, as well as much more including the giveaways – five to be exact, the week is scheduled to be full and satisfy your love for all things French.

In fact, the first giveaway has already been posted, so be sure to stop by, explore and enter by Saturday August 17th.

Before I wrap up the introduction to what I hope is a week for TSLL readers to explore and travel vicariously to the country that holds a special place in their lives for their own special and unique reasons, I want to thank you for stopping by today. Each day this week beginning today, there will be two new posts. As well, there will be two new podcast episodes going live this week, the first will be available for download tomorrow (Monday) on its regular day of the week and the second on Thursday. But now it is time for French Week to begin! Allons-y! as they say in France – Let’s go!

Throughout the entire week, I’ll be sharing peeks and stories, as well as each of the giveaways, along with readers pics of how they are enjoying the week on TSLL’s social media sites. If you want to have your pic shared on TSLL’s Instagram Stories, tag me on any of the social media hubs listed below and include the hashtag #tsllfrenchweek2019 or #tsllfrenchweek.

~Get caught up on all of the French-Inspired posts/podcast episodes on TSLL here (posts) and here (episodes).

Discover what was shared during the previous TSLL French Weeks below:

~While you read, perhaps a little French music to enjoy? Check out TSLL’s two French music playlists on Spotify:

Until your next stop by the blog, à la prochaine!

TSLL’s 4th Annual French Week posts thus far . . .

SUNDAY August 11th

MONDAY August 12th

TUESDAY August 13th

WEDNESDAY August 14th

THURSDAY August 15th

FRIDAY August 16th

SATURDAY August 17th

SUNDAY August 18th

~Image created exclusively for TSLL by Inslee

Thesimplyluxuriouslife.com | the simply luxurious life

10 thoughts on “Welcome to TSLL’s 4th Annual French Week!

  1. Looking forward to French week at TSLL! Even though I live in France, I love reading your thoughts and insights to a country I hold dearly to my Heart. Sometimes we forget how wonderful things are around us until someone shows us…
    Thank You,

  2. Each year as “French Week” begins, I am remind myself how far I have come in slowing down, preparing and savoring the food I make, adding simple touches to my home that bring me great joy and marking one special item of clothing I want to purchase to add to my fall capsule wardrobe! Thank you Shannon for this wonderful gift!

  3. Cou-Cou Shannon!
    Le Semaine Francaise est toujours amusant! Alors, comme tu l’as dit–“Allons-y”!
    Et bien sur, merci beaucoups. 🙂

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