169: Understanding the French Culture: My Interview with Géraldine Lepere of Comme une Française
Saturday August 12, 2017

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~The Simple Sophisticate, episode #169
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The French language guide for anyone who is curious about the French culture, will be traveling to Paris anytime soon or perhaps moving there to call it home, will find a wealth of a resource at the website created by today’s guest on the podcast: Géraldine Lepere. Her website, blog and YouTube channel Comme une Française will help you learn to speak French and feel French. Because we know, simply knowing how to communicate – which verb goes where?, which tense should be used? – while important, won’t help you become immersed comfortably into the way of life in France entirely.

During our conversation, Géraldine shares what the important aspects of the French culture are to the French, the issue with the concept of the “doggie bag” at restaurants, what her everyday looks like, tips and ideas for traveling in Paris as well as which cities she recommends you should visit outside of Paris and how to travel the rail and rent a car without a hitch as well as much more.

Show Notes:

~Comme une Française blog

~Sign up for the free Every Day Crash Course to Double Your Frenchness in 10 Days

Watch a new French language learning video each Tuesday. Check out Géraldine’s YouTube channel: Comme une Française TV.  Check out a recent episode below. 

~book mentioned during our conversation, The French Way by Ross Steele

Géraldine’s Petit Plaisir:

Quatre Quarts cake:
  • similar to a Pound Cake
  • Check out Jacques Pepin’s recipe here


~Listen to more episodes from The Simple Sophisticate podcast here


TSLL 2017 French Week continues through August 12th. Amusez-vous bien! 

Don’t Miss What Has Been Posted So Far:

[podcast src=”https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/5634871/height/90/width/700/theme/custom/autonext/no/thumbnail/yes/autoplay/no/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/forward/render-playlist/no/custom-color/d0d4b9;color: #6f7056 !important/” height=”90″ width=”700″]

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8 thoughts on “169: Understanding the French Culture: My Interview with Géraldine Lepere of Comme une Française

  1. What an enjoyable interview!
    French honors “le mot juste,” but plenty of words have multiple meanings anyway. Voler can mean to steal and to fly (and vol can mean a theft or a flight). Only one of many examples. But often there are links, which add greatly to the richness of the language.

  2. J’adore Géraldine , merci beaucoup chère Shannon!???
    I am subscribed to Geraldine’s u-tube videos for some time now,so a great surprise to hear this great interview.

  3. Hi Shannon,

    Love your show! I look forward to it every week!

    What was the name of the book that Géraldine was talking about on the show? It was a male author I believe.

    Great podcast!

    Thank you,

  4. Geraldine makes clear so many French cultural idiosyncrasies that have been at the edge my consciousness, but not entirely understood.

    Not sure why I have never heard such clear explanations before, but glad that I have here.

    Makes me love and respect the French culture more than ever.

    Many thanks for interviewing her and keeping your previous years posts still active.

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