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Ça va?
I hope this year’s TSLL’s French Week offered a breath of calm and celebration and joy. I heard from many readers this week who shared their thanks for keeping this annual traditional alive especially during the time of the pandemic. I must say, it was a lovely respite and escape of focus for me as well from all that is going on outside of my home office to enjoy a week fully immersed with TSLL readers into the French culture.
Thank you for joining TSLL Community this week and making it a week that has surpassed my expectations as far as engagement and appreciation.

This past week Norman and I went for a walk along the river, and it was finding the Rudbeckia hirta Prairie Sun flowers aka Gloriosa Daisies in bloom (yellow flowers above) that always make me swoon. And swoon I did on our walk when I discovered them. Their petals look as though they are made of silk, and they offer such a simple, luxurious yellow hue.
My own sunflowers began blooming this week (perhaps they knew it was French week! ;)), and oh, what a lovely sight that was to see occurring on my own property. Needless to say, I reveled in sharing pieces and glimpse of France with readers this week and being outside amongst the flowers as I might be doing if I was in France, especially Provence, made it all the sweeter.

Now to the winners of the FIVE Giveaways.
Before I share the names, I wanted to share a reminder of a few important dates coming up and what will happen on each.
September 1st — I will be sharing what the tiers will be for TSLL’s upcoming Soft Paywall. Everything on the blog will remain the same (as you have enjoyed it for the past 10 years) during the month of September; however there will be an opportunity to take advantage of a one-time reduced rate to make sure that when the paywall goes in place on October 1st, you will not have to worry about enjoying the blog at your leisure. (Learn more about why these changes and improvements will be taking place in this post.)
Monday September 7th — Season 7 of The Simple Sophisticate podcast begins with a brand new season. Tune in tomorrow – August 17th to learn about the new schedule for the upcoming season.
Saturday September 19th — The Premiere Episode for Season 3 of The Simply Luxurious Kitchen cooking show will debut here on the blog for a full 8 episodes running through early November, a new episode airing every Saturday.
October 1st — TSLL’s Soft Paywall will be put into place, and you will need to subscriber to one of the available tiers to view more than 3 posts a month. A handful of post categories will be entirely behind the soft paywall such a giveaways (all giveaways for both British and French weeks such as the ones below), Shannon’s House & Garden Tours, and a couple of others soon to be announced) and will only be able to be viewed if you subscribe to the Top Tier. If you are already an Ad-Free Subscriber (monthly or yearly), you are already grandfather/mothered in and will receive Top Tier access so long as your subscription is active and began before October 1st. (Learn more about why these changes and improvements will be taking place in this post.)
If you see your name listed next to any of the giveaways, in order to claim your gift, please do the following listed below by TUESDAY AUGUST 18th, noon Pacific Time (if I do not hear from the listed winners by this time, I will rnadomly select a new winner).
- Email Shannon at info@thesimplyluxuriouslife with the necessary contact information
- shipping address (if applicable)
- Full name
- Confirmation on the item you have selected if for the tablecloth, E.Dehillerin’s kitchen tool or Depaysio’s virtual experience.
- Reach out by Tuesday August 18th, noon Pacific time.
- Celebrate! You’ve won!

TSLL’s Free Monthly Newsletter Subscriber Giveaway
A box of 30 Chocolate Truffles from La Maison du Chocolate
The Winner IS . . . Ellen Barski.

A Free Virtual French Language Experience from Depaysio
The Winner IS . . . comment #7, Stephanie

The Ad-Free Subscriber Giveaway
Grande Provençal Heidi Caillard La Pintade Guinea Hens
The Winner IS . . . Wanda de Paz Ibañez

A tablecloth from Maison Jean-Vier and a pair of La Rochere bistrot (balloon) wine glasses
The Winner IS . . . comment #138, Susanne

The Grand TSLL French Week Giveaway!
An item of 100 Euro value from E.Dehillerin in Paris
The Winner IS . . . comment #60, Alisa
Thank you to everyone who stopped by and explored the businesses introduced this week through the giveaway. A big thank you to Olive & Branch and Depaysio for their support of TSLL. Be sure to take advantage of discounts available for the rest of today:
The blog’s regular schedule of posts will continue tomorrow moving forward (Monday – Motivational or a new podcast episode, Wednesday – a variety, & Friday – This & That), but just in case you are curious as to when next year’s TSLL French Week will be, mark your calendars for Sunday August 8th — August 15th, 2021. In the meantime, French-inspired posts will continue to be posted monthly and many more posts will be inspired by the French culture. Wishing you a lovely start to the new week, and bonne journée!
~Catch up on all of the 14 posts shared during this year’s French Week in this post (scroll to the bottom).
Check out Past Year’s TSLL French Week’s below

3rd Annual

2nd Annual
1st Annual
Thanks so much for a wonderful week Shannon! Your French and British Weeks are my two most favorites things of Simply Luxurious Life and both were extra greatly appreciated this year!
Thank you Laura. ???❤️??❤️
Loved it!!! Such a fun week to look forward to!!
Julie, Thank you for being a part of this week I’d celebration. ?
Thank you for yet another wonderful week, Shannon! It was a lovely distraction from current events. Stay well.
Julie, thank you for partaking! Santé!
Thank you so much for a great week! It was my first French Week and now I’m looking forward to my first British Week coming up as well!! I appreciate how you focus on the luxuries found in the simple things in life. It is a helpful reminder for me to slow down and savor them.
Thank you for joining us Maria and thank you fir your comment. ??
SUCH a fabulous week, I loved it, thank you, Shannon!!????
Congratulations, everyone!?
Thank you Rona and thank you for your engagement! 🙂
Shannon, thank you so much for French Week! It was fun, informative, and I learned so much. I will be going back to reread the posts for weeks to come. Congratulations to the winners! What a thrill!
Thank you for joining in the festivities this week Katina. ???❤️?
What a wonderful surprise to look in today & find I’ve won the tablecloth & wine glasses! Thank you SO much, Shannon! I’ve had a crazy & busy week & haven’t managed to read most of the recent posts — or enter any of the giveaways but the one — and I’ve been spending an enjoyable afternoon catching up. Congratulations to the other winners & best of luck next time to everyone else. Although, really, we’re all winners with every post & podcast you do for us, Shannon. And your sunflowers are gorgeous, as well as the yellow Gloriosa daisies. I’ve never even heard of them before & now I’m on a hunt for seeds.
Susanne, congratulations! I do hope you enjoy both of these lovely items. 🙂 Thank you for your continued interest, time and support in TSLL. I appreciate your readership immensely.
Thank you for sharing all of the wonders of French week, I love seeing all that you find. I might have missed a few posts and am off to take a look. Congratulations to all of the winners.
What a fun week! Thank you, Shannon! 🙂
Thank you, Shannon for another splendid French week. I enjoyed every single day.
Most appreciatively,
Thanks for a funFrench week and so much wonderful info! Congrats to all the winners!
Another fabulous year! As I’ve said before, you outdid yourself. Thanks so much for a lovely week.
Thank you for stopping by! 🙂
Here’s to next year in France!
Oui! Absolument! 🙂