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The Simple Sophisticate podcast has continued to be a favorite part of TSLL online destination for listeners and readers.
This year 28 new episodes were shared with listeners and more than 800,000 episodes were downloaded: the most in the show’s history. And it is all because of listeners and readers of the show like you sharing what you love and choosing to subscribe and tune in as all of the episodes are always free to enjoy (and will continue to be so).
This year as well the show received its 1000th review from the international audience that tunes in and this number is inching already to 1100 reviews. A BIG thank you to every listener who has ever shared a positive ranking for the show or taken the time to write a review as I know many of you did this past year. Thank you, thank you, thank. you. ? Your words are powerful when it comes to attracting new listeners, and I do my best to include new reviews on episodes at the end of the show as a way to not only show my gratitude but also let listeners discover what their fellow audience members think about the show.
For listeners who share the episodes they enjoy on social media, share via word of mouth, share however works best for you, thank you so much for taking the time to do this as that is what continues to grow the listening audience since the show premiered in 2014. (Check out the Highlights in IG for shares and reviews of the show.) The new IG account was created just over a year ago for the show (@thesimplesophisticatepodcast), and on this account only content about the podcast is shared, so if you want to follow along just to stay in the know about the podcast, give the show a follow.
I want to thank you for making the move from Mondays to Wednesdays this fall as that was the first time we have ever moved days of the week in the nine seasons/years of The Simple Sophisticate. The schedule, as we move into the new calendar year, will continue to share two episodes every month on the first and third Wednesdays, and look for a brand new episode to kick off the new year a week from today, Wednesday January 4th.
Now! Let’s take a look at the TOP Episodes of 2022!
Honorable Mentions
episode #328: 15 Ideas to Savor Paris
episode #329: 20 Life Lessons Learned on My Recent Trip to England
episode #330: 25 Ideas for Enjoying British Culture in Your Everyday Life
episode #326: A Life of Abundant Bliss: A Natural State of True Contentment
episode #325: 10 Ideas for Reveling in the Spring Season
THE TOP 5 Podcast Episodes of 2022
episode #327: How to Change Your Brain So Your Mind (and thus you!) Can Thrive
episode #323: The Art of Savoring: 6 Everyday Moments to Savor, Part Deux
episode #321: 9 Tips for Resetting into a Life Rhythm to Harmonize with Your Life’s Desired Composition
episode #320: What If . . . This Was the Year It All Came Together?
episode #324: 13 Ideas for Being Extraordinary at the Ordinary
~Explore all of the episodes of The Simple Sophisticate podcast here.
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