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“You were brave and it paid off.”
I am starting with where you will be at the end of 2022 because it is absolutely possible.
Yes, it is.
Let me first acknowledge where you might find your mind when you first read the title of today’s post/episode followed by the quote. Doubtful, skeptical, it is wishful and empty thinking you present Shannon.
Okay, I hear you, I acknowledge those same feelings arose in my own mind when such a question – What If . . . ? and just that quote regarding being brave first crossed my path. After all, we all have reason to be terrified after the past two years due to everything that has unfolded, what has been revealed, what we have had to do to make it through. We all have beyond justifiable reason to play it safe, to hold on to what is left (or what we think is left), to be scared, to be doubtful, but I am choosing to look at it differently, and this will come as no surprise to readers of the blog and this podcast as the content shared on TSLL especially over the past two years, but over the entire life of the blog (12 years) has defaulted to possibilities becoming reality.
More than any time previously, collectively speaking, the world has witnessed both the privilege and the disparity, the unexpected and never predicted as well as the power of people. We can utilize what we have witnessed and elevate not only the lives of those around us, but our own life or we can ignore it and continue to just get along.
I choose the former and I am confident you will as well.
In the Broadway play If/Then with Idina Menzel cast in the lead role, a play I had the good fortune to watch in 2014 – my first ever to see with my own eyes in NYC – the idea is presented regarding what happens when two different paths are chosen by the same person. How does one’s life unfold? Will we end up in the same place years removed or will we give up opportunity? Does fate play a role or not? From romance to career, to friendships, (there is even a song titled, What If? – listen to here or below), both storylines play out before theater-goers’ eyes, and what is witnessed is that our choices do matter, our bravery matters; however, in both storylines, we cannot control the other pieces of the story – the other people, the world events, the interactions and storylines of other people and what they are going through in their own lives. But we can dare to love, dare to step forward into the unknown, dare to try, dare to be fully human and be kind and curious because when we choose this approach, we let love into our lives in both hoped for and unexpected ways, we create memories we never want to forget and we build relationships and legacies we are proud to have taken part in with our whole heart.
Below I have gathered up potential hoped for and desired scenarios you may hold in your heart as you stride into 2022 as Norman is striding onto the beach in the picture below. Paired with each I have included what each of us will need to do in our lives to ensure the best possibility for our hope to materialize. In other words, we cannot sit, cross our fingers and be passive. No, we must act, we must take part, we must engage and do so in constructive and secure ways to give the opportunity the best enticement to unfold before our very eyes.
Let’s take a look at the list below.

What If . . . your health flourished?
What If . . . you met and built a healthy, loving relationship with someone?
What If . . . the world changed in a way that opened up unexpected possibilities in which your skill-set soars?
What If . . . you found a steady peace of mind in your everydays?
What If . . . you fell in love with the work you do or began doing work you love?
Our lives are unfolding as we read this post. And the gift to each of us is that we are here, alive and capable of being the main character in our story if we choose to engage fully.
By choosing to engage with loving-kindness and integrity in each of our actions, we build a force of energy full of peace of mind as we know while we have been true to ourselves we have also considered those we love and what selflessly is what will honor their journey as well. We don’t ignore ourselves, but rather respect ourselves. We are loving in the thoughts we let about in our mind which further strengthens our peace of mind and how we ‘see’ the world, we are loving in our actions, we are loving with our words. But rest assured, being loving doesn’t mean being weak or soft or a push-over, but it does require us to allow others to be who they are even when it doesn’t make sense to us, even if it is different than how we would live our lives. Loving asks us to extend appreciation, sincerely and often which means we must look for what is going well all the time which makes it far more difficult to look for what is not going well, thus limiting or eliminating any reason to complain. Loving asks us to be affectionate, to be vulnerable and not withhold giving love to others – a touch of the arm, a hug, a kiss, a kind word.
So won’t you too step forward and dare to elevate the potential of what this year can bring into your life and those you love?
Living in the mindset of “What If . . . ?” is not to hold on to hope. In the context of what we are talking about today, it is a taking responsibility of our actions, how we present ourselves – the thoughts that turn into words, the words we use, the tone surrounding those words, the actions we take rather than being passive, what we step toward and engage with and what we let go and let be.

Living in the mindset of ‘What If . . .?” removes us from the director’s chair and puts us on the stage of life to engage with what is presented by others on the stage with us at any given moment.
Living in the mindset of ‘What If . . . ?’ requires us to live in awareness and to take action where we acknowledge we need to grow, where we are hindered by our current choices/actions/thoughts the life we desire from materializing. It requires us to handle our egos with command of understanding when it is unhelpful and guiding us down a path that will not be fortuitous, and also knowing when it can help us, but never letting it lead.

Living in the mindset of ‘What If . . . ?’ reiterates the importance of putting in the time. Time when we are not recognized, not out in front of the crowd, not receiving attention, but instead trusting ourselves to invest with both our time, our money, our focus to create the possibility of a new reality.
May 2022 delight and amaze you, and may you find the courage to be brave. Here we go!

episode #214: Attaining the Change You Seek in the New Year
Petit Plaisir
~Hacks, HBO Max

—SKIMS Cozy Bouclé Robe (bone, and more colors)

~The Simple Sophisticate, episode #320
~Subscribe to The Simple Sophisticate: iTunes | Stitcher | iHeartRadio | YouTube | Spotify | Amazon Music
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Happy New Year Shannon and thank you for another year of TSLL, for providing inspiration and encouragement moving into 2022. I truly believe that this will be a good year. Best wishes to all TSLL readers.
Sue, Always wonderful to see you’ve stopped by ? And your optimistic attitude is a gift as the first week of the year begins. Wishing you many happy moments and oodles of love in 2022.
Happy New Year Sue. Hope it will be bright and beautiful for you. Wishing you the very best. Kameela xx
Merçi beaucoup Shannon for all the positive energy you are sending our way. I am more than ready for 2022. Bring it on. Have a great week. Kameela xx?
Lots of food for thought here! I loved this so much.
Thank you, Shannon.
Thank you Lauren for stopping by! 🙂 Wishing you a fruitful and full of moments to savor 2022!