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The Simple Sophisticate debuted in September of 2015. Since then more than 230 episodes have aired nearly each Monday, and with more than 300 reviews on iTunes, listeners have continued to give the podcast high markings with an average of 5 stars. To say that I am chuffed and humbled by the reception of the podcast would not adequately encompass my gratitude. And to each listener who has taken the time to leave a review, sharing what they love, thank you. Thank you for your time, thank you for your sharing what you love because in doing so, you share a glimpse of what new listeners will discover when they tune in.
Already four months into Season 5, you can view the entire schedule for the rest of the season here, as it delinates which Mondays will air a new episode. As the new year begins, rest assured that each Monday of the first month of year will offer a brand new episode to offer inspiration, motivation and insight into how to create your a life you love living.
If you aenjoy the podcast and would like to leave a review on iTunes, click here and then click View in iTunes, then click Leave a Review. As the new year unfolds I will continue to share reviews on each episode as I have done this year, and your review may just be one that is shared. 🙂
With all of that said, it’s time to take a look at the Top 5 Episodes of 2018. To read the show notes and listen to the show, simply click on the image or the link to be redirected. Thank you for stopping by and remember that today and next Monday, a reairing of the top episodes of Season 2 and Season 3 will air. Click here to discover the top episode of Season 2.
5. How to Create an All-Around Healthy Life, episode #208

4. Adding French Touches to Your Life and Space at Home, episode #209

3. 7 Ways to Become Who You Were Truly Meant to Be, episode #193

2. Jamie Cat Callan’s Parisian Charm School – Love, Life and Savoring It All, episode #189

1.The Top 10 Style & Beauty Lessons Learned from the French, episode #196
~Top Podcast Posts from previous years:
~Top 5 Episodes of The Simple Sophisticate podcast in 2016
~Top Episodes of 2017: The Simple Sophisticate
~Top 10 Episodes of the Podcast in 2015 (the first half of the first season!)