337: 10 Everyday French Details I Incorporate Into My Routine
Monday August 15, 2022

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Since the beginning of TSLL blog in 2009 and with the podcast when it began in 2014, I have regularly shared French-inspired ideas to incorporate into our everyday routine (be sure to check out Podcast Bundle #2 for many of these episodes). And the more I observe and savor how such choices elevate my life, as they become habituated, mature and marinate so to speak their way into my way of living, I discover how consciously welcoming such details deeply affect a positive change in how I move through my days.

For example, the muscle of savoring is strengthened, and I see more readily minute details to appreciate whether in my own home life or when I am out and about. I now more easily and without apology delight and exude my excitement without editing because it is not others’ approval I am seeking when I, for example, get a good night’s sleep that is in large part enabled by breathable sheets – à la linen! or when a flower blooms from a seed sown years ago, sitting next to an herb or a berry, planting inspired by the idea of cultivating a potager.

After more than a decade of welcoming such changes into my life, there are many that remain and feel a part of me, as though I could not imagine living any other way because it simplifies as well as adds a touch of luxury to my life as well as functioning just as I hoped it would and then some. While some on this list may not be exclusive to the French culture, it is in my exploring the French culture that I was introduced to the idea (for example, #1 on the list). Whenever we come across a way of living that speaks to us, in whichever culture we may find ourselves, that deepens our appreciation for said culture, and our affection seems to organically strengthen and take root.

Let’s take a look at the list.

~Please note, I go into detail for each of the items below on audio version of the podcast. You can listen by clicking the ‘Play’ arrow above or download wherever you enjoy listening to podcasts.

1. A floppy straw sunhat for gardening or visiting the market

2. Brocante finds

Online Brocante shopping:

3. Focus on skincare, and thus, minimal makeup

4. Linen everywhere – clothing, sheets, curtains

5. Simple hair style, less perfect, more healthy and loose (even when in a chignon)

6. Un croissant on the weekend

French Croissants et Pain au Chocolat, step-by-step (cooking video included), Season 2, episode #6 of The Simply Luxurious Kitchen cooking show

A recent breakfast on the garden porch, enjoying one of the croissants

7. French thé

~Stop by tomorrow as a new giveaway will be posted (the 3rd) and a bag of French thé will be paired with something quite luxurious to enjoy your favorite cuppa.

8. Mix and match favorite décor aesthetics

9. Savon de Marseille soaps

~be sure to stop by the blog today for a giveaway to four lucky winners (must be a TOP Tier Member to enter), of 2 bars of Savon de Marseilles soaps made in France.

Traditional Marseille Soaps, petit plaisir, #321

Enter the Giveaway here (it will be posted at 4pm Paris time, Monday). Be sure to enter by Saturday August 20, 2022

10. Growing a potager

However you choose or are inspired to welcome the French culture into your everyday life, let your curiosity guide you. I am confident you will discover even more appreciation of the everyday moments and routines, and your ‘savoring’ muscle will become quite strong. Thank you for stopping by and tuning in. Be sure to explore all of the posts and the second podcast episode shared this week during TSLL’s 7th Annual French Week.

Petit Plaisir

~Damman Frères Thé

~The Simple Sophisticate, episode #337

~Subscribe to The Simple Sophisticate:  iTunes | Stitcher | iHeartRadio | YouTube | Spotify | Amazon Music

[podcast src=”https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/24040920/height/90/theme/custom/thumbnail/yes/direction/forward/render-playlist/no/custom-color/d0d4b9/” width=”100%” scrolling=”no” class=”podcast-class” frameborder=”0″ placement=”bottom” primary_content_url=”http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/traffic.libsyn.com/thesimplesophisticate/337FrenchEverydayDetails.mp3″ libsyn_item_id=”24040920″ height=”90″ theme=”custom” custom_color=”d0d4b9″ player_use_thumbnail=”use_thumbnail” use_download_link=”use_download_link” download_link_text=”Download the episode” /]

Thesimplyluxuriouslife.com | the simply luxurious life

18 thoughts on “337: 10 Everyday French Details I Incorporate Into My Routine

  1. I love both British Week and French Week! Your fun knowledge of both of these cultures enriches my life with new things to try and new attitudes to incorporate into my Minnesota life. This week should be a lot of fun. Thank you for all of your great pictures, ideas, and above all, inspiration. (I am loving your verb choices in your writing!)

    1. Victoria, Thank you for your comment and your eye for detail. You made me smile. Thank you for reading so closely. Such readers as yourself are appreciated more than you know. ☺️

    2. Love your ps about the verb choices, Victoria. Thanks for making my English teacher soul happy this morning!

  2. Such an inspiring list of ideas and ways to bring a bit of French style to every day. The pairing of French week with summer is so perfect and I look forward to it each year. I’m really interested in your tea recommendations. I recall some from previous years.

    Have an amazing day, Shannon and to all in the TSLL community.

  3. In my limited experience, travel, and the influence of other cultures, enhance our lives upon return. It might be a simple cleansing routine, using your olive oil-based soap, or learning the history of a place or a piece of art. Even scouring local places of interest or an antique shop you pass every day on your way to work, life is learning, appreciating, and savoring the little things as well as those grand excursions to a foreign country. Thank you for reminding me that I can always expand on my life to find joy and contentment that often gets lost in the day-to-day mundane habits.

  4. I love Savon olive de marseille soaps! When I read your posts I feel I am reading the posts of a soul mate. Your suggestions for incorporating little touches of French into daily life are fantastic. Having lived in France it’s the little things that soothe the soul. Merci bien!

  5. Dear Shannon,
    I have learned so much about savoring from you and today I am savoring this list, while the dogs and I are savoring a breezy day at the beach.

  6. Shannon~

    So many ideas on ways to savor the French life!

    I have been curious about French thé, and look forward to trying some and the Savon de Marseille soap has been on my wish list since the last time you mentioned it. It really isn’t that expensive so I should just take the plunge.

    I simply adore my linen sheets and have incorporated more linen into my wardrobe. It really does make a difference during these hot summer months (along with my floppy straw hat). I have also been going with a simpler/looser hairstyle and have learned to live without hairspray, which is a real feat for this child of the 80s.

    Now I just need to start making my croissants at home 🙂


  7. Inspiring list and all wonderful ideas to contemplate, Shannon!
    I love the IDEA of linen sheets, but sometimes my tiresomely sensitive skin rebels and even my well-loved linen clothing items can seem ‘itchy’. (Same with wool, unless the garment is lined.) Do you think older sheets found at brocantes might work?
    Your story of having to come to terms with hair that just would not conform to match all those lovely magazine pics had me giggling and nodding. After years of crimping and rolling and blow-drying, I finally(happily) gave up a few decades ago and now my wavy/curly, leans to a bit of pouf and frizz hair, is free to just be. After seeing Nancy Carroll’s character, Marine, hold up her chignon with a fork(hah!), I was inspired and dug up my long wooden hair pins and they work quite nicely to anchor my just-messy-enough chignon.
    Thanks for the list, love it all! xx

    1. Rona you made me smile. I have very curly hair and battled with it for years. I even used to iron it when it was long but in maturity have learnt to love it’s wildness?. It’s so liberating. A shame your skin reacts like that. l ove it summer and winter .Antique lnen sometimes can have a coarse texture as that’s how it was woven. I have several which are a bit scratchy so I use them as tablecloths or throws.You can buy prewashed lnen now which is softer and has a slightly crumpled look. No need to iron.Personally I love the crumpled softness.Hope this helps xx

  8. I listened to this episode yesterday evening in the bath with the lights dimmed and a candle glowing after a tiring day. It was exactly what I needed. All the lovely things and contemplations. I wear a straw sun hat outdoors quite often (and always on the lake) because I have red hair and fair skin. I could use a new one, as the ones I own are tending to droop from getting wet. I also enjoy my items of linen clothing (I only have a few), and I’ve toyed with the idea of linen sheets. Last year, I purchased my first ever set of luxury bed linens, and it is cotton, but oh so soft. I’m now spoiled for top quality bed linens. And many years ago, I ditched the hair dryer and all brushes to embrace the curly girl method, and I’ve never looked back!

  9. I am so ridiculously behind on reading this week’s posts it’s beyond amusing — THIS week, of all weeks! — but I had to pop in to tell you & your readers that you can buy Savon Marseille products here in Canada. There are two stores in Quebec — Laval & Montreal. I admit I haven’t had the time to research them well enough to know how the prices/shipping costs compare (I know there’s free delivery for purchases over $75 here in Canada), but it is another source a little closer to home for many of us than France. La Maison du Savon de Marseille: https://maison-savon-marseille.ca

  10. Shannon, these are all simple things I have tried to add to my daily routine, too! I need to work on my weekend croissant consumption though ☺️ Thank you for compiling all of these into a list. It makes me reflect on the things that I already do that I should really savor and enjoy!

    1. Lauren, thank you for stopping by, yes, giving ourself the gift of savoring, not rushing, ensuring that we notice and really appreciating does elevate the day and our lives so much. ?

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