134: Stop Looking for Love and Start Learning How to Love
Monday December 12, 2016

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~The Simple Sophisticate, episode #134

“A startling paradox that bespeaks how we, as a culture, cripple ourselves in the journey to love — if one wanted to learn about cars, one would ‘without question study about automobiles’; if one wanted to become a gourmet cook, one would ‘certainly study the art of cooking, perhaps even attend a cooking class.’ But when it comes to love, Buscaglia points out, we expect the skill of it will magically bestow itself upon us. ‘No mechanic or cook,’ he writes, ‘would ever believe that by ‘willing’ the knowledge in his field, he’d ever become an expert in it.’” -on Leo Buscaglia’s Why Love is a Learned Language

Successful business mogul Warren Buffett has famously advised to write down 25 things we want to do in life and then promptly focus solely on the top five and forget about the other 20. Why? The time we have to dedicate to anything is finite, therefore if we want to achieve something of quality: a skill, a reputation, an invention, a business, anything at all, we have to give it our full attention. And if we have a laundry list of things we want to achieve, we are often distracted by what we are not able to do and not fully giving ourselves to what we should be focused on.

Along the same argument, in Malcolm Gladwell’s best-selling book Outliers, he shares research that finds that it takes 10,000 hours of deliberate practice to develop the level of proficiency of most professionals (Gladwell further clarifies that this holds true primarily in cognitively demanding fields, but assists tremendously in others such as sports).

Taking into consideration these two components, I couldn’t help but ascertain that the combination of focus and practice, deliberate practice, while helpful in our professional pursuits and pursuit of realizing our dreams would be quite beneficial within our everyday lives as well. For example, perhaps we too should deliberately practice as well as pay close attention to learning how to cultivate stronger relationships, a deeper, more fulfilling everyday experience and overall contentment as we proceed through life.

Two books (here and here) I have read in the past six months shared a common message about one’s success in love. Not to equate love as a competition, but rather to be successful in making healthy, deep, sincere connections with others, choosing to learn how to love is crucial.

Considering that expectations, mores and gender roles have been in constant flux for centuries, we don’t enter the world knowing how to love and love well. It is a learned behavior. As Dr. Leo Buscaglia reveals in Love: What Life is All About, “One cannot give what he does not possess. To give love you must possess love.” And in order to possess love and then know how to give it, we must become a student of love.

Imagine for a moment as far back as you are able of what love looked like to you. Maybe it was your parents, maybe it was revealed in the fairy tales read to you, maybe it was the television shows or your older sibling talking about their adventures in relationships. While all of these may have contained aspects of love, some far more than others, love is an action that we only learn how to exercise in our own lives if we practice it. And we can only become successful if we practice it properly. Much like watching a cook demonstrate how to slice an onion, we don’t become proficient by observing, we become proficient by doing. We cannot buy love, we cannot hire love. No. Instead, we have to become a student of love, and live it every day.

Which leads me to the most magnificent and hopeful news I want to share with you today. Each one of us can cultivate the love we want in our lives. Each one of us has the potential, and it all begins with us and then what we begin to put out into the world.

“It’s simply this — the limitless potential of love within each person eager to be recognized, waiting to be developed, learning to grow.” —Leo Buscaglia

With that understanding, let the journey begin. Or should I say let the course on love begin. I, perhaps like you, have always loved the idea of love. But now I have to ask myself, was I errantly and ignorantly getting in my own way?

As the new year begins and the first episode of the podcast goes live on Monday January 2, tune and discover what I have found out and am looking forward to sharing.


~Why Not . . . Stop the Pursuit?

~The Most Important Ingredient for a Healthy Romance

~17 Ways to be a Good Partner

Petit Plaisir:

Ma Vie à Paris (English & French versions) – deliverable to EU countries

—created by French Home Goods company Astier de Villatte, owners Ivan Pericoli and Benoît Astier de Villatte

—Pick up a copy in Bend, Oregon, at Nicole Michelle Decor

—Special order at your local bookstore.

~Learn more about the SAIG Linotype printing press machine here and the process of printing this one of a kind Parisian guide book here.

~hand drawn maps and black and white photos on nearly every page~

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5 thoughts on “134: Stop Looking for Love and Start Learning How to Love

  1. Friends are essential in love. The high of falling in love with somebody can mask major problems, and friends are so important for giving a reality check (if we listen). They can help keep us true to ourselves.

  2. Your posts are so thoughtful and thought provoking – thank you for putting so much into them 🙂 With regard to love – deep, connected, passionate love – I think one needs to let the heart take the lead. The minute the head gets involved, they do battle with one another and things seem to go awry.

  3. This post was so great and synchronicity is in play again, in my life again. Since beginning to say ” yes” to saying ” no” to a lot of old habits, people and situations, I find I have a lot more ‘space’ within myself for ‘me’. I’m beginning to love & like me by honoring my needs, decisions and thoughts and it’s not in a narcissistic way, but as self-love . Practicing that self-love every single day, for me, is immensely enriching and it’s already started to show in my attitude, my home, personal appearance and outlook in life. After 34 years of being a mother, wife and grandmother, I’ve decided to take me off that proverbial ‘back burner’ and move me to the front! One thing that is a great result of all of this is…that I’m enjoying life…every single moment–even when I’m washing the floor! As I continue practicing those new routines that I’ve started, I look forward to a more expanded and enriched life….that is full of love. Thank you

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