“I think contentment the greatest wealth.” —George Shelley
Eleven years ago today, true contentment in my life was absent. Unconsciously, when I began writing in the space that became TSLL on December 26, 2009, it was my hope that the recipe I sought would reveal how to cultivate and nurture and welcome into my everyday life true contentment. I feel incredibly grateful that I discovered and continue to be reminded that while true contentment will reveal itself through uniquely individual and particular choices, preferences, and combinations, fundamentally and conceptually, the recipe for true contentment is simple and one each of us can all follow if we have the courage to do so. Detailed in my second book Living The Simply Luxurious Life: Making Your Everydays Extraordinary and Discovering Your Best Self, the courage is often more largely about the exploration of ourselves – daring to dive deep, for once we have clarity about our truth, we have infinite fuel to share who we discover with the world, couragously so. However, it is by exercising our courage which reveals itself in a myraid of ways – strength, kindness, softness, vulnerability, stick-to-itiveness, curiosity, acceptance, awareness, discipline and many more skills we can all learn – that we find and experience daily true contentment.
The past year, as I shared more in-depth in yesterday’s monthly newsletter, provided a great awakening – a singular awakening unique to each of us should we have chosen to explore what was shaken loose, and a global awakening for the good of humanity, again should we be brave enough to see what was laid bare. What I have realized for myself provoked nervous hope, but clarity fundamentally about the essentials in my life and business which foster the space for creativity bringing to the forefront my own individual awareness.
I am so incredibly excited about tomorrow – the short and long term future – it tickles me to smile without trying. And I am excited about what my curiosity will lead me to discover so that I can then share with you, the readers of TSLL online destination.
With each year, gifts unexpected of ahas, kindred spirits, and deeper understanding on an array of topics present themselves, and immediately what I want to do is make clear sense of what I have learned so I can bring it to you. You will apply to your life what you read and hear and see here on TSLL in a manner that is unique to your journey, and that too is exciting.
With that spirit in mind and as a way to reflect, extend further appreciation as well as offer a glimpse of what the TSLL is all about through its regular weekly posts and podcast episodes to new readers and remind long-time readers of all that was shared, I have two lists for you to peruse today.
The first list is of remembrance and appreciation for 13 new discoveries in 2020 that delighted me, moved me, tickled me, brought clarity and/or ease of living to elevate the everyday even more. The second list consists of 11 books I read over the course of 2020 that taught me something I am or have now applied to my life in a way to improve its quality as I move forward along on my journey.
I share these lists as sort of a written time capsule, but also as a reminder that continual growth, continual exploration and a following of our curiosity is what deepens the living experience and expands the quality of our lives. We cannot remain where we are if we wish to grow, or as Frederick B. Wilcox shares, “Progress always involves risks. You can’t steal second base and keep your foot on first.” Whatever progress or change you wish to see in your life in the new year, remember that it need not be instigated by grand overhauls, but rather consistent application of knowledge learned by heeding the beckoning call of our curiosity.
And now to the two lists. They are compiled in no particular order and are all equally books and finds I highly recommend. I do hope you enjoy and thank you for stopping by the blog this past year. I look forward to stepping forward into the twelfth year of the blog with curiosity, bravery and a determined spirit to bring you content to which might inspire you along your unique simply luxurious journey. I do hope you will join me.
The English Game
~Petit Plaisir of episode #281 – 18 Ways to Welcome English Country Decor Ideas into Your Home
Petit Plaisir of episode #295, The Gift of Discontentment (yep, that’s no typo)

~shared in September 25th’s This & That
~7 Places to Find a Classic Garden Trug

Rita Konig’s Create Academy Decor course

The Inn At Little Washington, documentary
~shared in April 3rd’s This & That
The Hook-Up Plan, series
~shared in June 19th’s This & That

Match Strikers: The Decor Detail You Didn’t Know You Needed


Diary of a Bookseller by Shaun Bythell

~Shared in the August 21st This & That.
~Shared in the season premiere of The Simply Luxurious Kitchen (Sorrel Chicken) as the Everyday Luxury

Borgen (all three seasons)
~Petit Plaisir of episode #291
Having finished the series, the final season – three – is my favorite, especially the final episode.

Melody Gardot’s 2020 album, Sunset in the Blue
~Petit Plaisir of Episode #292

11 Books I Read, Devoured and Happily Keep in My Library


The Three Marriages: Reimagining Work, Self and Relationship by David Whyte

The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
~the focus of episode #273

How to Be An Adult in Relationships
Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life

The inspiration for episode #292 – Choose a Life You Love Living Each Day (yes, it is possible)

The Practice: Shipping Creative Work by Seth Godin
Do Nothing: How to Break Away from Overworking, Overdoing, and Underliving by Celeste Headlee

~the focus of episode #275

Tiny Habits: The Small Changes that Change Everything
~the focus of episode #272

Blog Anniversary Posts from the Archives
8 Years an Counting of TSLL! (2017)

Happy 11th anniversary. Hoping for a wonderful week of recharging and enjoying your time off.
Thank you Stacy. ?
I am new to you…I don’t understand the membership …. what is free, what requires a fee…how do I go back to podcast #1 and work my way forward, etc.
Welcome to TSLL! Happy to help. ?
The free monthly newsletter is delivered to those who sign up on the final Friday of each month – it contains all of the posts from the month as well as an exclusive letter of inspiration from the editor. https://thesimplyluxuriouslife.com/newsletter-signup/
The Tiers subscription (there are two options – TOP and BASIC) are what is the paid subscription. You will need to sign up for one of these to read more than five posts each month. Discover all of the differences and pricing options here – https://thesimplyluxuriouslife.com/subscribe
Regarding the podcast, listen wherever you enjoy downloading podcasts, scroll to Season 1 and begin from the start. Here on the blog, you can find episode #1 here https://thesimplyluxuriouslife.com/podcast1 and all of the podcast episodes with the most recent shared first (#297) here – https://thesimplyluxuriouslife.com/category/podcast/
If you have any other questions, feel free to email me at info@thesimplyluxuriouslife.com
I appreciate your interest and am happy to help. ?
Hi Shannon! Congratulations on 11 years! This post is priceless; with so many wonderful recommendations. I can’t wait to delve into the books you mentioned!
Thank you for taking us on this journey with you. For offering us a safe place to learn and to grow. During these trying times, TSLL has provided a port in the storm for me. When I sit down to read a blog post, watch a video or listen to a podcast, I immediately feel the weight on my shoulders ease up and my breathing slows down to a deep and steady rhythm. I begin to FEEL what simply, luxurious living is. I wish you a wonderful “in between years” week. (I love that reference to the final week of the year!) You are so deserving of some down time! I intend on using this week, as well, to reflect and to dream and to create a beautiful vision for 2021 ? And I look forward to beginning the year with your Cuppa Moments on Jan 1st ? Bonne Année!!
Thank you Shannon for all the great recommendations, insight, and thoughtfulness. I look forward to each and every post! I do have a favor to ask, in 2021, at 58 yrs old, I am considering leaving my home state of CA and moving alone to OR. My children are grown, both living in NYC. Any book recommendations, or advice is appreciated. Wishing you the best in 2021!
Happy anniversary TSLL and Shannon! This post sent me down quite an Internet rabbit hole on antique match strikers! Sticking with my affordable Henro version right now, but the looking sure was fun. Happy New Year and thank you for all the wonderful content.
Congratulations!!! And thank you for helping all you drop by for touching our lives in one way or another, and for helping us to see the simplicity in life and how to make it a luxurious life along the way.
Mazel Tov! And thank you for enriching my life, Shannon. There’s a lot of content out there these days, but I now keep it simple, rich, engaging, and heartfelt.
Which means, sticking with you primarily.
Thank you.
I remember discovering your lovely book in 2014, then your wonderful blog shortly after. Thank you, Shannon, for sharing your passions & life with your many followers & fans. You’ve enriched my life in many ways through your books, recommendations, advice & insights. Congratulations on 11 years, and many to come, of success! Bravo! Bonne Année ! And, xoxo to the Boys?
Happy anniversary Shannon! I’m still so thankful to have discovered your blog and found someone who was expressing so many of the thoughts and feelings I had in my own head. Cheers to 2021 and to many more years blogging!
Thank God for my local library! I became a member of my library after reading your suggestion some time ago and it comes in handy when you have 100+ Books in your TBR pile ! Some of these are already there thanks to your previous recommendations: but some are new!
Looking forward to reading more with earnest in 2021
How lovely! Libraries are a great way to make it through the many titles for bibliophiles such as ourselves. Happy reading! 🙂
Congrats on 11 Years! Proud to be a part of that legacy.
Thank you very much J. 🙂 I could not have done it without Dash. xo