Why Not . . . Enjoy a Petit Plaisir?
Wednesday May 23, 2018

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Last evening I found myself around 8’o’clock swinging in my hammock finishing a book that virtually swept me away to Paris. The air was warm, the neighborhood was quiet and the boys curiously moseyed around the yard. Bliss. A true simple luxury.

Simple luxuries have been something I try to savor as often as possible throughout my everydays. Shared on Instagram every once in a while (#tsllsimpleluxuries) from a fresh bouquet of flowers brought home, a weekday meal with a glass of wine or a moment in nature that takes my breath away and makes it impossible to not be present.

Many listeners of the podcast which airs weekly on Monday will know that at the end of each episode a Petit Plaisir is shared. Over the years my pronunciation has improved of this French term (I have asked my French professor and many of my French guests to confirm or teach me how to properly enunciate it), but each time I share something I love and want to share with listeners. From a book, a recipe, a film or anything to elevate the everyday, the Petit Plaisir has become a favorite with listeners.

However, as this Petit Plaisir is included in the show notes of the episode, it often is not seen as a new post on the homepage (unless you click on the podcast episode link and scroll to the bottom of the post).

I was reminded of this when last week I shared my Avocado Toast recipe as the weekly Petit Plaisir, but I did not post it as a separate recipe on the blog. Upon sharing an image of this breakfast recipe Monday on IG, I was made aware due to reader response, I should have (this recipe now has its own post).

So for readers who may not yet be listeners of the podcast, with each episode, a Petit Plaisir is shared at the end of each Monday’s episode. Sometimes they accidentially correspond with the topic that is discussed, but most of the time, they do not. From documentaries I love and want to share, to simple ideas to try around the home to bring a breath of fresh air, regardless of the seriousness or whimsical nature of the topic, there is always something to savor in our everydays, and it is my hope that by sharing a Petit Plaisir each week, discovering these simple luxuries becomes something habituated into our routines.

Below I gathered a list of Petit Plaisirs from episodes beginning with the first month of the podcast (September  2014). The episode number and topic are also shared, but with each link/image, simply click and then scroll to the bottom of the Show Notes to learn more.

I look forward to sharing many more Petit Plaisirs with listeners and may your everydays abound with simple luxuries to savor.

Mousse au Chocolat from Buvette by Jody Williams

~Episode #4: 10 Ways to Unearth your Inner Francophile

Shoot Me, a documentary of Elaine Stritch’s life

~episode #13: 8 Ways to Create Glowing Skin

The Jane Austen Rules, book

~episode #20, How to be the Master of Your Mind

Sweet Palmiers

~episode #21, The Importance of Selecting the Best Reality

Linen Spray

~episode #22, 17 Habits to Become More Charismatic 

Sole Meunière

~episode #29, Why Not . . . Spring Forward?

Madam Secretary

~episode #30, Life & Tech: Become the Master of Your Cell Phone

Dark Chocolate Mousse

~episode #32, The Francophile’s Style Guide: The 14 Essentials

L’Occitane Lavender Bubble Bath

~episode #35, 3 Ways to Design a Life That Works Best For You

The French Beauty Solution

~episode #50, Why Not . . . Design a Happy Life?

Weekly Flowers for the Home

~episode #79  , The How of Happiness

All the Single Ladies by Rebecca Traister

~episode #94, Truths & Myths of the Independent, Single Woman 

Three Mustard Chicken

~episode #109, 34 Must-Have Items for Your Home Épicerie

Bossypants by Tina Fey

~episode #111, A Discussion about Quality over Quantity in Fashion & Life

Tarte au Citron

~episode #122, Why Not . . . Have Self-Compassion?

Ma Vie À Paris, a Paris guide book

~episode #134, Stop Looking for Love and Start Learning How to Love

Love in Lowercase: A Novel

~episode #135, 10 Life Lessons 2016 Taught Me

Tartine All Day: Modern Recipes for the Home Cook by Elisabeth Prueitt

~episode #149, How to Cultivate Your True Style All Year Long

My Life in France by Julia Child

~episode #150, Dream First, Then Plan

Home Again, film

~episode #174, 12 Benefits of Seeking Qut Quality

Queer Eye, netflix

~episode #196, Top 10 Style & Beauty Lessons Learned from the French

Thesimplyluxuriouslife.com | the simply luxurious life

7 thoughts on “Why Not . . . Enjoy a Petit Plaisir?

  1. Quel plaisir de vous lire tous les jours. J’essaye de comprendre le texte en anglais mais parfois je suis obligée de le traduire via google traduction. Et oui, moi je ne maitrise pas l’anglais parfaitement.
    La simplicite, c’est un luxe mais peu de personnes le comprennent.
    Bonne journée

    1. Marie, Merci de visiter le blog. Oui, quand nous regardons autour et réalisons à quel point la vie est étonnante chaque jour de petites manières, notre contentement se développe. Bonne journée!

  2. Thank you so much, Shannon, for compiling this list, although I am a regular listener of your podcast sometimes I forget all about your recommendations. This is the perfect way to make sure I check them out. Your website is my first destination for inspiration.

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