Top 5 Episodes of The Simple Sophisticate podcast in 2016
Monday December 26, 2016

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It is that time of year when the opportunity arrives to reflect and be reminded of what listeners enjoyed the most during the previous 51 weeks of The Simple SophisticateFor the past 28 months, the podcast has produced a new episode at least every Monday, excluding the last week of each year for our annual vacation (follow me on Instagram to see where we’re heading to this year), and in 2016, we truly began to grow. With more interviews this season than we’ve ever had the opportunity to do before (three of which made the top 10 list below), one interview with a New York Times bestselling author and another with an English expat blogger/author living in the countryside of France (see #7 below), the listening audience continued to grow as well. The growth of listeners is due you, TSLL readers, as you continue to share via word-of-mouth on your Instagram, Facebook and Twitter feeds and even fellow bloggers who write generous shout-outs. And for your love and support I cannot thank you enough.

The podcast production continues to improve as I am the forever student and determined to offer you, the listeners the best quality I can possibly create.

I also want to thank you for the reviews you have shared on iTunes. Whatever it is that you enjoy about the podcast, your positive comments do wonders for the new listeners stopping by to see what the show is all about. Occasionally, I give a shout-out on the most recent episode of reviews listeners have left as a way to say thank you, so do not hesitate to express why you love The Simple Sophisticate (if you’d haven’t left a review and would like to, click here to be directed to iTunes).

But now, to the list! As I compiled the Top 5, as well as included an Honorable Mention list which includes five more episodes listeners enjoyed the most over the past year, I began to notice a theme of interest: simplicity, contentment, and living a quality life. Ah, yes, the themes indeed of what it means to live a simply luxurious life, and most certainly I am taking this observation to heart as I head into the third year of the podcast and compile the list of upcoming topics to share. And now, without further ado, the TOP 10 List of The Simple Sophisticate episodes in 2016 (click on either the text link or the image to be directed to the entire episode (audio and show notes).

Honorable Mention

10. A Discussion about Quality over Quantity in Fashion & Life with NYC Stylist Tiffani Rogers

9. A Powerful Couple: Boundaries & Vulnerability

8. Time Management: 13 Habits that make My Life Run More Productively

7. Everyday Living in France – My Interview with Sharon Santoni

6. Simple Rules for a Good Life

TOP 5 Episodes in 2016

5. How to Be Chic with Fiona Ferris


4. 15 Everyday Habits to Live a Life of Contentment


3. Small & Simple = A Grand & Full Life

2. My Interview with NYC Stylist Tiffani Rogers


1.38 Invaluable Lessons About Attaining Happiness



~Discover the top episodes from 2015 here.

Tune in for a brand new year and fresh new episode on Monday January 2nd.

~Subscribe to The Simple SophisticateiTunes | Stitcher | iHeartRadio | the simply luxurious life

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