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“She hadn’t been the one who was wrong, who didn’t fit. She had been this girl all along. It had been the place that was wrong. And now, here, in Paris, she would see herself clearly. She could see who she had been meant to be, now that Paris was hers.” -excerpt from The Light of Paris by Eleanor Brown
~The Simple Sophisticate, episode #118
On today’s episode of the podcast, New York Times bestselling author Eleanor Brown joins me to talk about her latest novel The Light of Paris which was just released in July. Tune in to discover her inspiration for the novel, her thoughts on the key to successful mother daughter relationships, the importance of finding the strength within ourselves to be our truest selves and her favorite thing to do in Paris. It was a pleasure to have her on the podcast and I highly recommend the novel. It was a novel I devoured in a weekend and found many quotes throughout, much like the quote above, that captured my attention as essential realizations by the characters which were wonderful reminders to the readers about the journey we each have to travel.
~Visit her website:
~Follow her on Twitter: @eleanorwrites
~Instagram: @eleanorwrites
~Facebook: Eleanor Brown
~Below, discover destinations visited and written about in Eleanor’s grandmother’s journal during her time in Paris during 1923-24
French Week 2016 posts (#tsllfrenchweek):
~What I’ve Learned Since French Class, So Far: Part Trois
~Style Inspiration: French Street Style
~How to Be Chic with Fiona Ferris (podcast)
~10 Fantastique French-Inspired Blogs
~Soufflé au Chocolat: Simple, Not Scary
~Decor Inspiration: French-Inspired California Cottage
~Outfit of the Week: Effortlessly Feminine Chic
Wonderful interview, Shannon! I promptly ordered her book and can’t wait to dive into it. As always, thank you for the fabulous recommendation!
Thank you for tuning in! I think you are truly going to enjoy it. 🙂
Dear Shannon,
I just have to say it : thank you !
Your blog is a haven of elegance, heartfelt authenticity and graceful pleasure.
As a young French woman living in Asia at the moment, I know I can find home away from home when I come to your blog.
It’s also so inspiring to see that people outside of France can revel in French culture – I just wish some French people could be as enlightened as you are.
Have a nice Sunday !
Isa, Thank you very much for your kind words. I am tickled that I can bring some comfort. Thank you for taking the time to stop by the blog and for your comment. All my best,
Merci! for the most delightful French week!
So many fabulous ideas, inspirations and insights.
Really enjoyed this interview especially- (and so happy my tiny local library had her book available!) Can’t wait to read it as my Grandmother had lived in Paris before whsle was married for a time as a fashion design sketch artist.
Oh, what stories she must have! I think you will enjoy the book. 🙂
Bonjour from 2024, a few days leading up to French Week! Will definitely put this book on my tbrvs (to be read very soon) list 😀. Great interview! Will add Moveable Feast to the list, too. What fun, visiting these previous French Weeks. I’m eyeing that Chocolate Souffle recipe from 2016, too…