10 Ways to Welcome Spring: An Opportunity to Start Fresh
Tuesday March 20, 2018

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My giddiness has peaked today as of 9:15 (so in a few more hours) because as I shared on yesterday’s episode of the podcast, spring arrives!

The significance of the shift of seasons always amazes me when I sit and ponder the reality of what is happening. The fact is, nature can teach us, or remind us, of powerful lessons about traveling along our journey through life. As I shared last year in a post about the reason for the seasons, whether we are shifting into spring or into winter, change is good as opportunity abounds and Mother Nature reminds us of the gift of being in motion and the reason we should never remain static.

How are you welcoming the new season today? Are you doing a happy dance like myself (even if it might be with flutters of snowflakes falling from the sky)? Perhaps a recognition of the change of seasons is a worthwhile ritual to welcome into our seasonal list of rituals. After all, for many other annual celebrations such as our birthday, religious holidays, federal holidays, we take them quite seriously with our attention and time, and so too should we consider the inclusion of the changing of seasons. Why? This annual shift into spring (and the other three seasons as well) plays a role in our lives, our routines, our schedules, the places we go, how we feel, the tasks we must complete, the destinations we get to see.  So why not consider an activity to partake in to welcome this opportunity for a natural fresh start into spring?

Below is a list of 10 ideas you may want to incorporate.

1.Pick up a bundle of daffodils (or tulips or whichever spring flower you long to enjoy after winter)

Recently, I stopped into Trader Joe’s and found this amazing price (see below). Picking up four bundles of daffodils, I have been enjoying them for over a week (see the second image below which was a week after I picked them up from the basket at the store). Indoor sunshine to be enjoyed day and night.


2. Bring in branches with spring blooms for a centerpiece arrangement

In 2013, I captured these photos below in my previous house. Forsythia branches were plentiful in my neighbor’s yard, and they allowed me to snip a few and bring them into my home. There are many other types of branches to look for in your local floral department, and this time of year is a wonderful opportunity to bring them inside and remind the household that spring has begun.


3. Pick up a new book about Paris or France

There is something about spring and Paris that always seem capture my attention. And while France and yes, Paris, can be lovely year round, and reading of books on anything French is a year-round enjoyment, this time of year seems especially apt. Have a look at the entire list of French books to select from in TSLL’s Book Shop (there are some fantastic new releases this spring and they appear at the top of this list).

4. Purchase a bird feeder

While birds would love to have food year round, as there is always a different type of bird in the neighborhood depending upon their migration patterns, in spring, the mating season begins and they become all the more melodious in their chirping. So why not put out the welcome mat so to speak and enjoy having them in your yard? Here is one bird feeder if you want to make sure the squirrels don’t eat the food, and here is a standard one that is similar to the one I have.

5. Plan your garden and outdoor plants

While many master gardeners have been busy planning their gardens all winter, ordering seeds and getting starts going in their indoor growing areas, if you’re like me and simply purchase your annuals at the nursery in the spring, pick up your vegetable plants once they are already sprouted, as well as your herbs, now is a wonderful time to plan what you will begin shopping for when the nurseries open up in your area (mine won’be for another 4-6 months), but being prepared for what I truly need will ensure my annual trip to the nurseries is money well spent.

6. Enjoy the blooming bulbs and plan to have your own

Perhaps you already have a yard full of tulip and daffodils beginning to make their way to the surface, but maybe you want a few more or maybe you are like me and as I am at a new home, don’t have bulbs planted. Either way, observe where and how others have planted their own and imagine how you will plant your own bulbs in the fall so that next spring they will be something to enjoy in your own yard.

7. Enjoy a spring show, exhibit or film to put a hop in your step

From the MET’s new exhibit in NYC of Public Parks, Private Gardens: Paris to Provence (open to the public through July 29th) to the new documentary focused on the life and talent of Paul Cézanne (released on March 8th), schedule time to go see an event that thematically embodies the elements of spring.  Cézanne’s Portraits of Life is a new documentary that I am eager to go see as it is showing in a nearby town this week. Have a look at the trailer below.

8. Give your home a deep spring clean

On Monday’s episode of the podcast, I shared a list of 22 things to do around the home to spruce up the home and welcome the new season.

9. Examine your spring capsule wardrobe and tweak accordingly

I have already begun to examine what I can add, fix or remove from my spring capsule wardrobe to make sure it is fresh and most in alignment with the life I am living. On Sunday April 1st, right here on the blog, the annual TSLL Spring Shopping Guide will be released and it will include the trends to splurge and save on as well as many items to shop directly from the guide. Be sure to save the date. As well, TSLL Boutique will be updated at that time to include all of the wardrobe essentials that are now available for a spring capsule wardrobe. In the meantime, have you seen this linen shirt from The White Company? I am in love.

10. Transition to your Spring Capsule Menu

I am so excited to share with you that next Wednesday (March 28th), I will be talking on live tv about how to shop for your spring capsule menu on a weekly basis. Complete with the food I purchase, on Portland’s AMNorthwest with Helen Raptis, be sure to tune in at 9am (Pacific time) right here as you can watch it live no matter where you call home. Learn more about what a Seasonal Capsule Menu is here. And view previous visits to AMNorthwest here.

Well, now it is time to celebrate! However you welcome the new season, have a wonderful time savoring the transition.



~episode #200, Spring Cleaning to Welcome Mother Nature’s New Year! 22 Ways to Start Fresh

~Why Not . . . Prep for Spring?

~Why Not . . . Savor the Reason for the Seasons?

~Why Not . . . Celebrate a New Year with Spring’s Arrival?

~Why Not . . . Take in All That Spring Has to Offer?

~Outfit of the Week: Spring Work Sophisticate

~TSLL Spring Capsule Menu

~A Simple Spring Quiche

~Thinking of Spring & Patricia Wells’ New Cookbook (2017)



Images: TSLL’s IG

Thesimplyluxuriouslife.com | the simply luxurious life

9 thoughts on “10 Ways to Welcome Spring: An Opportunity to Start Fresh

  1. Feeiling exhilarated! Spring has arrived and along with it there’s glorious sunshine. Thrown open the doors and windows.Life couldn’t get any better
    You have suggested a great to do list Shannon and like you I have made a start. To make things easier for myself I do some of the tasks regularly e.g vacuuming the bed, sofa emptying handbag etc . I love the natural cleaning materials you suggested. I am a bicarbonate of soda and vinegar fanatic!!
    I am celebrating by listening to Vivaldi four seasons today. Here’s to of Springs simple pleasures ?

  2. Hello Shannon,

    I’m so glad that I took the time to listen to your newsletter today. I’m going to the dentist today I’m trying to convince myself to stay calm. I’m doing some work at my desk. I’m watching my cat and my dog and the birds and the squirrels in the back yard. I filled up the birdfeeders last night so I could be assured to have a good show before I leave. These are blessed times.

    Thank You!

    Peace and blessings!

  3. So much goodness and inspiration on this list! Thanks for sharing it. I checked out the book list and saw that Paris in Stride is being released tomorrow yay! I’m going to the book tour in NYC to get my copy as I’ll be heading to Paris on Saturday 🙂

    An extra thank you for posting the NY Times article on where to shop the best secondhand luxury goods too!

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