How to Begin Cultivating Your Very Own Simply Luxurious Life: podcast episode bundle #1
Monday July 5, 2021

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The gift and challenge of choosing to live a simply luxurious life requires the first test of sincere interest in doing so: you are on your own. So to speak. There is no ‘one’ way to live simply luxuriously because you have unique gifts the world needs. The combination of temperament, cultural generation, upbringing, geographical inhabited locations – both the where and the when, your gender, your values, your beliefs, your strengths, and so many more variables amalgamate to create this awesome you that you are if only you would realize it. 🙂

Choosing to live simply luxuriously is to acknowledge the truth about yourself shared above, and to accept the temporary discomfort of not being able to follow a cookie-cutter template of how to live.

However . . .

. . . similar to any art form, there are beneficial skills and tools to acquire and hone in order to bring your unique simply luxurious life to life.

Both of my books – Choosing (the 1st) and Living (the 2nd) – reveal what the simply luxurious life is (1st) and what skills are worth acquiring and how to strengthen them (2nd). The podcast The Simple Sophisticate complements both the books and the blog’s regularly shared weekly content; however . . .

. . . there are 300+ episodes and growing, so knowing which ones to listen to for the particular topic you are interested in exploring isn’t an easy task.

This summer, during the month of July, as I normally take time off from the podcast to focus on projects such as recording the cooking show and this year, my third book, I wanted to offer bundles of 5-8 episodes centered around specific topics in order for listeners (new and long-time) to explore in-depth what is at the forefront of their interest regarding living simply luxuriously.

Each Monday during the month of July this year, I will be posting a theme and its bundle of podcast episodes. All episodes will be linked and numbered, so you can easily click and listen here on the blog or scroll in your podcast app to find.

To begin, I thought what better specific topic than building a strong understanding and therefore foundation from which to build a life you will thoroughly love living each and every day, enabling you to reach your full potential and savor your everydays.

Podcast Bundle #1: How to Begin Cultivating Your Very own Simply Luxurious Life

Once you have listened to the premiere episode of the podcast – The 8 Pillars of a Simply Luxurious Life, listen to the following five episodes to further clarify and solidify where your attention and time will be spent depending upon what you discover in the first steps of choosing to live simply luxuriously.

Episode #10: 5 Ways to Live an Examined Life

Click here to read the Show Notes and/or listen to the full episode.

Listen to episode #16: 6 Fixed Life Ideas to Let Go

Click here to determine what to let go of in order to rebuild a life truly built on a sound, sincere foundation.

Listen to episode #20: How to Be the Master of Your Mind

The most important fundamental power source you have control over is your mind. Understand how it works and how to put it in the passenger seat and work for you. Click here to read the Show Notes and listen to the full episode.

Listen to episode #31: How to Live a Courageous Life

To live a simply luxurious life, is to live a courageous life. Why? Because your life will look unlike anyone else’s, and to do so, you will need to garner up your courage. Click here to read the full Show Notes and listen to the episode.

Listen to episode #40: 8 Ways to Become the CEO of Your Own Life

This episode is in the top 10 episodes of the podcast and for good reason: When we finally put ourselves in the driver’s seat of our lives, take responsibility for so much more than we may have allowed others to decide for us, we change the quality of our lives. In a new book (which will inspire a future episode of the show) by Naz Beheshti – Pause. Breathe. Choose.: Become the CEO of Your Well-Being — her descriptor of being the CEO of our Well-Being dovetails beautifully with episode #40. Click here for the Show Notes and the full episode.

Click here for the second Podcast Bundle, and . . .

Explore all episodes of

The Simple Sophisticate podcast here. | the simply luxurious life

17 thoughts on “How to Begin Cultivating Your Very Own Simply Luxurious Life: podcast episode bundle #1

  1. Shannon, Good Morning!
    I want to thank you for what you do. I cannot believe the scope of your efforts in order to bring all the information to your readers/listeners! I so look forward to each and every one.

    Having just returned home mid-May from an eleven month stint in The Netherlands, living with my much loved family (but being away from my very loved HOME), it has been a re-entry in so many ways. Some expected, such as turning on all systems, calling all and sundry as I had changed my phones, both cell and landline, my e-mail, heck everything except my address! Some are unexpected, and am still grappling with these.

    So, I have needed a sense of grounding, as I am not at home YET, if you know what I mean. This has been a ‘clear the slate’ year for so many this past year. We have had the ground changed under our feet, and our awareness of what’s important brought into view as never before. Add to that, being gone from my ‘happy place’ means a re-entry of mind/body and especially SPIRIT as never before! I will sit and appreciate all that your post has in store this morning!

    THANK you for putting all of your resources out there for all of us to enjoy! Cheers!

    1. Joan, Wishing you a gradual, at precisely the right pace you need, settling back into your home. Taking time, as you are, sounds like a wise idea especially as you are returning with so much more perspective having lived through what we have all lived through, but in our own unique way. Thank you for your kindness and interest in TSLL and I hope you have a wonderful week. 🙂

  2. What a great idea! I appreciate that you are putting these resources together in themes to explore. The podcast is what actually led me to the blog and this will be a wonderful way to really dig in on some topics this summer.

    1. Nova, Thank you for stopping by and feel free to share a particular topic you would like me to focus on as I am open to creating very precise as well as more broad bundles. 🙂

  3. Hello Shannon! I absolutely love this idea, and was so excited to see this! I often find myself scrolling through alllllllll the episodes to pick one to listen to as I am still catching up on them all. Especially as my work/school from home situation during the last 15 months eliminated my daily commute, when I would usually listen to your podcast! I look forward to listening to this first bundle and others that arrive. As for suggestions, I would love a bundle of your favorite Francophile episodes! Thank you Shannon. 🙂

    1. Jessica, So tickled to hear! I too find myself scrolling through all the episodes trying to find just that one I was referring to, so I can’t imagine how bothersome this is to listeners doing the same thing. I hope to bring this to the podcast home page and continue to make searching for specific themes easier. Thank you for sharing what you would like to see in upcoming bundles. Francophiles are definitely on the list and in the meantime, be sure to check out ‘French-Inspired Living on the ‘Menu’, then the dropdown menu and click Podcast Episodes where I catalog all French-Inspired episodes only. 🙂

  4. Thank you so much, Shannon, for doing this for us! I have been listening for many years now, but have not heard all of these podcasts, nor listened to them sequentially, and I am getting a lot out of them, especially at this point in my life. Your efforts are very much appreciated!

    1. Shauna, I so appreciate your feedback! I have been wanting to do this for awhile and now finally have time. 🙂 We are beginning to work on a new blog design (to debut early next year) and I want to include these as well for just the reason you have described. Thank you for your interest in the podcast and happy listening! 🙂

  5. This is wonderful. I just downloaded all the episodes from all 3 podcast bundles. Now I have something wonderful and inspiring to listen to this week as I work on a new me. Thank you so much for taking the time to creature these wonderful catogories.

    1. Rita,

      So tickled to read your comment and happy you are enjoying these bundles! 🙂 Thank you for stopping by and sharing. Have a lovely week at work and thank you for your interest in the show.

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