Monday February 22, 2010
The definition of mindfulness can be confusing initially, but upon closer examination of its origins and cultures that use the term, mindfulness is the practice of marrying the mind with the heart.
Beginning with the most literal definition, mindfulness involves holding ourselves fully in the present moment, being mindful of ourselves and all that is around us, holding ourselves fully present, observing and not judging, just witnessing. Professor Jon Kabat-Zinn, scientist, writer and meditation teacher further explains that “For all Asian languages, the word for mind and heart are the same. If you’re not hearing ‘heartfulness’ when you hear ‘mindfulness’ you’re not understanding. Mindfulness is not about the cognitive, cold, clinical mind, it includes the heart.”
Yet another definition, somewhat similar is stated as “the awareness that arises from paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgementally.” How we do this is where we choose to become the student and learn the skills, because it does take practice, and that is why I have created a category dedicated specifically to Mindfulness here on the blog.
Without Mindfulness we will not find nor experience Contentment.
Since going back through all of my past posts and recategorizing them I discovered that many of them are categorized with both Contentment and Mindfulness because a skill of how to be mindful is being shared in order for the reader to experience contentment.
As you strengthen the skill of Mindfulness, may you discover more calm and steadiness in your everydays and a clarity and courage to honor your true self.
Monday February 22, 2010
Wednesday February 17, 2010
Tuesday February 16, 2010
Friday February 12, 2010
Wednesday January 27, 2010
Monday January 25, 2010
Monday January 4, 2010