A Lifestyle Blog Designed for Francophiles: TSLL
Sunday August 6, 2017

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Last October TSLL underwent a major redesign, and an important component was curating French-Inspired resources and destinations for readers to easily navigate, enjoy and visit year round.

Did you know that TSLL has a City Guide of Paris, map and all?

  • Discover each destination I highly recommend based on my first-hand experience and learn a quick note of what I loved the most about each destination.
  • This is continually added to as I return on future trips
  • New French destinations will be added to TSLL’s City Guides in the future as plans are being made to return!

An entire spot on TSLL’s Menu on the homepage is dedicated to French-Inspired everything:

  • TSLL Posts – discover all of the French-Inspired posts from the past seven years
  • Francophile Finds – French Films, Cookbooks, Books, Travel Guides, Music and any French product that I recommend is included here (warning: the list is long, so enjoy perusing!)

On TSLL’s Home Page, about half way down, there is a permanent spot for the most recent French-Inspired post. It is right below the “Weekly Finds” scroll, so you can always be assured you haven’t missed a French post. Of course, all of the most recent posts start at the top of the homepage and work their way down, but forever will remain the most recent, no matter when it was written, in this destination.

Many listeners of The Simple Sophisticate podcast have shared they tune in as soon as they hear a French-inspired episode has aired. I wanted to share with you a list of all them, so you can make sure you haven’t missed any:

Find all posts tagged “French-Inspired” here or simply enter this phrase in the search box on the blog and you will find endless Francophile inspiration.


TSLL 2017 French Week continues through August 12th. Amusez-vous bien! 

Don’t Miss What Has Been Posted So Far:

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8 thoughts on “A Lifestyle Blog Designed for Francophiles: TSLL

  1. I think I’m going to spend some time this week listening to all of your French inspired podcast episodes again. 🙂 Merci for such a beautiful and inspiring blog! Your French week is way better than Shark week… haha 😉

  2. Shannon! I’ve read your blog for years but never commented. Seeing this map you’ve done made my heart leap!

    I’m going to Paris for the first time a month from now. My husband and I are renewing our vows. I’ll have to comb your recommendations for a good post- ceremony breakfast spot ?

  3. Oh my gosh! Look at what you’ve shared on what is *just* Day 1 of French Week. Congratulations! (You are amazing!) ? And thank you for doing all of it. I am so excited to see how the rest of the week unfolds. ?

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From TSLL Archives
Updated British Week 1.jpg
Updated French Week 2.jpg