5 New-in-2019 French Lifestyle Books I Have Enjoyed
Monday August 12, 2019

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One gift books offer is that no matter where we may find ourselves in the world, we can always slip away to wherever our heart desires by opening up a book focused on that one place in the world we love. In this case, for me, and especially this week, the books I would like to share with you are inspired by the French culture. I continually update TSLL’s Shop for Francophile Finds which includes books and cookbooks, and you can see and shop the entire collection of books here.

Some of the books shared today focus entirely on food, others on the culture and its citizens and the history of France, another about the lifestyle and still another about a woman who brought the French culture and food in so many ways to America through the food she cooked.

Each of the books shared in today’s post were published this year, and while some have already been shared or mentioned on the weekly This & That post or Outfit of the Week post, I wanted to shared in detail what you will find between the covers as I have finally had a chance to enjoy each one.

I have put them in order of my enjoyment, but again, this is based on my taste and interests. Each book is a book I recommend and am confident that dependent upon what you are drawn to, what information you are seeking, you will find what you are looking for and when finished reading, gained additional knowledge, inspiration or insight that you did not have previously.


  • A short and concise book about the French culture from an author who has spent nearly 40 years living, working, teaching and traveling in and around France. With helpful, direct tips for a successful visit (five easy-to-follow tips essential “for even brief encounters”), she helps the reader understand the French mentality and explains some of the French behaviors that are to an outsider befuddling, but with explanation and background, understandable.

A glimpse of a favor morsel that caught my attention:

  • “It has occurred tome that being an American living in France may perhaps — at least sometimes and in some ways — be preferable to being a French person living in France. After all, as an American living in France I am able to enjoy the orderliness and predictability of the French schedule, and all that implies . . . but I myself am not in any way enslaved to that schedule . . . it’s kind of an ideal situation, the best of both worlds.”


  • The organization of this cookbook is very much appreciated as it shares weekday menus and weekend and holiday menus because after all, we all enjoy a full meal, and sometimes it can be difficult knowing what dish to pair with what to ensure a well-balanced and enjoyable (and most importantly, delicious) dining experience.

A glimpse of a favor morsel that caught my attention:

  • Beautiful, but not hard-to-believe-they-are-real images of each dish alongside its recipe.
  • Weekday Menu example: Smoked haddock chowder; open-faced avocado tartines
  • Weekend Menu example: Roast leg of lamb; cauliflower and potato curry; radish salad


  • A book for the French history lover. Offered in short, detailed chapters, readers will discover historical details about politics, warfare, and much more that is not as readily known by the casual Francophile.
  • Australian travel writer John Baxter utilizes his beautiful prose to share with readers vignettes and moments of a city through the seasons. Coupled with his experiences are detailed reflections and stories from French history which provides a deeper understanding and appreciation of the Parisian and French culture.

A glimpse of a favor morsel that caught my attention:

  • “For a small but determined group of Parisians, May Day is mainly interesting as the start of the season for the secondhand street markets known as brocantes.”


  • Divided into seven different sections based on French “tribes” (for which quizzes are provided so you can check to see which you best fit), the subtle tongue-in-cheek humor opens the door to detailed insights and information about a vast array of cultural French behaviors and interests. Immense fun to read, playful illustrations throughout and full of recommended restaurants, locations, shops and more to visit on your next trip. Address and contact information for all locations is included. A travel guide as well!

A glimpse of a favor morsel that caught my attention:

  • Boulangerie Maison M’Seddi was voted Best Baguette in Paris in 2019; this annual distinction gives the winning bakery the privilege of being the official supplier to the French president for one year. Address: 215, boulevard Raspail, 75014 Paris
  • Tribe #6: Eco-Warriors have sown organic seeds, cultivated their community gardens, let their country roots grow, sloughed the way for all things healthy, and brought yoga to France.
  • Tribe #4: The Modern Bourgeois (aka MoBo). When invited to attend an event at 20h30 (8:30pm), whatever you do, don’t show up at 8:30! And don’t show up five minutes earlier either . . . well-mannered guests arrive between 8:45 pm and 9:15 pm.


  • Decades after Julia Child became a household name, read the transcripts of six interviews she gave, including her last interview published on September 1, 2014 (a few weeks after her death on August 13, 2004), in Prepared Foods, interviewed by Wilbert Jones.

A glimpse of a favor morsel that caught my attention:

  • Julia talks bluntly about teaching and her love for it and how to do it well so that students/viewers are inspired, politics, and shares how extraordinarily detailed the writing and editing was on her classic manuscript during a time when there was no faxes or copy machines.
  • When asked the question, “What are your own criteria for determining what good food is?”, Julia answered in detailed, but immediately begins by stating, “First, I think you have to learn how to it . . . to learn what really good food tastes like.”

May your reading of these books continue to entertain your love for all things French! And be sure to stop by each Friday here on the blog for the regular This & That post which includes Francophile Finds including books, cookbooks and more.

TSLL’s 4th Annual French Week posts thus far . . .

SUNDAY August 11th

MONDAY August 12th

Thesimplyluxuriouslife.com | the simply luxurious life

7 thoughts on “5 New-in-2019 French Lifestyle Books I Have Enjoyed

  1. The fact that the French have an annual contest for the best baguette in all of Paris and the winner gets to supply the President for a year those same tasty baguettes( of which he/she has the honor of receiving), I did not know. I think this fact alone has now truly embedded my love for this culture. Vive La Belle France! (Et avec un petit peu de buerre, oui?) 😉

  2. Thank you for the recommendations! I did see “Forever Chic” on your Instagram page, do you recommend it?

  3. Thanks for sharing! I’ve been on the hunt for some new cookbooks lately and Diner à la Maison sounds like just what I’m looking for! I’ve already added it to my Amazon cart.

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