Why Not . . . Create a To Be List?
Thursday January 26, 2017

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“Your ultimate goal in life is to become your best self. Your immediate goal is to get on the path that will lead you there.” —David Viscott, M.D.

A To-Do list is something most of us are familiar with. We have them, we love checking items off of them, and I even sell them. And while you will always see me writing down a to-do list in my planner or on my desk, a to-do list is often concrete: actions, tasks, etc. However, after reading an article in the most recent issue of Porter magazine, in which the writer suggested we focus not on a to-do list but rather a “To Be” list, I contemplated the difference.

When we focus on what we want to be, we are focusing on our minds, our actions and beyond ourselves. In other words, we are choosing to do the work of being our best selves. And while being our best selves won’t guarantee everything we wish to attain or become, it reminds us to focus on depth, connections and investing in skills that take time to master. However, in the end when we do master these skills, the quality of our life begins to soar.

Today I’ve compiled a list of 22 things “To Be”. Each item is a topic, a skill or an approach to living that invites each of us to deepen the appreciation, awareness and thus the quality of our everyday lives.  Simply click on each item (except #5) to be taken to an in-depth look at how to incorporate each item into your life. As well, the 22 items assist us in letting go of habits and behaviors that may not have been serving us well. Let’s take a look.

Why Not Be . . . 

1. Calm

2. Self-Actualized

3. Confident

4. The CEO of Your Own Life

5. Emotionally intelligent

6. Happy

7. A Feminist 

8. Productive, Yet Balanced

9. Self-Reliant

10. Disciplined

11. A Grown Up

12. Brave

13. Trusting

14. Strong 

15. Self-sufficient

16. A Francophile

17. Truly Wealthy

18. Courageous

19. Charismatic

20. A Romantic

21. Authentic

22. Unforgettable

Certainly a list, that while long, will leave you living consciously, more fully and enjoying your everydays even more.

So we might not be able to cross off all of the items on our to-do list each day, but with regards to a To Be list perhaps we can embody each of the above qualities each day if we keep a list of what we want to be and reflect on it before the day begins and perhaps at night as well to contemplate how we did. And by making this a daily practice, we will begin to live more consciously and thus more thoughtfully enhancing not only our own lives, but those around us as well.

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4 thoughts on “Why Not . . . Create a To Be List?

  1. Great list, but that model! Ugh! She’s wearing a gorgeous dress, is a beautiful young woman yet they are making her look like a gangsta-wanna be with that nasty attitude. I wouldn’t want the dress if it makes someone look that miserable to wear it!

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