387: The Importance of ‘Hero’ Pieces in Your Wardrobe and the 6 Core Components
Wednesday September 4, 2024

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When we think of the term hero in its typical circumstance, we think of someone saving the day, making everything better, and restoring the peace, security and joy to those or what had momentarily been in peril. Now fashion or our personal style is not a life or death situation, I will acknowledge this upfront, but for the purposes of today’s conversation, the hero pieces in our wardrobe are, as defined by The Ethical Brand Directory, “the ultimate item of clothing that completes any wardrobe. Hero pieces can be dressed up, dressed down and just become an ‘essential piece’’ that you can’t live without”. 

Another definition identifying ‘hero’ pieces comes from a recent article from the WSJ titled “Think This Looks ‘Effortless‘? stating “[They are] pieces you can always rely on to deliver a feeling of insouciance.” In other words, enable you to relax in your clothing and pay no mind to your clothes or outfit because you know you look fabulous.

The beautiful breadth of Hero pieces is that they stretch from clothing to accessories to shoes to just about anything that pulls your wardrobe together with the snap of the fingers simply by selecting it to be part of your ensemble.

For each individual, the specific Hero pieces will be different to look at them or list them, but how we identify a Hero piece adheres to core concepts that I want to share with you today to give you an idea of what to look for when it comes to finding the Heroes in your closet and trusting that they are worth the investment due to the power of completion and confidence they bring to just about any outfit you will wear.

You cannot live without it

From the piece of jewelry you wear everyday and wouldn’t leave home without wearing, to the handbag that goes with you everywhere and completes the look as you commute to and from and through your day, to the perfect fitting pair of jeans or pants, a Hero piece is just that, it saves the look. It makes you feel good, it lifts the day, boosts your confidence and you love wearing them or including them as part of your outfit.

Often items that take time and effort to locate and purchase

As shared in this article about Hero pieces, they are “the ones I searched for, planned to get and saved up and invested in. [These purchases] have been the ones that have served me best”. Hero pieces are not those impulse purchases made in a hurry without any rational thought as to why you are drawn to them. Nope. A Hero piece is known well before it earns a spot in your closet. A Hero piece is something you discover will be THE piece you need to complete your wardrobe after you have done the work of understanding your style and lifestyle needs. And once you know yourself, you realize this is a piece that will need to be saved up for but worth every single penny/pence/cent/centime.

Defines your style (trends need not apply)

A perfect and simple example is the T-shirt cut and style that fits your body size and structure just right. Regardless of what the style of tee is for the new season, you know what will flatter your physique, and while it may take time, in my case years, to find the brand that makes this essential piece that looks best for you, you know it is worth the search because that style preference will not change with the seasons.

I speak from experience on this one as I have very broad shoulders and am nearly 6’0″. Many women’s tees whose sleeves are meant to be loose around the upper bicep turn out to look like a cap-sleeve tee when I purchase my typical size of medium. It took much exploration and unsuccessful attempts to finally find a tee I love to wear that falls loosely around the upper part of my arm without looking baggy or shabby and not have a tight crew neck. In other words, the perfect fit for me. I found my perfect tee at Rowan, and have stocked up on their particular slub tee, feeling comfortable and confident each time I pull one on.

Often a piece of lingerie

Typically Hero pieces will be visible as they pull our outfit together on the exterior; however, having well-fitting lingerie ensures the ensemble hangs properly and thus, these hidden Hero pieces hold just as much weight in importance as their outer counterparts.

Superb Fit

Part of what makes a Hero piece one of our favorite pieces that we regularly grab from our closet has to do with how it makes us feel when we wear it. From the optical frames that not only suit and complement our facial structure but also sit comfortably on the bridge of our nose and provide the expanse of clear vision we need to that blazer that hits right at our wrist bone and fits our shoulders so well, we don’t even know we’re wearing it.

Enhances who we are

The coloring of that one particular silk scarf you purchased in Paris that when worn immediately brightens your visage and prompts compliments, to the signature accessory that quietly asserts confidence about where you are in your life and what you know to be true about yourself. Whether literal enhancement occurs when this Hero piece is worn or a conveyance of clarity about true self such as the choice of a bright color that will draw notice or a cut of clothing that spotlights your best feature and your fitness, these pieces confidently complement that person you know yourself to be and embrace wholeheartedly.

To have Hero pieces in your wardrobe infuses what you wear with love: Love received from the pieces as they let your best self shine, but your love for them for being reliable and treasured. Let’s take a look at a handful of examples of items that may just be that Hero piece you are looking for:

  • A pair of jeans
  • A pair of stunning, yet neutral well-made flats that fit better and better with wear
  • A sumptuous wool or cashmere sweater
  • Statement optical glasses that subtly convey confidence without screaming over the rest of the outfit
  • A perfectly fitting T-shirt
  • The handbag you use for a lifetime
  • A wool coat suited to your height and frame and a hue of fabric that elevates your look so much you don’t want to take it off when you step inside
  • A trench coat
  • A suit that falls over your physique like water and feels like water to wear (you can move with ease)
  • That dress. You know the one. 🙂
  • A simple, yet special piece of jewelry fitted with a carefully chosen gem(s).
  • The button-up collared shirt made in a color you love (and it loves you back, thus a Hero piece!)

Now as we step into autumn, and assess our fall/autumn capsule wardrobe, what Hero pieces does your closet need? And a better question: What Hero pieces do you already own, love and maybe need to give a bit more appreciation to how impactful and dependable they are? When we become conscious of how a piece functions in our wardrobe, we ensure, if it is a Hero piece, not to dull its shine by wearing too many other competing pieces, and instead trust that the Hero piece can hold its own.

Enjoy the journey of discovering, welcoming and then wearing your Hero pieces, and don’t forget to shop TSLL’s annual Fall Shopping Guide, always released on September 1st each year.

Tsll’s Fall Shopping Guide, 2024

~Mülhdorfer Down & Feather Pillows

Episode #331

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