290: 10 Life Choices to Simplify & Welcome a Calm & Contented Everyday Life
Monday October 12, 2020

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“Creating an environment in which you can have a greater sense of clarity and calm . . . The result is a mind that feels much calmer and clear.” —Andy Puddicomb

Having an abundance of choices is a valuable asset and an extraordinary opportunity. However, unconsciously, when we don’t filter our seemingly unlimited choices, we welcome more unnecessary stress into our daily lives.

As someone who wholeheartedly embraces and celebrates choice, understanding the right balance of how much choice is helpful until it tips over into distraction, confusion and paralyzation, upon obtaining, significantly increases the level of contentment in everyday life.

Andy Puddicomb’s seemingly simple advice is too often overlooked or forgotten, however is insightful and sage advice if we are seeking tranquility in our everydays.

The clarity we may need to welcome into our lives could be ushered in seemingly anywhere and everywhere. The variable is each of us. Where do we need calm in our lives? Where are we feeling harried, run-down and over-extended? Often we don’t realize it is the over-abundance of options that is standing in the way of a sea of calm that carries us more gently and enjoyably through our days.

It has been argued that a large portion of our life experience is determined by a few key decisions. Coined the 80/20 rule, or more officially, the Pareto Principle named after Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto in 1906 to describe the wealth inequality at the time, the concept has expanded to apply to a variety of aspects of life beyond business.

And while, the formula isn’t exact, it is a concept worth pondering. When we think about our choices as investments in our lives, what choices will reap the most benefit, the best and longest lasting outcomes? Whether regarding our health or contentment or financial stability, quality choices, purchases and pursuits are wise investments which eliminate excessive, repetitive and time-consuming choices that may fill up our days and minds unnecessarily.

Today, discover 10 areas of life to consider paring down your choices and thereby, scaling up the overall quality of your everyday life and peace of mind.

10. Wardrobe color palette

On the surface, the choices of what clothes we wear may seem frivolous and inconsequential; however, while our clothing can be unnecessarily attended to and take too much of our time and worry, tending to it just enough so as to lift our spirits and engage in a social world which involves visual communication is to be aware of how to use the tools made available to live well.

From knowing what complements your skin tone, your lifestyle, your silhouette, when you know this information, your decisions become more simplified, but more importantly, more helpful and easier to make.

~Explore this topic further by reading Why Not . . . Build a Capsule Wardrobe on a Budget?

9. Outside information

From what the information is about, to where or from whom the information arrives, be consciously selective and deliberate. I know very clearly which news sources I trust, even if they offer up headlines that challenge my way of thinking, I will still take time to read their articles or listen to their news reports. Not all of the time, but regularly. As well, I practice critically thinking (a soft skill) even with headlines I agree with and writers I trust. No only does this ensure I don’t slide into unconscious bias, but it also ensures I am not accepting blindly news that could effect my life or decisions that without more time, more answers, more research, should not be jumped upon as fully formed enough to act upon.

8. The food purchased for your home cupboards and refrigerator

Give yourself better options to choose from when you walk through the door upon arriving home from work or travel or life famished, and you will help your body, your mind and end your day well, and extend the good health you wish to maintain.

~Explore this topic further by reading Why Not . . . Feed Your Body Well?

7. The focus of your business or work – content/skills/outcomes

Each of our careers will present different options that we will need to tailor based on the purpose of the job, but let me share with you some examples. Education for example, especially this year, but leading up to this unique year of teaching as well, I have been examining closely what the most necessary skills are for my students when it comes to clearly communicating. Recently, I have had to eliminate teaching daily current events, but I continue to teach the skill of critical thinking as well as offer a library of credible news resources so when my students choose to seek out news, they can navigate through each headline effectively.

Another example began this summer here on TSLL. Paring down my regular posting schedule, by focusing on 3-4 posts a week rather than 5-6, my goal was provide myself with more time to write detailed, specific posts designed for the regular and returning Simply Luxurious Life reader rather than the sensational post that procures more clicks from outside random passersby. Again, by reducing the breadth, we deepen the depth and thereby the quality of our lives, and in this case our professional lives. And when we make this shift, we increase the liklihood of improved satisfaction both of ourselves and from those we work with and for.

~Explore this topic further by reading Two Secrets of Living a Life of Quality

6. Where you spend your money

From the simple everyday decisions of whether or not to go out for lunch or make your lunch to what your rent/mortgage payment will be in relationship to your monthly income, you are revealing what is of value in your life. When you prioritize, the line-items that appear closer to the bottom are easier to say “no” to.

For example, the paycheck arrives at the first of the month, the first bill that is paid – what is it? For me, it’s my mortgage. Period. No question. Arguably, that is likely the first for most of us, so start from there, what is the order of priority, and be clear about why you have placed each expenditure where you have. Doing so will help wh new items or purchases of interest introduce themselves.

~Explore this topic further by reading TSLL’s many posts on money – choose one that speaks to what you’d like to strengthen in your financial life here in TSLL’s Archived Money posts.

5. What risks you take

Notice I didn’t write – whether or not to take risks. A life lived to our fullest potential, a life of true contentment, will involve risks. Some might say simply living is taking a risk as each next moment is unknown, but we certainly know there is a “safe” way to live for each of us in any given situation, and a “full” way to live for each of us. Marie Forleo suggests examining your choices that may seem risky by asking the question – Will this expand my life or contract it? More specifically, she advises, if it makes you physically in the moment you are simply thinking about taking this risk feel heavy and filled with dread vs. lighter, brighter, perhaps even literally move your body forward and sit more upright, then this is a response to take note of. Keep in mind, that often, our initial response to a risk is trepidatious often because we deeply hope it will work out, but worry it will not.

~Explore this topic further by reading TSLL’s 2nd bookLiving The Simply Luxurious Life: Making Your Everydays Extraordinary and Becoming Your Best Self

4. The soft skills you wish to improve

Well honed soft skills are the foundation of a healthy, fulfilling, tranquil social life both with others and ourselves. The key word is “skills”, as I shared in my second book in Chapters 8 & 9, the primary difference between skills and strengths is the former we learn, the latter we are gifted with at birth.

Each of us will have grown up with and been surrounded by others with certain skills which we learn seemingly unconsciously, and it may seem as those these skills are innate, and for those skills we don’t possess well, we may think we cannot welcome them into our lives, but the good news is, we can. As well, we can strengthen the beneficial soft skills that we have been fortunate to have been around, observe and imitate which will lead to more conscious living and intentional modeling for those around us.

Soft skills include effective communication, listening, critical thinking, body language, mental agility and attitude, how we work with others – any skill that involves emotional intelligence and intuitiveness.

~Explore this topic further by reading Emotional Intelligence: A Crucial Tool for Enhanced Quality of Life and Work, episode #140 and 34 Ways to Attain Emotional Freedom and Cultivate More Joy of Living, episode #275

3. How you spend your free time

Similar to #5, we need to have regular unstructured time in our days. To not allow our days oxygen to breathe, move, adjust and rest, is part of the reason the stress is surmounting and may feel unsurmountable. Whether you spend your time immersed in your favorite hobbies and pastimes, or choosing to not look at the clock and let your days, thoughts and emotions lead you through this regular “unstructured” time, be sure to choose to do so with delight and enthusiasm.

My free time has been to regularly tinker in my garden, read a book, cook in the kitchen, write or yep, nap. Of course, these pastimes and interests may change as our lives and the world change, but either way, keep the window open and soak up the awesome fresh air that it offers every day.

~Explore this topic further by reading/listening to An Everyday Necessity: Deliberate Rest, episode # 139

2. The companions you spend your time with – humans and pets

While this area of choice could be divided up in many ways from our romantic life to our friends to our work contacts, the key is awareness and clarity of what elevates and what depletes us and how we play a role in encouraging behaviors that are either helpful or detrimental. [I speak more about our furry companions on the audio portion.]

~Explore this topic further by reading Why Not . . . Create a Healthy Social Circle? and also explore many different topics on relationships in TSLL’s Archives on this topic based on your interest.

~Explore this topic further by listening/ reading The Elements of a Strong Social Well-Being, episode #92

1. What living well looks like to you

Perhaps this last item for today’s list is too vague, but at the core of the previous nine items, having clarity about yourself, having clarity about the need to let go of perfection, having clarity about society’s influence on your life, having clarity about society, the culture, the past, the present, and so much more is incredibly helpful to being more gentle with yourself and with others. Choose self-kindness. Choose less judgment towards yourself and toward others.

When you make these choices, you will feel lighter, you will eliminate more stress than perhaps you need you were carrying unintentionally. Let go of expectations and learn to dance with life and its rhythm, understanding that when you begin to dance – to really share your true self with the world – you contribute to the symphony which wants you to join. And while you will not know what each line of music will be as the song is not given to us before hand to practice, we can come to the music and become part of the music, thus living fully, living well and enjoy the journey.

~Explore this topic further in TSLL’s Archived Lifestyle posts (there are 21 pages, of posts, so find a topic that speaks to what you are curious about).

Petit Plaisir

Walker Shortbread Cookies

~Note that Amazon links and some other shopping links are affiliate, which means I may get a small fee if you buy. However, I only recommend books and items I myself use, recommend or am curious about.

~The Simple Sophisticate, episode #290
~Subscribe to The Simple Sophisticate:  iTunes | Stitcher | iHeartRadio | YouTube | Spotify

[podcast src=”https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/16359368/height/90/theme/custom/thumbnail/yes/direction/forward/render-playlist/no/custom-color/d0d4b9;color: #6f7056 !important/” width=”100%” height=”90″ scrolling=”no” class=”podcast-class” frameborder=”0″ placement=”bottom” use_download_link=”” download_link_text=”” primary_content_url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/thesimplesophisticate/290Choices.mp3″ theme=”custom” custom_color=”d0d4b9;color: #6f7056 !important″ libsyn_item_id=”16359368″ /]

Thesimplyluxuriouslife.com | the simply luxurious life

7 thoughts on “290: 10 Life Choices to Simplify & Welcome a Calm & Contented Everyday Life

  1. This is an amazing post! Every topic is an area important to me. I intend to spend a portion of every day exploring and reflecting on them. The fall season will be so productive. Thank you!

  2. Such a lovely post and podcast, Shannon! It is always good to revisit these ideas or, if these are new to someone, to discover these guideposts for the journey to a calm & contented life. (I love when you link to past podcasts or posts for further info, either to revisit and remind, or provide further exploration.)

    And Walkers!! There’s always a box in the cupboard,(yes, soooo yummy dipped into a nice hot cuppa!), and a box that accompanies my husband to work. (He loves having a nibble with coffee just after lunch and before his next class, he claims it’s an absolute tonic?). XOXO

  3. “by reducing the breadth, we deepen the depth and thereby the quality of our lives, and in this case our professional lives”.
    Dear Shannon, this statement struck home. Provided me with alot of food for thought. Thank you so much for this truly enjoyable podcast. Thoroughly enjoyed my walk while listening to it. keep up the great work 🙂

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