Passion Projects, Jazz, Being French at Heart & Living in the Moment: Elizabeth Bougerol of The Hot Sardines
Monday May 29, 2017

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~The Simple Sophisticate, episode #157
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Jazz and France is a coupling that instantaneously grabs my attention. Add a woman who has followed her passion, appreciates the moment and lives life to the fullest all the while staying grounded in this ever-changing thing called life, and I want to get to know her further.

Elizabeth Bougerol is not only the front woman of The Hot Sardines vintage jazz band that is making “the old sound new” again, but she is also the co-founder with the bandleader and man at the piano, Evan Palazzo (above with Elizabeth, bottom right). The band’s music has been described by The Times (London) as “simply phenomenal” and their music has reached the No. 1 slot on the iTunes Jazz chart in the U.S. and internationally. With songs in both English and French, their first two albums are a must-have on your jazz playlist.

Elizabeth joins me on today’s episode to talk about jazz and the journey she has been on as The Hot Sardines have begun to catch many an ear of fans and critics alike over just a few short years. As well we discuss passion projects, knowing when to leap, redefining the term “stability” and of course we talk about France, where she was born and raised and regularly visits. The discussion continues into the differences between the French and American cultures and the different approaches regarding daily living, and the importance of living in the moment. From food to listening to the voice inside that wants to give something a try that may not align with your perceived self-image to taking advantage of opportunities even if you do not feel entirely ready, today’s conversation is one to take 45 minutes out of your day and enjoy. I have a feeling, if you’re like me, you’ll walk away with at least one (if not many) thought to ponder and apply to your life. See one below, as well as the song (one of two) that is played and discussed during the episode.

~The Hot Sardines‘ website

~Elizabeth Bougerol’s website

~The Hot Sardines: Instagram | YouTube |Facebook | Twitter

~Tour Schedule


~The title song of The Hot Sardines’ most recent album: “French Fries + Champagne

~The litmus test which sparked the partnership between Elizabeth and Evan: “Your Feet’s Too Big

~Elizabeth’s recommended destination to visit in France: Cancale


~@hotsardines – Instagram pics: Elizabeth with Alan Cummings singing “When I Get Low I Get High“; with Alan Cumming who is featured on French Fries + Champagne; Elizabeth enjoying French Fries + Champagne; The Hot Sardines~

~The song I have been playing on repeat. “Wake Up In Paris“.

In our conversation on the podcast, Elizabeth shares her inspiration for the song, as well as how long it took her to write it. Be sure to tune and discover where exactly the inspiration came from for the first two notes of the song.

Petit Plaisir:

Elizabeth shared with listeners, not one, but two of her favorite Petit Plaisirs. Have a look below:

~On the road: 

~At Home (see below):



An enormous thank you to Elizabeth and her team for taking the time to join me on The Simple Sophisticate.

~View more episodes of The Simple Sophisticate here.[podcast src=”;color: #6f7056 !important/” height=”90″ width=”100%” placement=”bottom” theme=”custom”]

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7 thoughts on “Passion Projects, Jazz, Being French at Heart & Living in the Moment: Elizabeth Bougerol of The Hot Sardines

  1. This podcast was so much fun! And of a sudden, sadly, it was over. Well done, Shannon.

    Got to go buy some music…. ?

  2. Thank you for introducing me to The Hot Sardines! I just downloaded their songs on Spotify. Love them!! I love listening to jazz while cooking. Have you heard of Madeleine Peyroux? She’s been apart of my cooking playlist since 2006. As always, your podcasts are such a treat! Thank you for the time you take to put these podcasts together…they’re the perfect 30 minute escape:)

  3. Enjoyed episode 157 so very much!
    Both women spoke beautifully. I envisioned two friends speaking from oversized comfy arm chairs sharing the fragrance of freshly brewed coffee.

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