10 Ways to Make Monday a Day to Get Excited About – Every Week
Monday August 3, 2020

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Mondays. Whether your work week begins on an actual Monday or whatever day of the week your work “Monday” is, shifting our mindset to look forward to this day plays a significant role in the overall quality of our everyday lives. Originating from the Middle English word monedai, from Old English mōndæg, contraction of mōnandæg “Monday,” literally “day of the moon”, some explain this defintion to mean it is the day of the week for stepping into our true potential, intuition and emotions. Because of its ethmology, it certainly would not be a bad idea to be conscious about the tone we set as we begin our work week as it will play a role in how the rest of the week unfolds. However, if we look even deeper into the Latin origins, the day simply means, the day after Sunday.

With all of that said, (I do love digging into word dissection :)), from the mid-twentieth to current twenty-first century cultures, Monday has widely been accepted in a negative light. Admittedly, when you are having to go or do something you do not want to do, the day that such mandatory expectations are required is a day we may not want to celebrate, but here is where our free-will and determination to design the life we want to live comes into play.

Today I would like to share with you 10, acutally 11 ways for making Monday a day you genuinely look forward to each week. Yes, it is possible. Let’s take a look at the list.

0. Stop letting the culture tell you how to feel about Monday

Repeatedly, our culture tells us through memes, through media headlines, through film and television that Monday is to be dreaded. So much so, to dance out the door to work or school with enthusiasm is something others may scoff at, and we might not want to revel in too loudly for fear of upsetting someone with our glee. Enough. This is our life. Not one day is guaranteed; therefore, making the most of each one is to know how to live well.

Our mind believes what we expose it to repeatedly as truth even if said ‘truth’ is untrue. To shift what it believes is a conscious and plausible choice at that, as well as a healthy choice especially when we are shifting from a negative perspective to a positive one.

Certainly, there have been jobs that when Monday rolled around we were not looking forward to going (I worked as a student-janitor during my pre-college, just graduated from high-school days, not fun, but the crew made it all the more bearable); however, our job as individuals is to build a life in which we enjoy the work and the life we wake up to each day – and that includes Monday. Master your mind, and you change your world.

1. Be clear about what the week ahead has in store

Sunday evening or Friday before you leave the office, look at the work week ahead of you and make sure, number one – it is feasible; and number two, prepare yourself so there are not surprises. Not only are you looking at your work obligations but your life obligations from personal health, beauty, fitness, etc. – appointments, to the amount of time for travel each appointment will require. Make sure you give yourself enough time to do so without a rush, and if that has not been given, call to adjust in order to preventatively reduce any stress that may be incurred.

2. Keep similar sleep patterns during the weekend as you do the work week

When we experience just one sleepless night in which we are awake for hours and wake up having only had a couple of hours of Zzzzzs, or wake up in the middle of the night only to not be able to go back to sleep, we are reminded that an adequate amount of sleep makes a tremendous difference in our patience, clarity of mind to make the best decisions and ability to remain calm when hiccups arise throughout our day with strangers, colleagues or our friends and family.

The closer we can parallel our weekend sleep hours with our work hours, the better. As someone who goes to bed early and wakes up early, enjoying the early hours of the morning, I look forward to my early Saturday and Sundays. If I need to sleep in a bit more, I let myself, but it is rare and not for long as my body has become acclimated to begina ble to acquire the amount of sleep it needs. I am refreshed and I want to start the day, even if I go at a much slower pace. Let your body tell you what it needs. Respect what it asks for, and do not apologize for letting your body rest once you get into a regular sleep pattern that works even if it goes against those you are spending the weekend with. You may just make it easier for someone else who wants to do the same thing.

3. Schedule something you cannot wait to experience

This week my Monday continues on with the kitchen renovations which means I am extremely excited for this Monday to begin. However, I understand that I do not want such an event to be occurring every Monday, but the idea is to schedule work tasks, activities, get-togethers, etc. that you look forward to on a Monday. The complete opposite of point #1 – guard your schedule carefully and fuel yourself well as much as you can for a strong and enjoyable week. This includes adding regular fun and exciting events to the start of the week.

4. Put the previous week to bed (on Friday preferrably)

Before you leave the office, answer all necessary emails so that they are not weighing on your mind. If you need to, turn on an automated email response should anyone try to contact you over the weekend letting them know you will respond by the end of the day on Monday or first thing Tuesday giving yourself a bubble of breathing room. It is better to under-promise than over-promise. Leave your desk organized, your desktop on your computer as well, and walk away knowing that when you return on Monday, you have a fresh start to a new week waiting to begin.

5. Read, watch, do something Sunday evening/afternoon that lifts you up

Make sure you have a leisurely or inspiring book or article to read Sunday evening as you wind down from the weekend. Or perhaps watch a documentary or a film that gives you hope and calm. Try not to watch anything that increases your blood pressure (there will be enough of that when the work week begins whether within your job or by watching/reading the news), or even better, spend the Sunday afternoon/evening with people you love or who’s company you enjoy.

6. Don’t over-schedule your work day on Monday

Granted, you will have to adhere to your normal work expectations, but for example, I have intentionally never scheduled regular office hours for my students on a Monday, and especially not a Monday morning. I don’t even need to know what the weekend will be like to know I will not want to be dealing with unknowns the moment I walk in the building. This is called preventative scheduling, or more generally, healthy boundaries. Allowing yourself to know what to expect so you can prepare for it will help you ease into the work week with your best foot forward – fully prepared, your emotional energy has not been taxed right out of the gate, and you will set the tone for a week that has great potential to be wonderful.

The ultimate goal is to work in a field that excites us. I genuinely look forward to my work days when I am my own boss. For example, today I cannot wait to step back into my office and get to work on producing the new podcast episode, spend some time writing more entries for my manuscript, and generally just tend to every day blog business. Choose a career that gives you purpose, taps into your talents and while you will be working (unlike what the saying purports – never work a day in your life if you pursue a job you love), you are certainly going to have more days of enjoyment than not.

7. Schedule a rewarding and invigorating workout for Monday

Our physical body and our mental body can become fatigued as the week draws on, so schedule your most rewarding and perhaps taxing workout for Monday. Whether it is in the morning (preferred if your schedule allows) or afternoon/evening, stick to it and you will be glad you did as the work week churns into full gear and schedules may have to unwantingly change. As well, you will have a wonderful, unaided night of deep sleep. A win-win.

One exercise option I revel in during the warmer months is paddling with Norman (see below). We make sure to go for a walk first – all three of us (Oscar too) – and then Norman is more than willing to hop on the board with me as I get an arm and ab workout in. As this involves two activities, it takes more time than a usual walk, so tending to it early in the week often is the most successful way to incorporate it into my schedule frequently.

8. Wrap the weekend up well, and for at least one other person also

As you design your evening and/or Sunday night rituals, consider how you can offer appreciation or affection or acknowledgment to someone in your world. Knowing you are loved by someone – a friend, a family member, a romantic partner – is a priceless comfort. And while we may feel confident and loved after the weekend we have just had, simply remembering to extend a sincere outreach to someone else is never a bad idea.

9. Turn off the tech entirely or significantly during the weekend

Whether you enjoy the technology you hold in your hand on a regular basis or see it as a burden, become resolute in turning it off or primarily putting it out of reach for most of your weekend. Not only will this set boundaries with others at work or in loose acquaintance, but this will build trust that you will respond when the week begins, but for a healthy life balance, you will be spending your weekend recharging either on your own or spending in-real-life time with those closest to you.

10. Tidy up the house/apartment before going to bed Sunday night

Whether you clean the house on Friday (or have it cleaned) or tidy up over the weekend, at the bare minimum do so Sunday afternoon/evening so that you can wake up to a clean living space where items are where you expect them to be and your day begins smoothly and without confusion.

Each of us will find specific, unique ways to strengthen the potential for a wonderful start to our work week. So long as we are consciously paying attention to what fuels us, what uplifts us and rejuvenates us, and then consicously apply it regularly to our lives without apology, we will begin to see the quality of our everyday lives, and even our Mondays increase. Wishing you a wonderful week.


Thesimplyluxuriouslife.com | The Simply Luxurious Life

8 thoughts on “10 Ways to Make Monday a Day to Get Excited About – Every Week

  1. I never bought into the whole “oh no it’s Monday” idea. I love looking forward to a brand new week and planning out the details of each day. I also always make sure to start it off with a hot tea and a great workout! Have a wonderful week!

  2. Enjoyed the word dissection. I like to do that too.An interesting topic.Happily I am retired now so Monday is another day to relish. It depends on what type of work one does. If the work is Monday tio Friday then the weekend is there for the taking. But working at the weekends mean that Monday does not have the same meaning.When I was working I tried different ways to enjoy the weekend and prepare for Monday but it depended on whether my husband was on call for his patients at the weekend or not. If he was then Monday was spent simply catching up and didn’t have time to feel anxious about it.

  3. I love Mondays! My house is clean, there is food in the fridge, I am rested and full of excitement to start my week! I am looking forward to have my cup of morning coffee and be productive! What will this week bring? It is like a new beginning, full of opportunities!

    Btw, how funny that you are remodeling your kitchen, while I just started working with a company on design concepts for my kitchen. Any tips on how to make kitchen remodeling process less stressful and stop dreading all the money spent (I know it’s off the main topic of the blog though.. )?

    1. Great question Irina. You know I began this process back in October and it took time for me to decide on exactly the items I wanted after much examination, so my first tip would be to not rush your decision making process, and to solidify your decisions, go see any item – stove, sink, tile, etc. in person – feel it. You want items that will last and not just look good but be long-lasting, highly functional products. Especially when it came to my stove as I was wavering back and forth between a look-a-like model and the real deal, as soon as I opened the oven doors, I felt the difference of quality. You truly do get what you pay for in stoves. Look into each brand of stove because many of them have changed hands and are made differently than they were years ago – Wolf for example. Enjoy this process and a book I would recommend taking a look at for ideas to keep in mind is a new one that was released last fall or earlier this year titled The Perfect Kitchen. https://amzn.to/3k5Sdiv I hope this helps somewhat and have fun designing one of the most busiest and well-used rooms in the house. 🙂

      1. I am remodeling my kitchen as well! The hard part for me is mental picture vs. reality – budget, the way you live your life, etc. Thank you for the book recommendation, I am
        Ordering now!!

    2. Hi all,
      I redid my kitchen six years ago, when I was a 55-year old, divorced, non-cook, empty-nester. Who needs a bigger kitchen at that stage? I did! (Thanks to years of reading Shannon’s blog, I felt more comfortable doing what was right for me.) I live in a home that is 102 year old that had a small kitchen and traditional dining room, which was rarely used for dining. My contractor had been asking for years when I would let him tear out that wall.

      The turning point for me was when I saw a photo of a kitchen in a magazine and immediately said to myself, “Yes. That. That’s exactly what I want.” That moment really helped me to get going. When a visual image stirs your heart and spirit like that, pay attention!

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