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September is almost here, autumn is just around the corner, but summer still has a few weeks left before schedules and routines change, holidays wrap up and the temperatures shift as well.
As I shared on Friday in the weekly newsletter and the This & That post, I will be taking four days off from posting (Monday – Thursday) this week to give myself a bit of a creative respite and catch my breath before the new season of the blog, the podcast and the cooking show kick off. Also, we have the annual Fall Shopping Guide being released on September 1st. And with so much good stuff coming your way . . . let’s take a peek at what is just around the corner: a trip to England where I will be meeting with five TOP Tier Members who won the Grand Giveaway during this past year’s British Week for Champagne Afternoon tea at a very special location in London, as well as much content that will be captured during my trip in the English countryside. So much awesome inspiration, ideas and tours are in store this fall, but first, I am going to catch my breath.
For the first time ever, since I began blogging way back in 2009, the only week off I ever took (and continue to do so) is the final week of the year when all of the TOP posts are shared and new content ceases until January 1st. However, this year I began to acknowledge that running my business and taking more direct control over my website has built up a bit of exhaustion. Partly because I want to make sure the quality remains high no matter what is shared, created or produced, but also because I have been working on two other projects behind the scenes. One you have been hearing about with the creation of the Contentment Course that will become available in 2024 and one I am keeping hush-hush because I don’t know what it will become. All of that said, my creativity has to remain strong and fueled, so that is why I am taking these next few days off to recharge and catch my breath.
Whether it is savoring the seasonal produce of this wonderful time of year, by taking a breath before jumping back into a new, and usually fuller schedule, we can make sure we take care of ourselves and those we love well.

I will return on Friday August 25th with the dependable and full-of-inspiration-to kick-off-your-weekend This & That post because I know so many of you have already begun the new work and school season and having a routine of knowing what you can look forward to and enjoy, as many TSLL readers savor their Friday or weekend ritual of sitting down to enjoy the weekly T & T, punctuates the week well. There is nourishment in such rituals, and honestly, I love creating and sharing that post for you all. So I will see you this coming Friday. ? Thank you for understanding and if you too need to take some time in your own life and are able before everything revs back up, do know, you will return with more of what you wish you had.
BUT, in the meantime, I have compiled all of the MANY posts I have written over the past 13+ years that share inspiration for how to prepare for La Rentrée, the return as the French call it. And as we just wrapped up French Week here on the blog, I thought it quite apropos to remain in the theme inspired by the French culture.
So, without further ado, let’s dive in to the 167 ways to step well into the new season!

23 Ways to Have a Great Start This Fall, episode #223

The Modern Woman’s Lifestyle Grocery List, episode #28
A list I always peek at just before autumn arrives to make sure all is stocked. 🙂

À vendredi!
Thank you for compiling these ideas Shannon! I love to think of September as the “real” start to a new year for many of the reasons you suggested and my background in education lends to thinking this way, naturally. I find a fresh start in September much more refreshing to my soul than the new year we so often think of in January. I had a lovely time perusing and listening this afternoon whilst sipping a hot culpa on my back porch and relishing the first hints of Fall weather!?
Meg, you lucky girl, to all ready have a breath of Fall in the air! It’s still a wee bit warm here, but the light is shifting, the mornings are cooler, and I agree, September seems more the start of the ‘new year’, doesn’t it? Here’s to a fabulous Autumn?☕!x.bises.x
Oh Meg! I’m so jealous, but keep reminding myself that with September, cooler temps will not be far behind (109F last Friday).
I too think Shannon is on to something as September is my favorite month because there seems to be such a freshness and excitement in the air. Starting anew makes perfect sense.
Happy sipping!
Ooooo my interest is so piqued about the *other* project!! I have to tell you I laughed aloud when I saw the title of the post and thought, “Aha, so THAT”S how she’s going to keep us busy!” I must admit I was feeling a bit woebegone,(Life without TSLL?!! Mais non!!), so this post is MUCH appreciated. Have a wonderful few days off, just enjoying your pups and, well, your life?.
Merci bien, Shannon. See you Friday! x.bises.x
Dear Rona, I do so enjoy your Aha moments!
Dear Lucy, how kind of you. I’m so easily amused and entertained, oftentimes by just me…xx
Ah, a woman after my own heart… 😉 I also very much want to know what is that “other” project, while I browse through the 167…
What a great list! Thank you so much for compiling this, Shannon. It’s always a fun challenge to see how many I can work into my days. I’ve always loved September. It’s my January, the start of my “New” Year & full of exciting promise, even though I’ve been out of school for a long, LONG while. Enjoy your sabbatical with the pups — what a perfect time to kick back & enjoy these last lazy days of summer. I hope the three of you get some well-deserved rest after the extravaganza that was French Week (which I thoroughly enjoyed!). In fact, I’m seriously contemplating following your lead & taking a few days off myself. Don’t we ALL deserve it now & again?? The perfume I’ve been using this summer is Lancôme’s “La vie est belle”, & every morning when I put it on I smile & think, yep, it really is 🙂 . Have a wonderful week — and that goes for all your readers.
Dear Shannon, I have also looked at the transition from Summer to Fall as the beginning of my New Year. Long-time habits are comfortable ones particularly when they energize us and provide that “spark” we often need to start a new project or even look at an older one with fresh eyes! My Summer has been a bit of a whirlwind, often reminding me of watching my dear, very large, German Shepard Dog, long passed, chase his tail and after a quick stop, topple over from what was likely dizziness. In time I will read the full compilation of ideas during your hiatus. You deserve it for sure. See you Friday. Hugs to the pups.
Thank you for French week! Always a pleasure. I will miss your daily posts! Enjoy your time off 🙂
Thank you, Shannon for giving us several posts to explore and be Fall-ready (although I’m way past ready for it but still trying to savor the last of Summer and not rush it). Those apples look luscious! I agree with Rona, around here (MD) the light is just starting to change and we have a glimpse of cooler nights and mornings. Ready for plaid blankets, golden trees, pumpkins, apples, bonfires, and hot cocoa!
Thanks, Shannon, there’s a lot to peruse here. Like others, the “new year” starts for me in September. Teacher and all that…
I think it is great that you are taking some for yourself. It is necessary, wise, and absolutely deserved.
All the best for your mini-vacation. Have a wonderful time, together with your furry kids! 🙂
Thank you so much for this compilation as I am in the process of preparing for La Rentrée myself, starting with the week of Labor Day off.
I plan to give La Tanière Des Lapins a good scrub, organize l’épicerie, and take a trip to the grand marchés in Dallas to do a proper stock-up. I have already purchased my new planner and am looking forward to receiving the new TSLL notepads.
Enjoy your time off, and I look forward to meeting you at
le café for This & That on Friday.
Thank you for this wonderful list of past articles. Autumn is my favorite season & I am so ready for it. Enjoy your time off ?
I was so excited to review la rentree tips but alas it was just a page with many other links of which I cannot see. I don’t get much time to lookout all the beautiful posts so I look at what posts I want to use my “free” ones on and this was one – I would have like to see at least a few posts. So I was excited but then a bit disappointed. I has used all my other views for French week – which I love and saved my last one for this article.
Do keep in mind, you can pay a mere $3 a month to read unlimited posts (all of those included in this list). $3 is a small cost for all the work put into creating the content for the blog. I so appreciate the support of Members as they are the reason this blog is still up and running. ?
And good news! Today is September 1st. You have a refreshed five free posts. Your posts read during French Week were during August. ?
Learn more and sign up here https://thesimplyluxuriouslife.con/member
Oooh thank you for compiling all these! I got so excited to see this post. I love the change in the seasons and I really enjoy La Rentrée! The sense of purpose and industry after the slower summer pace. I’m just flying back from Crete to London today after two weeks of sun, lots of reading with sea views, gorgeous Cretan cuisine – so much fresh fish, luscious fruits and vegetables, calamari digging toes in the sand . . . But happy to be going back and planning to look through every post! Thank you Shannon! ???
Thank you for your comment and stopping by. ☺️ And welcome home! Your holiday sounds amazingly restorative, nourishing and delicious! Grateful you shared a glimpse of what you enjoyed. ☺️ I am salivating simply reading your comment!
Just catching up with this post, September is the new start for me, a habit probably kept since school days. So having these ideas collated here for me to review is perfect!
I look forward to finding out more about your projects , and I know we’re all thankful you take so much time to ensure that everything on TSLL is making a positive contribution to our every day lives and contentment.
Thank you Shannon,
Thank you Sarah for your kind words about TSLL. ? It means more than you know.
I too see September as a new start. As someone who thoroughly enjoyed school and getting back to school, I continue to look forward to this time of year. Perhaps it is because of all the possibilities and hope of new, growth and something you cannot know, but unless we show up and are open we never will. ?