Season 4 of TSLK Cooking Show Begins Soon! Watch the Trailer Now.
Tuesday September 7, 2021

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The produce at the farmers markets is abundant, home gardens are reaching their peak which makes time in the kitchen all the sweeter (or more savory ;)). All of this is to say, it’s time for a new season of The Simply Luxurious Kitchen cooking show.

Season 4 premieres this coming Saturday (September 11th) exclusively here on TSLL blog. Available for all readers to view, stop by each Saturday morning for a new episode (eight in total will be shared throughout the season). Sharing simple, delicious recipes utilizing seasonal fare to elevate the everyday meal, I look forward to welcoming you back into my kitchen at Le Papillon.

Check out the trailer below to catch a glimpse of what will be shared, and I’ll see you on Saturday!

~NOTE to readers who cannot see a video below: Be sure to turn off your ad-blocker if you use one as you will not be able to see a video at all if the ad-blocker is in use. Once you turn off your ad-blocker, you will need to restart your device to view the video.

If you are just beginning to watch the series, all previous seasons can be found in three different places: right here on the blog, YouTube, or Apple Podcasts (or wherever you enjoy listening/watching podcasts/vodcasts). Each new season is available exclusively here on the blog until January of the next year.

Cookbooks (digital/pdf) are available for each season, with the latest season’s becoming available at the end of October. Cookbooks are free to TOP Tier Members/Subscribers of TSLL blog ($8/ea for non-members).

View previous top episodes from past seasons

Season 1, ep. 5: A Classic French Omelette

Find all of TSLK episodes here. | the simply luxurious life

11 thoughts on “Season 4 of TSLK Cooking Show Begins Soon! Watch the Trailer Now.

  1. I so enjoy this component of your blog. I mentioned some time ago I feel that I am in the kitchen with you, on a stool, sipping tea while you cook! I will help clean up if you wish! Looking forward to Saturday.

  2. Yay, I am so looking forward to this, looks like another dee-lish season!!! And I agree with Lucy, it’s like we’re gathered round the island on our stools, beverages in hand, enjoying great music, and laughter, and the pitter-patter of doggie feet on the kitchen floor. And of course savoring the smells and delights you are serving up for us! Can’t wait! XO

  3. I wait in anticipation for the start of each season in September and I cannot wait to sit down with a cup of tea (and maybe a treat) tomorrow afternoon to watch.

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