Friday January 15, 2010

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I’ve popped the cork on the beginning of my weekend. Exhausted, as many of us are at the end of a full week, I couldn’t make myself pull out a saucepan to begin making dinner, so I ordered in a wonderful dish of pasta from my favorite Italian restaurant – Como’s Italian Eatery, poured myself a glass of Isenhower’s Rara Avis grenache wine, and began to watch one of the many shows I have “DVRed” and am falling way too behind on. My dogs were simply thrilled to see me stay in one place for more than an hour. They may not have known what I was doing, but it was a sigh of relief just knowing this weekend will be consumed with “me” time. It feels good just writing it (I have to it just one more time -“me” time)!
Do you have moments where you feel you have “earned” time to relax? Well, this weekend is one of those times. It will be a tranquil and pleasant one, I refuse to let anything else happen. I’m taking a cue from Paul Allen Smith . . . catching up on my reading, casually drinking in the moments of the day and maybe even squeezing in a nap or two – sounds intoxicating.

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