A Book to Read : How to Love
Saturday January 22, 2022

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Something so simple, yet something so life-changing. Real love. Being love. Feeling love.

Something that asks us to deeply explore all that we have been ‘taught’ about what love is, and rather examine the truth of what love actually looks like in our actions, our thoughts, our way of life.

Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk and peace activist Thich Nhat Hanh died today at the age of 95, and without knowing of his passing until a reader shared with me Friday evening, I picked up his book How to Love yesterday afternoon to reread. Recommended to me last year to explore by a trusted person, I read it then, I read it again, and I will do so as a resource of reminder to ground me and to bring more mindfulness to how I engage with the world.

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As this week came to a close, I read the book cover to cover, and I think you would find great value in reading it as well, perhaps in one sitting also, but no matter how many hours or days or weeks you choose to take to explore Thich Nhat Hanh’s teachings of mindfulness, if you are looking for wisdom on how to love, this book will teach you how to BE love, and that, that is the key to loving.

A short book (124 pages) and small in size (4″x6″), but a book of sage wisdom from a human being the global community was fortunate to have had in our world.

How to Be Love by Thich Nhat Hanh

Each page contains one entry about one specific subject. Reread certain passages as you need them in your life in your journey at this moment.

With gratitude.


Thesimplyluxuriouslife.com | the simply luxurious life

19 thoughts on “A Book to Read : How to Love

  1. Thank you so much for sharing this book and the news of Thich Nhat Hanh’s passing. His work has been an inspiration to me. And thank you for everything you do. You have inspired me in so many ways. I appreciate all you do and who you are!

  2. Thank you for suggesting this book and noting his passing. I’ve found his books invaluable and a joy to read.

    Such gentle power
    Words like a quiet embrace
    A beautiful life

  3. Shannon, what a lovely way to honor a lovely man. His words have been a personal source of comfort and knowledge for many years. Reading(or re-reading) and contemplating on “How to Love” is a perfect way to carry his legacy within our hearts.
    Thank you. Namaste ☸???

  4. In loving memory .

    “ Be Yourself.
    Life is precious as it is.
    All the elements for your happiness are already here.
    There is no need to run, strive, search, or struggle.
    Just Be.”

    Thich Nhat Hanh

  5. Thank you for sending the sad news of his passing. His writing has been a comfort to me for many years. He will live on in his books, and in everyone who has read them.

  6. It’s hard to say goodbye to two of the world’s great peacemakers, Thich Nhat Hanh and Desmond Tutu, in a matter of weeks. I have a series of Thich Nhat Hanh’s darma talks on my phone that are wonderful to listen to – so calming. (Although his voice can put you to sleep – not all bad if sleep is what you want/need.) The same is true for recordings from Archbishop Tutu. Especially during the divisive days in which we are living, the voices (whether written or recorded) of these individuals are healing and hopeful.

    1. There is a book published in 2016 that records a conversation between Archbishop Emeritus of South Africa, Desmond Tutu and His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, entitled “The Book of Joy”. They were old friends. As quoted from the book, “…they each considered the other his ‘mischievous spiritual brother’ .” “The Book of Joy” is a rare read. The few black-and-white photos sprinkled throughout the book are joy enough. But the combined wisdom imparted will lift your eyes and soul up from the narrow field you are plowing and nudge you toward the knowledge that there is compassion, joy, and hope to be found in abundance outside of your blinkered view of the rut you are plowing. XO ~R.

        1. Wouldn’t you just love to have been in the room with them …..you summed it up so beautifully ! Two impish and mischievous boys who changed the way we look at the world……and each other !
          Have a lovely day Kameela
          x Anne x

      1. Thank you for the recommendation Rona , I shall look for this …….don’t you love it when two such enlightened souls show that laughter and joy are the way to be ???your comment was so beautifully expressed . Have a lovely day x Anne x

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