Why Not . . . Shop at Chairish for your next Home Décor Project?
Wednesday June 2, 2021

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Over the past year, I have visited, shopped and welcomed home new-to-me items from Chairish (get it? sounds like ‘cherish’?:)). As second-hand, vintage, and even brocante treasure-hunting was put on hold during the pandemic, Chairish became a treat for inspiration and sometimes a discovery perfect for customizing my home.

Chairish, self-described as “a platform where buying and selling is smoother, more sustainable, unexpectedly intimate, and always, always delightful”, has become the new One King’s Lane as many in the interior design world describe the new online consignment and antique shopping destination. However, what Chairish offers is far more personalized, unique and the prices are flexible – on some items quite significantly if you are willing to put in the offer you can afford.

As someone who grew up going to garage sales with my mother – summer weekends at least a handful of times during the season, that was what I looked forward to as I never knew what would be found. Even now, if I find myself in Wallowa County during the summer months on a weekend, I cannot help but ask my mom – Are there any garage sales you want to check out?

So much of my furniture was found treasure hunting. Don’t get me wrong, there were some finds no longer with me as I outgrew or was able to find a better fit, but from an oak dining room table, a Queen Anne style console table I still have with me (purchased more than 20 years ago for $40), along with linens and dishware, garage sales are quite fun.

Fast forward to my trip to Provence in 2018 where I learned, explored and found treasures which will be with me a lifetime upon perusing the brocantes from my copper tea kettle, vases, espresso cups and saucers and vintage linen sheets, treasuring hunting is one of the best ways to design a sanctuary to comfort and to ensure a unique aesthetic.

Of course, there is a balance which must be struck between storied pieces and pieces capable of “standing down” and being comfortable remaining in the background as functionality is a necessity as well. However, that is also why I am loving Chairish and recommending you explore the site, especially if you are looking to restyle or decorate from scratch a space in your home.

Below are seven reasons to stop by and take a look around.

  1. Sustainable approach to interior design

TSLL will never be a desintation offering fast fashion finds in clothing or decor. Items that will stand the test of time, and if we can find something to last our lifetime that we love – what a find! Yes, often these items are investment pieces, but if you can offer the item, the environment will thank you.

In March I purchased a new-to-me desk on Chairish (look for a tour of the office in early fall or late summer), and settled on a purchase price nearly 50% off the asking price. A Vintage Neoclassical Louis Philippe Style Bamboo Desk lightly used and as sturdy as it was aesthetically appealing to my eye, I was over the moon.

Another way to look at vintage and antique furniture is you are not requiring new elements to make what you seek as the item is already made! The piece simply needs a new home.

All of this is to say, the cycling of these items is part of the fun, but also will assuage your mind a bit as we become more aware of the effect our shopping has on the planet.

2. Less wait time

Currently, wait-times for new furniture – custom or not – from many companies stretches into next spring, even next summer. However, if you purchase a vintage or antique or second-hand piece, it’s already made and ready to ship.

3. Customize to fit your budget

I shared in last month’s Things That Made Me Smile I found an upholstered office chair – French wingback from the 70s. Not only am I saving money as it is slightly worn, but the upholstery the chair currently doesn’t matter because the lower price (due to the less popular fabric choice) will give my budget room to maneuver to select the upholstery I do want and truly customize the chair to my tastes.

4. Learn the art of bartering

One significant difference between OKL and while similar to 1stdibs is the ability to make an offer and barter back and forther. Yes, you can pay the asking price right out of the gate, but every one of the now four items I have purchased so far, I have not paid full price.

5. Find pieces for the exact era you are seeking

Chairish also organizes their pieces into eras of décor/design which not only simplifies the shopping time and search, but ensures you are looking at items deemed to be part of that time period of which you are seeking.

6. Fantastic practice prior to your next trip to the Parisian or French brocante

Since few if any of us have had the opportunity to travel to France and shop the brocantes as of late, perusing a bit on Chairish will hone our eye (so to speak) and tickle our predilection for treasure hunting until we are able to board a plan and explore Marché aux Puces in Paris.

7. Create a customized sanctuary

Two years ago, I began posting about customizing my home Le Papillon, and the customization continues. Dedicated to tailoring my home to how I live, what creates true comfort as well as offers a welcoming space to guests takes time. While perusing Chairish, you may find only one item that catches your eye, or maybe not even a thing, but then one day, you will need that just so side table (if you’re like me), and search for a tea table that fits perfectly next to your favorite reading chair.

Simply knowing Chairish is a source to shop much like you would a garage sale or brocante, is a little inside info (although more widely known now), that you can trust.

Below I have shopped a few items to offer a glimpse, but be sure to check out the entire site. Chairish does sell new items as well, but their vintage and antique stock is their largest component.

Here are a few more items to scroll through:

Click here to begin your next treasure hunt. 🙂

~Shop Chairish


~View all TSLL’s Home Tours here.

Thesimplyluxuriouslife.com | the simply luxurious life

5 thoughts on “Why Not . . . Shop at Chairish for your next Home Décor Project?

  1. Love this post (along with everything else you do)! I agree – finding something interesting and unique, that really feels comfortable and isn’t a cookie cutter piece everyone else has really adds to our home in a lovely way. I immediately looked at this site last week when you posted about it. I will be purchasing from Charish! Thanks for the introduction.

    1. Thank you for sharing Quinn. Personalizing our homes, while not something that happens immediately, is a fun journey, and when you find that perfect item, the glee felt is priceless! Enjoy shopping, perusing and styling your sanctuary! ☺️

  2. I popped over to the site as well! last year, while gathering some items for a charity sale, someone who lives in this house provided two Stiffel lamps that I had set aside for when I finish the living room. (still waiting for that sofa:) Anyway, long gone and I am still looking for them!!! No luck but I will keep looking and will likely need to compromise. If anyone sees a brass pineapple base Stiffel with a black shade, please let me know!

  3. Most of my “finds” that have completed by home came from consignment shopping, vintage shops and yard sales. Love it!

  4. Probably half our furniture is from consignment sales or estate auctions, two of my all-time favourite shopping venues. Except for the gorgeous dresser we found in an ally beside a dumpster when we were out on the bike one day. I stayed with it — literally sitting on it — while my husband roared home, swapped the Harley for his truck, picked up his brother for extra muscle & the two of them turned up a half hour later to retrieve both me & the dresser. Thank goodness no one else had come along & spotted it but they admitted they’d half-expected to get there & find me fighting off a half-dozen back-alley thrifters. We stripped & refinished it & it holds pride of place in the front hall. Can’t beat the price! Or the back story 🙂

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