322: Everyday Parisian Blogger, Rebecca Plotnick on Traveling to Paris during Covid
Monday February 7, 2022

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Photographer and Paris blogger, founder of Everyday Parisian, Rebecca Plotnick joins me on today’s episode to talk about traveling to Paris during the time of Covid. Travelers are gradually beginning to make travel plans abroad, and as Rebecca traveled to Paris this past October, I invited her on the show to share her experience as well as assuage travelers who may wonder exactly how to meet the requirements for testing and proof of vaccination.

This past August, Rebecca shared a detailed Q & A here on the blog during TSLL’s Annual French Week; however, I purposely waited for her to join the podcast until after she returned from Paris as I wanted her to talk specifically about what travelers can expect and thus prepare for as they step back on plans to visit the City of Light.

I recently read that Paris is the #4 destination American travelers have booked flights to for their summer 2022 travels, and as you will hear in our conversation, while visiting any time of year is wonderful, visiting in spring may be quite a special time to take in the natural beauty as well as the other sites and favorite tastes of a city so many TSLL readers love.

~NOTE: Since the recording of this episode, France as updated their requirement of a proof of vaccination (US Embassy for France) (French (French website – in English). You will need to secure a Vaccine Pass, but their online site is temporarily unusable. Currently what you can do, is as soon as you arrive in Paris, visit a local pharmacy, and for $40, show them your proof of vaccination (CDC card), as well as your passport, and you will be able to attain the necessary health pass to ensure access to all of the sites you came to Paris to see.

Links shared in today’s episode:


~Explore all French-Inspired episodes from the podcast here

~The Simple Sophisticate, episode #322

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14 thoughts on “322: Everyday Parisian Blogger, Rebecca Plotnick on Traveling to Paris during Covid

  1. Good morning Shannon, I really enjoyed today’s chat with Rebecca and have been a follower of her blog for some time. I would definitely recommend both her blog and print shop, and have several of Rebecca’s prints around my home, reminding me of Paris each time I see them, particularly the carousel underneath the Eiffel Tower, I can still see my three year old Granddaughter waving from Charlemagne, the horse she named to ride on.
    Best wishes from England, Sue

  2. Good morning Shannon and all. For the first time in a long time, I was able to sit down, sun streaming in the window, with a cup of my favorite coffee to listen to the podcast. Interesting conversation between you two. I am not ready to travel for a while but for those embarking on the post-(we hope) covid adventure I wish you well. It’s so exciting to explore new places and neighborhoods in the city of Paris. Never having lived there, only a tourist here, I am curious. Has anyone chosen to lease a small apartment versus staying in a hotel? I know of a person who does this with every visit. Her visits were part business, part pleasure, but she vows by the rental. At first, her stay was in a small efficiency, one-room essentially, but she has since discovered a more suitable space for her and her sister. She did say it was a bit more expensive but with a small kitchen, she was able to dine in two meals per day and use dinner as her Parisian experience. Best wishes for your upcoming travel Shannon, I will live vicariously through you!

      1. I forgot to mention the source of my information. It is from designer Marcy Tilton. The apartment is owned by a friend of hers. I think they were friends before this enterprise but I am not sure. It is a beautiful place but I know there are now quite a few, different areas of the city. (marcytiltondotcom)

  3. Hello Shannon, thank you so much for this charming and insightful interview with Rebecca Plotnick. I have followed her blog for a bit now and am just entranced with her beautiful photography.
    And thanks for helping my week begin with a bit of travel dreaming, so fun! Hope you and Norman have a gorgeous, lovely week. XO~R

  4. Hello-Is there a way to read the interview rather than listen? I’m just not into podcasts but am interested in the interview. Thanks, Sharon

  5. This is incorrect as now France requires proof of booster if last vaccine was done over 7 months ago to obtain in a health pass.

  6. Hi Shannon,

    I just listened to your podcast on the way to my pilates class this morning on a drizzly day in Sydney, with terrible traffic and I found it so calming, I didn’t mind the traffic at all. Im going to check out Rebecca’s blog too. Have a lovely week ahead. Kind regards Paula

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