199: 9 Reasons to Savor Being in the “Choosing Seat”: The Gift of Being Single in Your 30s, 40s, 50s and Beyond
Monday March 12, 2018

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~The Simple Sophisticate, episode #199
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“The best part of being single is that I get to know men and see what I love about them in a way that, when I was 19, I never afforded myself the opportunity. At 19, I would think, ‘Oh, I got picked!’ and I would just go along with it, happy to be picked by a man, instead of choosing, and now, I’m in the choosing seat.” —Laura Dern on being 50 and divorced 

~Based on feedback from last week’s episode (#198), I highly recommend tuning in to today’s episode (audio) as much more is talked about than what is revealed in the show notes below. My thoughts on last week’s episode are shared along with a review from a long-time listener that offered valuable constructive criticism that I wanted to honor. 

Whether you are single and have never been married, or you are divorced or widowed, whether you have children or your only children are of the four-legged variety, when you step into a time of your life in which you are not romantically attached to someone, some will embrace the change immediately while some will dread the loss of a partner.

Today’s episode/post was inspired by multiple components. First, actress Laura Dern’s above quote sparked my thinking about the misconceptions many of us when we are young unconsciously accept when it comes to dating due to a self-confidence that has yet to find its footing, and secondly, last week’s conversation (episode #198) with Jenna Birth on the evolution of modern romance and how to navigate it well in order to find and cultivate a healthy, loving partnership.

As I examine and savor my own singleness at the moment, I would not want anything else at this point in my life. I reflect on what the past ten years has revealed itself capable of when it comes to my career, and I know, based on my personality, had my energies been shifted, my life would be significantly different. And from my perspective, based on my dreams, desires and ideas of a quality life, I would not be content. That again, is based on knowing myself. Each individual will define their best life differently and that is where we must say “Good for you, but not for me” (thank you Amy Poehler for succinctly coining a phrase needed for us to understand and accept different ways of living well).

As we step away from our twenties and into our thirties, forties, fifties and beyond I find single living can be ever more attractive, and due to this, make it easier to find a partner that we truly mesh with should we choose to do so. How so? Let’s take a look at nine reasons being single can be a powerful time of growth, rejuvenation and clarification.

1.You become clear about what is and is not in alignment with your authentic self

When you are your own company you become particularly clear and more understanding of what you say yes to without forethought, but at the same time, why you say yes (or no) to anything life presents you with. As will be discussed in #7, once we learn what is sincerely us and what is influenced by the outside world, we can then choose to understand why it is hard to break molds that are merely masks and finally remove them entirely.

2. You become able to differentiate between true connection and lust provoked purely by physical attraction

Ah, the innocence of youth. The movies, the media, even everyday people we may find ourselves around at any given time, perpetuate the idea that physical attractiveness need be an primary ingredient (if not the most important ingredient) in order to build a relationship with someone. Oh, the silliness of this belief. Whether we learn this sooner or later, when we finally learn it, we can be far more conscious of why we are drawn to someone. And while it is absolutely healthy and natural to be drawn to someone because of their looks, we also become aware that we need more to pursue for the pursue of a lasting relationship. Celebrate this difference is growth, and makes life and meeting the myriad of people we meet, all the enjoyable.

3. You can invest entirely and build with your full energy a career you love

As I mentioned above, the decade of my thirties has been an amazing gift. If I had been in any of the relationships I let go of during the course of this time period, I know for certain, my energy would not have been enough to tend to the goals I set for myself. Now, to find a partner that would support my goals would have been wonderful, as the support should be for both involved, but that was never the case (which is in large part, why we went our separate ways).

4. You date thoughtfully

Case in point, you begin to learn what strengths and gifts would work well for you in a partnership and you begin to date more thoughtfully. I have found that as I get older, those people I date are more lovely in general, but my needs for a relationship to work are also more clear as well.

5. You can travel to destinations that pique your curiosity and yours alone

Ah, the gift of traveling to and doing what you’ve always dreamt about. Whether it is venturing to destinations on your bucket list, or returning to the same place again and again, you can and you can enjoy every minute, stay as long or as little as you’d like and meeting amazing people along the way because you are traveling with the world.

6. You become comfortable in your body and understand the necessity of taking care of your overall well-being

There is a love for your body that begins as you recognize all that it does for you and that it has enabled you to do thus far. And as we begin to yes, understand, our bodies are like nobody else’s, we also begin to want to take proper and thoughtful care of it so that it can perform at its best. I especially have found this to be true the latter half of my thirties and am so grateful for the gift my body is.

7. You have more time to tend to areas of personal growth that need attention (insecurities, self-awareness, etc.)

As mentioned in #1, when we become more in tune with who we truly are, we discover our tendencies, we reflect upon our past, come to understand what has been nurtured into our personality and what is truly innate. And when we don’t understand something or understand and want to improve, we have the courage to recognize seeking out an expert is an investment in ourselves, not a sign of weakness. By investing in ourselves, we are investing in the overall quality of our lives not only will we enjoy our own company more, the relationships we choose to build will be healthier and have the potential to be stronger should we wish them to grow.

8. You focus on a passion project

So much more time can be dedicated to what we are curious to dive into and explore when we are single. Working through the weekend or late into the evenings or waking up early to tend to tasks before we head to work, we can do any or all of these things, and we will be fueled by the results we begin to see and understand how important it truly is to listen to our passions and follow our curiosities.

9. You have a sincere understanding that another person will not complete you, as that is your responsiblity alone

As you move through each of the previous eight points, you will begin to realize that what you have been searching for cannot be found outside of yourself; it can only be found within. Doing so does not mean you will be single forever if you do not want to be, but you learn the amazing gift you give yourself by letting yourself be with yourself completely. And depending upon what you unearth to be the life you wish to live, you will know how to proceed successfully forward into your future.

The time that we have the opportunity to be single is a time realize that strength we already have within us whether we are in a relationship or not and carry that forward into our next relationship or into the life we will build for ourselves. Just as the image at the top of the post reveals, there is a bright and beautiful, sunlit side but too often we dwell on the negative, what we’ve lost or what we think we are supposed to have. The truth is, the greatest gift is to unearth our fullest potential and embrace and then share with the world what we discover.


~episode #170, Being Single is Luxurious Living

~episode #94, Truths and Myths of the Single, Independent Woman

~Why Not . . . Be a Confident, Single Woman?

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~The blog where it all began, Daily Routines

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5 thoughts on “199: 9 Reasons to Savor Being in the “Choosing Seat”: The Gift of Being Single in Your 30s, 40s, 50s and Beyond

  1. Beautiful and powerful post! So much wisdom. I wish somehow young men and women were able to be made aware of this gift versus immediately going into a long-term relationship as many do. If I had this awareness in my late teenage years I would have saved myself a lot of trouble and heartache and made decisions more in alignment with who I am.

    1. Thank you for sharing your experience. The more we model and share honestly and thoughtfully as well has support media that depicts reality rather than fantasy, the more able each is can make a decision that is truly best for each of us.

  2. Thank you Shannon. Thank you for this post. I’ve been separated for over a year and in February my divorce was finalized. Many people ask me if I’m dating, or what am I waiting for to start dating. I am truly enjoying being single….probably for the first time in my life, but I am reveling in being single, trying to find my authentic self, and really living simply luxurious!

  3. Very wisely put#9. Some people feel that it is the resonsibility of the other person in the relationship who will make her/him complete. But the best and long lasting relationship is when you do not rely on someone else to make you feel complete because you already are.?

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