168: French Everyday Living with Author & Blogger Sharon Santoni
Wednesday August 9, 2017

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~The Simple Sophisticate, episode #168
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A returning guest to the podcast, author and blogger Sharon Santoni joins me to talk about her new book My French Country Home: Entertaining Through the Seasons. Her book offers a beautiful glimpse into her everyday life as readers will discover inspiration for each season as they go about hosting formal and casual gatherings, using what the yard and market give them, all the while being present and savoring the everyday.

From ideas for the hostess/host to shifting into appreciating the everyday simple luxuries rather than brushing them aside, we had a lovely conversation that is full of ideas and inspiration as well as a a more intimate understanding of the life so many readers have come to love and appreciate that is Sharon Santoni’s.

In the above photos, meet Gibson and Ghetto (on her lap) on her property in the country as well as the front yard and entry to her French country home.

Sharon Santoni’s new book My French Country Home: Entertaining Through the Seasons (released August 8, 2017)

Visit Sharon’s blog My French Country Home

Learn more about subscribing to receive seasonal French artisan goods with My Stylish French Box here (view some pictures below as well)

Follow Sharon and discover her everyday life in the countryside of France:


Enter to win a free copy of Sharon Santoni’s new book My French Country Home: Entertaining Through the Seasons. How? See below:

  • Leave a comment in the comment section of this post
    • Make sure your email is included as a way to reach you if you are the lucky winner just in case you miss Sunday’s post
    • Include your first name if it isn’t already part of your username
  • Enter by Saturday August 12th at noon (Pacific Standard Time)
  • Stop by on Sunday August 13th to see if you are the winner


~Listen to my first interview with Sharon Santoni in 2015, Episode #96 – Everyday Living in France: My Interview with Sharon Santoni


~Delivery to subscribers of Sharon Santoni’s My Stylish French Box subscription. A box of hard to find, top-quality French goods is included each season. Learn more here.~

~Check out more episodes of The Simple Sophisticate podcast here.

TSLL 2017 French Week continues through August 12th. Amusez-vous bien! 

Don’t Miss What Has Been Posted So Far:

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192 thoughts on “168: French Everyday Living with Author & Blogger Sharon Santoni

  1. I have been a follower of Sharon’s for quite a while on fb and insta and I feel very inspired by her ideas. They can be easily adopted to my lifestyle. my motto is ” Just do it!”

  2. I only just discovered your podcast through an article in the Everygirl. I have started listening to the whole library of podcasts and have bought your book. I would absolutely love to win this book to inspire me with how to plan my upcoming 30th Birthday that I am planning to host at home – hopefully with a heavy soupcon of French style and Je ne sais quoi!

    1. Thank you for stopping by and your interest in living simply luxuriously. I was honored to be included in The Everygirl’s list of favorite podcasts. Thank you for saying hello! 🙂

  3. Oh how I would love to win a copy of Sharon’s book. I follow her blog and have just received her August Stylish French Box. Thank you, Shannon, for conducting such a wonderful giveaway. Both you and Sharon are such inspirations to women everywhere. I always look forward to both your blogs with great anticipation.

  4. You both have such a love of France & I love reading your blogs! Plus a chance to win Sharon’s book!!! Love it! Thanks so much!

  5. Love the podcast. Thank you Shannon and Sharon. I’d love to have a copy of your French inspiring book!

  6. Completely enjoyable! Listened while working and eating breakfast at my desk. I don’t think Sharon would approve. 😉

  7. Loved the second interview with Sharon as well as the first , thank you Shannon.
    Merci toujours et Bravo

  8. I’ve looked forward to French Week for quite a while and have long enjoyed Sharon’s blog. You’re both inspirational and classic. Great combo!

  9. Shannon, Your blog is my morning sunshine. It’s the first thing I read to start my day. It’s perfect! Merci mille fois!

  10. I found your podcast a couple years ago and binged on all the old episodes. You are the one that introduced me to Sharon and now she is a favorite too! Loved My Stylish French Girlfriends and I can’t wait to see her new book.

  11. I absolutely loved this episode, especially when she describes her 8:30pm-1:00am dinner party where they lose track of time and just enjoy the company of good friends. I’m definitely guilty of shutting down a good time because I have to be up the next day or check another thing off of my to-do list. This was a beautiful reminder.

    Would love love love to receive a copy of the book! 🙂


    1. Wouldn’t you just love to be invited to one of her dinner parties. They sound truly special, yet absolutely comfortable. And yes, a good reminder to stay and savor and let yourself lose track of time. 🙂 Thank you for tuning in.

  12. Hi Ladies, I truly enjoyed listening to this interview and I cannot wait to read the book. I suspect it will become a new favourite as well as a delightful gift this Christmas for a few of my closest friends to enjoy!

    1. You and your friends will, if you’re like me, absolutely love it. Stunning photography and wonderful ideas that anyone can welcome into their lives to heighten the everyday. Thank you for stopping by and tuning in. 🙂

  13. Hello Shannon,
    I’m Sylvie and I’m writing to you from France. I enjoy your blog, podcasts, and book very much. It’s really interesting to rediscover my country through your eyes. I also love Sharon’s blog. You’re really two talented ladies.
    Best wishes to you both.
    Au plaisir de vous lire !.

    1. You are very kind in stopping by. I can only imagine the different perspectives. Often even in my own country it is the observations of the outsider that bring to light things I either take for granted or need to appreciate further. As well, there is often a simplification of outsiders, so I do understand I have much more to explore and understand about your home country. 🙂

  14. Such a lovely and relaxing podcast!! I have enjoyed listening to both of you and reading your blogs for a couple of years! Shannon, your thoughts and ideas are truly inspiring! This more personal account of Sharon Santoni’s life was a joy to listen to during my early morning downtime!!

    1. Thank you for stopping by and tuning in! I feel fortunate to have had Sharon on and listen to her anecdotes about a life that continues to inspire me and readers endlessly. 🙂

  15. wonderful podcast! Sharon is such a delight to listen to; Shannon, your questions are great – planning

    my next dinner now with Sharon’s tips-wish I had a vegetable garden with French radishes.

  16. I enjoyed her first book, so I am looking forward to her new one! It would be lovely to win it. Thank you (both) for the opportunity!

  17. I enjoyed her first book, so I am looking forward to her new one! It would be lovely to win it. Thank you for the opportunity!

  18. Sharon sent me here for your podcast. What fun. She is so inspiring. And, I found some of your recipes that sound/look delicious.

    My mother’s family always ate open-faced salted butter radish sandwiches that I thought was weird, but now I wish I had one. 🙂

  19. This was a wonderful podcast. Like you and Sharon, my little dachshunds are a joy. Not a petit plaisir but a grand plaisir!!! But, it is the small things that make them so very cute. I love to watch them play and they are so cute when they are sleeping. My male dachshund, Samson, currently has to have a wheelchair kart to help him get around and I love watching him run around with it.
    My female, Cocoa, loves to cuddle with me in the evenings and I love that time. I enjoy buying soft blankets that feel soft to the touch for them (and me) and cozy beds. I also feed them high quality foods and snacks. Yes, they do live a simply luxurious life and they are worth it.

  20. I am a brand new follower and tuned in to your podcast. What ideas for someone who is retiring end of month. Must find the camera and stir up the senses that have been dormant. Thanks

  21. I loved her first book and have been following her blog since I was introduced to it by you after your first conversation with her. Her lifestyle is certainly something to aspire to!

  22. Oh, how I enjoyed your interview with Sharon! I have followed and enjoyed her wonderful blog for quite a long time…. and now a bonus… I have found your blog! I am looking forward to listening to your previous podcasts and becoming a faithful follower. We spent April in France this year, celebrating our golden anniversary! Our trip exceeded our expectations! ?

    1. Tickled to be found Theta! Thank you for tuning in and checking out the podcast. I can only imagine how lovely Paris is in April – someday I hope to spend time there during the spring. So happy to hear you have an exceedingly good time.

  23. I just love all things French. So elegant, refined, and simple at the same time. It’s restful to my soul. Thank you.

  24. What a beautiful blog and lifestyle! -The book looks lovely. I would love to receive a copy to read over and over again!

  25. This was a very, very good podcast. I love brocante. I would love to have an opportunity to win your book. Thank you.

    1. Thank you for tuning in Shirley. I appreciate your time to stop by, and yes, Sharon is an expert when it comes to brocante fairs and markets. You should check out her tours that she offers each year.

  26. Lovely interview. I have followed Sharon’s blog for some time and have admired her style, her photography and gardens with the changes of each season. Thanks for sharing.

  27. I have enjoyed following Sharon Santoni over the years and I look forward to following you! Always grateful for French inspiration! Really enjoyed the podcast!

  28. Thank you for the extra podcasts and blog content this week Shannon. I’m inspired to check out Sharon’s blog and first book too.

  29. Enjoyed the pod cast- I received one of Sharon’s box and her first book- beautiful. I also very much liked your book and blog Shannon. Keep up the great work!

  30. Shannon,
    What a treat to hear a second interview with Sharon (what a great voice she has! As do you 🙂
    I discovered her when you first recommended My Stylish French Girlfriends quite a while ago. I then had the pleasure of meeting her when she just happened to come to my small southern town in Georgia on her book tour—such a delightful and down to earth person. Cannot wait to pour through her new book!
    Thank you Shannon for your work!

    1. Yes, that’s right! She did have a book tour in the states for her first book, and I believe she will be doing the same for her new book. Stay tuned for dates and locations. 🙂

  31. Try Sharon’s Mushroom Omelet. The technique is fantastique! Her Blog is a taste of la vie en France and the antics of Gibson and Ghetto are so amusing. Thank you for this interview…and I look forward to following you too Shannon!

  32. I loved the podcast! What a dream it would be to have a beautiful house like Sharon’s!! I can’t wait to get her new book!!

  33. Dear Readers, I buried my Dad on Friday, and my Mom 6 mo’s ago. If I did not have Sharon Santoni’s blog, and” The simply luxurious life “, on Bookmarks, I would have never made it .
    Thank-You, Anne K Fleming [akfleming4@gmail.com]

    1. Anne, my thoughts and prayers are with you as I can only imagine what your loss feels like. To be even considered as a destination you have spent your time during such heartbreak is a humbling compliment. My condolences on your loss.

  34. Beautiful conversation with Sharon. I follow her regularly, but I would never eat that late. I love wine, but it doesn’t like me and to much sugar. I also live in Texas and I love radishes and buy them whenever I see them in our organic section at the grocery. I am sensitive to gluten, not allergic, so I don’t eat a lot of pasta. I do follow Mimi Thorisson, French Country Cooking. I do eat sugar once in a while, so its easy to follow Mimi! Her home also has color and natural wood. I also have read French Women Don’t Get Fat and enjoyed it very much.

  35. I miss France so much. I love both of your beautiful blogs and the fact that they take me back in little ways. A podcast from not one, but the two of you was a dream!

  36. I certainly look forward to the story of when the two of you can meet face-to-face (like next summer on your trip to France, Shannon??). Listening to both of your voices is enough to make me look around and see all the beauty that already exists, and even more (in lieu of Sharon’s new book) makes me look forward to creating and sharing these beautiful moments with others. Here’s to entertaining annd enjoying it just as much as my guests!

    1. You just might be on to something ;). It is my hope that Sharon and I will meet next summer. And if/when it happens, you can be sure readers will get a glimpse into our meeting. 🙂

  37. I have enjoyed reading Sharon’s blog for a few years now. It’s a joy to read about her life and home in France. Great podcast! Thank you.

  38. Thank you so much for such wonderful inspiration! I started my day listening to the first half of the interview and came back home from work to rush and finish listening. Now my day has come full circle to thoughts of beauty found in the simple acts that make up our daily lives, one minute at a time! Merci, gracias! Wanda

  39. Hi Shannon! Congratulations and thank you to you and Sharon for an absolutely lovely podcast. I agree with the comment above that it was like visiting with girl friends. And kudos to Sharon on (another) lovely, warm and delightful book. I have a friend whose daughter graduates from undergrad this coming Spring. I believe that Sharon’s book would make a lovely graduation present for her; a reminder that the personal life one builds is as, if not more, important than the professional life one pursues. As you often remind us, Shannon, it is quality (and balance) that matters, not quantity. Take care and thanks again!

  40. Simply scrumptious! Listening to the two of you enjoy each others company felt as though I was eavesdropping. Thanks so much for a much needed escape.

  41. Love Sharon’s blog…found yours through hers! Would love to win a copy of her newest book…eating & entertaining WITH the seasons (& what is locally available) is wonderful AND very attainable for all, no matter where you are!

  42. I loved Sharon Santoni’s first book and I am sure I will love this one too. Nice podcast today. You are a very good interviewer Shannon! I always enjoy when you have a guest on. 😉

  43. Being an obsessed francophile from New Zealand, I adore Sharons blog and would love a copy of her book to add to my collection of french interiors books and to inspire me for a visit to France in the not too distant future!
    I now have discovered your blog too Shannon, thankyou.

  44. Shannon,
    I absolutely love your podcasts. I listen to every Morning on my commute to work
    Thank you so much ,

    1. Thank you very much. The podcast is what it is because of the feedback I receive. I am so happy to hear you are enjoying it, and I will do my best to continue to bring worthwhile content to your morning commute. 🙂

  45. Lovely to listen to you both. Sharon so brilliantly transports us into another world with her blog and books. Not sure if it is that gardeners are wonderful people or gardens make the people. Either way the podcast and listening to the voice it is apparent that you are both wonderful people for sharing your lives and time with us

  46. Lovely to listen to you both. Sharon so brilliantly transports us into another world with her blog and books. Not sure if it is that gardeners are wonderful people or gardens make the people.

  47. Shannon, what a treat to hear Sharon’s voice in person for the conversation. Love the podcasts. I’ve followed her blog for a long time. Also loved the video she did on her friend’s restored castle. I feel I already live her lifestyle of appreciating everyday beauty so we are aligned. Anxious to see her new book. I enjoyed her answers to your questions on entertaining. Curious to see what Sharon does next. Thanks for sharing this with all of us.

  48. I listen to your podcast while I walk and imagine I am in France. Loved listening to you and Sharon this morning. A charming episode. Her book sounds amazing.

  49. What a wonderful interview! This was my introduction to Sharon, her home, and her work, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I would love to read her book!

  50. Very enjoyable podcast Shannon! Thanks for introducing us to Sharon’s new book and your encouragement to appreciate the specialness of everyday.

  51. Shannon, I have tuned into your podcast from the beginning, and it remains to be such a special part of my week whether I am walking my dog or on my long commute to work. I actually look forward to Mondays! I especially love your French inspired posts and absolutely loved your interview with Sharon. Take care!

  52. Dear Shannon,
    I was thoroughly enjoyed the podcast & would adore the book. Thanks you for the opportunity : ) Inspiration to live beautifully and to entertain joyfully appreciated.
    Kind regards,

  53. Hi Shannon – it’s supposed to be “I thoroughly enjoyed…” I pride myself on my writing skills but clearly this morning I’m flummoxed. Enjoying the week very much too!

  54. I love Sharon’s first book and have her new book on order…I follow her blog and IG…I have subscribed to her Stylish French Boxes and she carefully curates the contents and they are a luxurious treat from France. The most recent box arrived this week and is chock full of Provence themed items…
    I love your French series Shannon and look forward to your blog…
    Your podcast is fabulous and hearing your voices is wonderful!

  55. I love your blog and podcasts Shannon. The French week podcasts are so enjoyable! I would love to receive a copy of Sharon’s book; she is very inspiring.
    Karen H.

  56. I loved this podcast with Sharon. Her website is always a delight, and I am sure her new book is every bit as much so.

  57. Great interview for French week! I had never heard of vegetable mousse and the French box sounds so beautiful?

  58. What a lovely podcast! Truly enjoyed listening in. I am certain Sharon’s new book is beautiful and I would love to win a copy. Thank you!

  59. I absolutely loved your interview with Sharon! This was my first time listening to your podcast, but it won’t be my last!

  60. I am enjoying French Week. Thanks for putting it together. I enjoy listening to your podcast while I walk. I would enjoy reading My French Country Home: Entertaining Through the Seasons.

  61. Hello Shannon, I simply love your book and podcasts! Thank you so much for establishing the website and topic-series; they always come at a time when I need to hear them the most. -Jessica

  62. I have all Sharon’s other books, and can’t wait for this book to become available in South Africa (not sure when that will be though as I can’t even find it anywhere to pre-order). Maybe I will be the lucky winner, and won’t have to wait another couple of months before I can buy it here.

    1. Oh, I forget to mention it is my birthday on the 15ht of August – won’t that be the most wonderful birthday present…

  63. I’m so happy to have found you from following Sharon Santoni’s blog! I so enjoyed listening to your interview with her and learning more about how to have a simple and luxurious life!

  64. Thank you for sharing, Shannon! Sharon’s blog looks delightful and I’m sure her book is, too. Another wonderful inspiration to live the simply luxurious life 🙂

  65. Two of my favorite blog writers together. Your French week has been quite delightful. And so nice to see others enjoying this week and all the others.

  66. Loved her first book and really look forward to the second. French week is great! Keep up the excellent work!

  67. Loved listening to you and Sharon yesterday as I worked in my garden. Thank you for a lovely podcast; I look forward to hearing you each week. – DarcyLea –

  68. Thank you for a “week in France” I have been taking
    French lessons in anticipation of a trip to France on
    day. I have gathered lots on information from you.

  69. Sharon and Shannon, you both inspire me so! I love these tips for living a chic, French-inspired life. Thanks for this week’s special episode.

  70. Thank you, Shannon and Sharon! I am a fan of both of your work. Dreaming of Sharon’s new book. I just finished listening to Shannon’s audio version of her amazing book.

    1. Rita, Thank you for stopping by and as well checking out the new audio version of the first book. I was thrilled to finally be able to make it available to readers/listeners. Have a lovely weekend. 🙂

  71. Yay for French week! And yay for Sharon’s new book. I especially want to learn from her how she cultivated her spectacular garden! I am sure I will relish her book and web site.

    Thank you Shannon for this whole week of delights! — Andrea

  72. I just got done with some basic renovations (ceilings-how sexy!) but it has allowed me to declutter and see my home anew. Now I am ready to infuse a bit of the essence of France. Thank you for introducing me to Sharon through your podcast. I am no decorator so I really appreciate her work and style. Her book looks like it would be perfect inspiration to help move me and my home in a wonderful “simply luxurious” way.

    Loving French week!!

  73. Nice introduction to Sharon. I have run across this book recently and have on a wish list.
    It allows me a French fixe without being able to go there for the time being. France is truly my favorite country and when I have money I go there. At least we can live vicariously through this podcast and Sharon’s site and incorporate a little French living into our own homes.

  74. This was my first podcast listening, ever. Enjoyed it while as exercising as suggested. Now I have many to catch up in the coming weeks. Thank you! Looking forward to following Sharon’ blog, now, too.

  75. Thank you for the intro and for the giveaway, I’m sure anybody who reads your site will love this book, me included.

  76. So glad that I was introduced to your blog. I am becoming one of your new followers. Loved hearing your conversation with Sharon, she has been my favorite blog read for many years. So excited to read her new book. And really looking forward to a marathon read of your posts. Thanks, Pat

  77. Sharon gives us all a chance to live the idyllic French life via her blog and new book. I hope that I am forte enough to win the copy provided to the winner, and I can take it off my pre-order list on Amazon!! Love photos in her books and laid back style that we can all emulate …. Thanks Shannon for sharing!

  78. I enjoyed listening to the podcast and Sharon’s book looks absolutely delightful!

    Melissa U

  79. I really enjoyed this episode. I have to admit that it makes me a bit jealous to hear about the slower-paced way the French engage with company and food. So much of day to day can be savored if we only take a step back to notice.

  80. I love Sharon’ s blog and the way she shares the every day of her life – her garden, valley, dogs and her girlfriends- in a way that is gueuine and unassuming.

  81. I so look forward to all of your newsletters, podcasts, and “petit plaisirs”…oh, right and your reading recommendations, your spot-on life musings…OK, i’m fan, qu’est-ce que tu fait? Through you I discovered Sharon Santoni, merci beaucoups! Although, I have to admit to “liking” ,( or wanting to), every single one of her Instagram posts… so thank you for this interview, just lovely.

    Thank you, Shannon, for expanding and enriching my world. Seriously.


  82. TSLL is my favorite blog and French week is the best! I’ve been an avid listener and reader of Shannon’ s for a while now and have come to look forward to her insightful posts and timely topics. Well done – another great French week! My stylish French box looks wonderful! What a perfect gift for anyone.

  83. I just discovered your wonderful podcast because I follow Sharon’s blog. What a lucky find!! I have been getting My Stylish French Box since it started and have been thrilled when I see it’s going to be delivered. Every one has been such a treat and I secretly indulge in all her wonderful finds. I look forward to seeing her new book and receiving my next box. But in the meantime, I will catch up with you and Sharon to get my dose of stylish French living.

  84. The book sounds beautiful. The box is a lovely idea. Thank you for putting together ‘French Week’, it’s something I’ve been looking forward to.

  85. A little bit of France is good anywhere . . .Bend or the Midwest. Enjoying all things French. Merci mon ami. julia

  86. I have followed Sharon Santoni for sometime including getting her My Stylish French Box subscription. I was delighted to listen to your podcast with Sharon and learn of your give away for her newest book. I have it on order but would love to have another to gift to a daughter. Will now plan to follow you being a Mainer and you in Oregon. On my bucket list still is a trip to France!

  87. Oh this is so exciting!
    I can’t remember who turned me on to who, whether it was you introducing me to Sharon or vice versa, but I thoroughly enjoy you both. I love that you are so close in proximity to me, (I’m in the PNW) and Sharon is all the way in France, but yet you both inspire me in all things French and just special ways to enjoy life!
    Thank you both!!
    Marci Kay

  88. Bonjour Shannon

    I have just discovered your blog and podcasts. I live in Australia and have just returned from my first trip to the French Riviera where I was charmed by the lifestyle and beauty. Sharon’s book and your blog will help keep the memories alive.

  89. You’re not going to believe this but I attended one of Sharon’s dinner parties! It’s truly one of the hilights in my life. I was in her very first Brocante tours in 2012. I can still see the flickering candles and sitting outside with around 12 guests. It’s as magical as it appears in her books–the house, the gardens, the dogs, her family, Sharon.

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