147: 10 Truths About The Independent Woman & Love
Monday March 20, 2017

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~The Simple Sophisticate, episode #147

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“And you, you scare people because you are whole all by yourself.” —Lauren Alex Hooper

The twenty-first century woman, she has been called on this blog the modern woman, is an independent woman. And while there are many different shades, rhythms and ways of living independently, there are also many similarities. And some of these similarities are misunderstood by outsiders as they expect the traditional response when it comes to the arena of love or they have a misconception that because she is independent she must not want love in the traditional sense.

Today I’d like to share 10 truths about independent women and dispel any innocent assumptions that simply aren’t true.

Love, whether it be romantic, platonic, a love for a passion that we pursue doggedly and without apology is an electric force that provides infinite fuel for life. Love is a necessity when it comes to living a life of fulfillment, contentment and reaching our full potential. And it is the goal of reaching our full potential that is solely at the core and what drives women who are independent.

Because reaching our full potential is a unique and original pursuit, what we are looking for when it comes to love, romantic love especially will also be unique, but generally, these truths need to be understood by anyone wanting to be involved, currently beginning to date or having been intimately partnered for quite some time with an independent woman.

1. The enjoyment of her own company is real, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t enjoy the company of others

Alone time, great amounts or small is a absolute feast for her being. She revels in it, finds immense pleasure in it and doesn’t need someone else to entertain her or keep her company. When she shares she will be spending the evening by herself, she will be spending the evening by herself because she wants to and her very busy schedule has bestowed upon her an opportunity that she is ready to savor. Introvert, extrovert, it doesn’t matter.

2. When she gives or expresses love or affection, it is real

Why? She won’t waste time with games or ego-lifting flirtations. She is secure in who she is and doesn’t need to drum up interest from others to reminder her of her worth. She knows she is worthy, and more importantly, she respects the feelings of others and doesn’t want to lead them on. Because an independent woman relies on herself for her income and fulfillment, she is busy, she is driven and when she welcomes the possibility of a relationship into her life, she has done so thoughtfully.

3. Asking for help is difficult, but when she says she doesn’t want it, listen to her

An independent woman is willing to figure out her path and then get busy completing the tasks on her own that need to be done. She doesn’t reach out and wait around for help. She may pay a contractor, a plumber, an expert in the field she needs assistance from, but rarely does she ask for help from others as she assumes and respects they have busy lives of their own as she does. However, don’t be afraid to offer help.

The primary reason, as mentioned above, she doesn’t ask is because she respects your life and your schedule. She doesn’t want to add one more task to your list, just as she doesn’t need one more task on hers. Lastly, if you do ask, and she says no, she means it. She’s okay with honesty, in fact she demands it and therefore, she practices it as well.

4. She is self-aware and therefore, will not hold on to a relationship if she doesn’t see a future or it is a fit that simply won’t work

Speaking of honesty, she knows what she wants to accomplish. For the most part, she knows what it will take and what she can do. She also knows at this point in her life what works and very clearly what doesn’t. And if the fit isn’t right, she won’t beat around the bush, hanging on to see and hoping that it will iron itself out. In other words, if you are in her life, she appreciates the connection and the partnership that is unfolding and sees potential for both parties involved.

5. Reaching her full potential is always at the core of her being

As mentioned above, every woman’s full potential will be different. The key is to not to assume anything. Have a conversation, have many conversations. Ask the questions, don’t place the stereotype crowns on her head that Hollywood perpetuates. Ask her, does she want to become President, does she want to be a mother, does she want to travel the world helping those in need, does she want to become the next Oprah, does she simply want to write books, walk her dogs and revel in the love she has with her partner? Ask her what reaching her full potential looks like.

6. Friends may be few, but they are mighty

The planner is full, goals are clear and days are often long, but she sleeps well and she is excited when she wakes up in the morning, thankful for the opportunities she has in front of her. Because of her full life, the friendships she builds are strong and provide support in one way or another. Quality over quantity as the need for strength is important, the need for trust is vital and with time on short supply, she wants to give fully to those she cares about.

7. Looking for an equal partnership

Any relationship will ebb and flow based on the needs of the individuals, but the partnership an independent woman is looking for is not about fulfilling traditional roles. No. It is about setting each other in the relationship free to be themselves. A knowing by one another that there is a level of respect and appreciation for whom each is as an individual and a desire to help each other attain their fullest potential, knowing that the support the relationship provides is part of the equation. Thus, investing in the relationship is crucial.

8. Drama is for television shows and the theater

The independent woman, if and when she has time, may watch House of Cards, but she doesn’t engage in drama. She may enjoy the reprieve and escape momentarily, but she recognizes the unnecessary burden one puts on their shoulders when they involve themselves in drama with friends, family members and at work. An independent woman seeks to be productive, honest and clear. While she knows how to negotiate, she also understands that people have feelings and keeps this in mind when working with them professionally and personally.

9. Living together isn’t off the table, it simply must be with the right person

As someone who has never lived with a partner, my reasons were never due to statistics (read this article from The Atlantic), but rather because I simply didn’t want to live with them which is probably why the relationships didn’t last. Living together is an opportunity to connect more intimately, but only when the independent woman can trust her partner will be her partner, not her roommate, not someone who will add more tasks and chores to her list. In fact, living together, just as finding a partner that meshes well with you, should be an enhancement, not a burden to the life you already enjoy living.

10. We are looking for real love

Living alone is a wonderful experience, and once this truth is realized, it makes it easier to determine if you truly are interested in someone. Why? To change or tweak the life that works exceptionally well for you is a significant decision. Needless to say, the person who provoked such contemplation must be someone unlike most others you have ever met.

The key to living well no matter where you find yourself in your life is to enjoy your own company, and that is something independent women do exceptionally well. And when you enjoy your own company, you are demonstrating you are secure in who you are, your strengths and while you may not applaud your weaknesses, you are aware of them and don’t let them hinder your progression (in fact, you may take time to address and improve them).

And because you are secure and therefore self-confident, you are better able to recognize the same characteristics in others and quickly dismiss of those who are not, and therefore would not be compatible or able to be the partner you are seeking, if your are seeking one.

The funny truth is, get on with your life. Get on with pursuing your goals and reaching your full potential. Get on with living and living well. Whether you intrigue someone or not shouldn’t be the goal. The goal should be internal. Julianna Margules famously shared on CBS Sunday Morning that at the age of 35 she told her mother she didn’t want to get married or have kids because she loved her freedom. Epitomizing the independent woman, she lived her life and in so doing she met her husband at age 39 as she was going about living the life she loved, never with the goal in mind to meet him.

Real love enters our lives in a variety of ways: through our careers, children, pets, hobbies, service, families, our partner, etc. But it should always begin with having sincere love and appreciation for ourselves. And independent woman understands this. She may struggle with who she is becoming as it is new and seems to regularly be changing as she grows and strives, but once she figures out who she is at her core, that truth doesn’t change. And knowing that truth brings a comfort and a sanctuary that nobody can take away.



~How to Become a Woman Comfortable in Her Own Skin

~Why Not . . . Live Alone for a While?

~Why Not . . . Revel in Being a Woman?

~View all FEMININITY Posts in TSLL Archives here.

Petit Plaisir:

~Radishes with Baguette, Butter and Salt – click here for the recipe

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11 thoughts on “147: 10 Truths About The Independent Woman & Love

  1. So very well said. Bravo! I am going to print this post — and have the link at the ready — to share with the next person who simply doesn’t understand. I truly hope this post goes viral and encourage you to offer it to other blogs and ezines.

  2. I have a sneaking suspicion there is a reason I’m seeing more love and relationship posts recently. Can you confirm? <3

  3. You hit the nail on the head! I am new to your book and website but I truly feel you have defined me exactly as I am…an independent woman. One who loves to be married to the man I love but who also loves her independence, career, alone time and adventure! Thank you for sharing you thoughts and being so on point.

    1. After drinking too much wine, telling a keen bean of a man I wanted some alone time and in need of a pick-me-up (googled ‘independent woman blog’), THIS IS EVERYTHING.

      Thank you for nailing it. I shouldn’t feel goddamn guilty for being a 21stC woman! We’re here forever ladies ?

  4. Independent women handle their own problems, don’t rise to the bait of haters,don’t let others affect their confidence,don’t have unrealistic expectations,don’t stay in toxic relationships, don’t lose control of their lives. Thankyou for sharing the information.

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