~The Simple Sophisticate, episode #141
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Montreal author Isabelle LaFlèche has been an inspiration to me for many reasons. One of which is her tenacity to let go of what she knew and leap into what she loved. All it took was a nudge from an unexpected stranger to remind her of the creative talent patiently waiting to be released. J’adore New York was first published in 2011 to great success and was immediately followed by her second novel following the journey of her protagonist with a conscious when it came to fashion and ample intelligence in J’adore Paris. Two more J’adore journeys have followed taking her readers to Rome and Montreal.
Tune into the interview where Isabelle shared the fateful meeting that changed her life in a matter of months, what it means to have it all, the gift and discovery of taking a risk and much more.
Quotes, books and other ideas discussed during the interview:
“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”-Anaïs Nin
Learn more about author Isabelle LaFleche::
- Website: Isabelle LaFleche
- Instagram: @isabelle.lafleche
- Discover more about her chance encounter with the psychic in this article
~Discover more interviews with inspiring women on The Simple Sophisticate podcast:
- Paris, Relationships & Our Truest Selves: My Interview with Eleanor Brown
- A Discussion About Quality Over Quantity in Fashion & Life: NYC Stylist Tiffani Rogers
- Everyday Living in France: My Interview with Sharon Santoni
Petit Plaisir:
~Hidden Figures
Book: Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race by Margot Lee Shetterly
Film: see trailer below
~Sponsor of today’s episode is Plum Deluxe teas.
Based in Portland, Oregon, and offering handcrafted, fresh, organic fair trade teas. Join the monthly tea club and receive an exclusive seasonal tea, free shipping and more for only $10/month. Learn more here.
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Loved Hidden Figures. It’s about time we learn about these women.
Heard Dava Sobel talk about her new book The Glass Universe…also about women computers, but in the late 1800s at Harvard working in astronomy. A little over my head (no pun intended) but fascinating that there were so many women in the math fields.
Thank you for sharing. It truly is fascinating and inspiring.
I ordered 2 maps and have not received them. I ordered the week before Easter this year(2017) and have tried to contact the seller also. Thank you so much for your help. I love love love your podcasts!!!!
What maps are specifically talking about?