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Petites Pensées Lundi
A new addition to TSLL's regular postings, available to all readers, non and Basic and TOP Tier members. Enjoy the Petites Pensées Lundi post each and every Monday as you begin the week, a shorter post replacing the Monday Motivational post, as I dive into completing TSLL's 4th book. This post, sharing thoughts to ponder, or as I am choosing to title them, Petites Pensées, 'small thoughts'. Not small in depth of content, but small in length - no more than 1-3 paragraphs, with an introduction sharing from where the post was written wherever in the world I might find myself to offer a glimpse into one of the numerous and unique ways to live a life of contentment. Rest assured, the monthly gardening post will continue to be shared on a Monday - read September '24's here.
The setting:
- Lieu: Garden porch, mid-morning, mid-September
- Thé: Palais des Thès’ Montagne Bleue
- Des sons: birdsong along with chirps from fledglings, the ‘kawwing’ of a Mexican blue jay, an occasional neighbor drives by, gentle rustling of leaves with the breeze, a young neighbor experiments with tricks on his scooter, the zooming buzz of a hummingbird en route to the dahlias.
“Work hard. Be Brave. Take Risks. I wasn’t the best, I wasn’t the smartest. I wasn’t the toughest, but I did those three things.” —Connie Chung
It happens in moments of self-critique, or unexpected temporary discomfort.
Moments where we realize we have stepped back into our undesired past (by way of an old habit or long-ago disposed of choice or company kept). We don’t realize upon making the choice that we have temporarily reversed our habituated choices, choices that were consciously chosen to nourish our true self perhaps also while dismissing the norms of the cultural that may react quizzically, scratching their heads at the joy and ease we find in our chosen way of life. However, the reversal into our past however momentary – fifteen minutes, an afternoon, a weekend – provides a broader perspective, a vantage point from where we discover we now, by our choices, are living a life that honors what we need and lifts us toward our full potential.
So, we graciously conclude the mis-choice and return to the life that welcomes us home, a life made with careful and thoughtful consideration, some easily, others with much courage and self-discovery. We return happily and with a grateful being. Now and forever moving forward, our awareness has been broaden, simulataneously deepened, and the quiet confidence which grounds us strengthened. For we now know we can trust ourselves to make the difficult decisions, to make the wisest choice for our life journey and that those choices lead to the contentment we now experience providing the opportunity for tomorrows to savor along with the todays.
EXPLORE MORE about Contentment:
Learn more about TSLL’s Contentment Masterclass

Thank you Shannon for this wonderful new addition! I absolutely love the Petites Pensées! The description of the Setting is such a brilliant way to guide us to be aware of the Here and Now. Small thoughts but a lot to ponder… a sort of distillation of wisdom !
Well done, Shannon?
Thank you Laura. Your feedback is greatly appreciated ??
Yes, I agree with what Laura wrote! I love the approach…it is also fun for the reader to imagine the setting!
Thank you Mary. ?
I completely agree with Laura and Mary S! I love this new series! Placing us in the setting evokes such a beautiful feeling of calm and contentment. Mondays just got a whole lot better ?
Thank you…..what a wonderful way to start a Monday. The Petites Pensées setting took me to another place whilst on a train journey into Central London, England for the start of my work day.
The words, “Work hard. Be Brave. Take Risks” has stayed with me all day and I found myself re-reading the Petites Pensées on my way home! Once again, Shannon, thank you!
What a fantastic new way to begin our week. I adore the name as it evokes the idea of a sweet nibble of a thought to ponder through the day or beyond, like the tiniest bite of chocolat noir to savor; love love love the use of the mise-en-scène, brilliant; and today’s Petite Pensée,beginning with Connie Chung’s quote, is a lovely reminder of recognizing it’s okay to say “Well done!” to oneself and be proud of our journey. Well done, Shannon, love it, looking forward to many more Petites Pensées. xx
I am on a roll here, catching up on TSSL after 2 weeks + away… lots of interesting and diversified content as always. Loved this Petites Pensées, it articulated perfectly something I have been sensing without putting words on it, thank you. Will be reread…