Saturday December 26, 2009
The journey of each of our lives is unique. What we will experience tomorrow is entirely unknown, but as a traveler and conscious participant in our everydays, the tomorrows will soon be todays we delight to experience and become sweet memories of our life story.
TSLL blog is inspired by my own life journey, and while most of the content found here on the blog is publicly available for free, in an effort to keep some semblance of privacy, I have created the category Shannon’s Journey.
Each post found here is more personal, more intimate, revealing more of my life ahas, wonderings and discoveries. From life lessons learned on my travels abroad, life lessons realized as I reach my annual birthday milestones, as well as the monthly A Cuppa Moments where subscribers join me in my home for a 20-30 minute chat on the first of each month.
As well, my list of gratitude shared each month in Things That Made Me Smile This Month, So Far . . . is found in this category as well as Saturday Ponderings where readers will discover detailed thoughts, wonderings and personal sharings from my own life journey each month.
Please note: All posts in this category are exclusive to TOP Tier subscribers. You can learn more about subscribing to TSLL blog for unlimited and exclusive ad-free content here and read this post to understand why these changes were made.
Saturday December 26, 2009