Buckwheat Chocolate Pound Cake, a Chocolate Cake that tastes like a Cookie
Saturday August 19, 2023

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The trouble with chocolate and great ingredients is that whatever you do with them, they are going to be delicious.

Okay, maybe that is the opposite of a problem, non? ?

When I came across Chocolate & Zucchini’s recipe for her Chocolate Buckwheat Pound Cake I immediately became intrigued. Having buckwheat flour in my épicerie (pantry) and wanting some new ideas for how to use it, I put it on my list to try, and decided to wait until French Week to share how delicious this lovely, and very simple baking treat is.

I have adapted the recipe only slightly, so I am linking the original recipe here, but I have shared mine below as well as well as shared why I love this recipe and how I approached it slightly differently. To start with, you will no doubt notice my cake is far darker than the original recipe and the reason for this is that I chopped my chocolate up fairly finely. Nothing fancy or time-consuming, but small shards, where the recipe calls for chunks of chocolate (or chips) so that you have large morsels throughout. How you choose to incorporate the chocolate is entirely up to you and don’t worry, it will taste delicious either way.

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The taste elevator to me is two-fold. One, and this will not surprise you, choose quality chocolate.

I chose a Belgium milk-chocolate. Just nibbling on a small morsel as I was chopping left my taste buds enamored, and then I reminded myself to keep putting the recipe together as the chocolate was meant to go into the cake batter, not directly into my belly. ☺️

The second taste elevator is the coconut butter. If you have ever enjoyed a chocolate bon-bon, let me just say, it is like adding that special, flavor and subtle texture to your cake. It is what makes this recipe unique. Splurge on the coconut butter and surprise your sweet tooth. 🙂

And because we are using buckwheat flour, this recipe is gluten-free. Yep. But I am telling you, you will fall in love with being gluten-free when you taste this recipe. I began nibbling on the batter (as it is a bit thicker as I didn’t melt the butter entirely down – and you can absolutely melt it more than I did), and it reminded me of chocolate-chocolate cookie dough amped up a notch with the added unique texture of the flour and coconut butter. Amazingly yum!

Now before we get to the recipe, you may be thinking, this reminds me of the classic French quatre-quarts gâteau, and you would be right! In fact, it was Aleksandra Crapanzano’s cookbook Gâteau that inspired a citron pound cake that I love to make and it is with yogurt (here’s the recipe – sooooo good), so if you want to try lemon and not indulge in chocolate, but still satiate your palate, I highly recommend that recipe.

So simple and so delicious – Gâteau au Yaourt Citron

Before I forget, you will notice, I used a French size cake tin. As I shared in the post above for the citrus pound cake, I purchased mine from E.Dehillerin (and you can too!). I love this size of cake tin, six inches in length (16 cm), and nonstick (although I still place parchment inside most often, but I probably don’t need to).

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And of course I had my helpers in the kitchen as I worked away on this earlier this week. We stepped out of the office after writing the first draft of yesterday’s This & That, and they were eager to get a nibble, but I refrained as it is chocolate. (They received other treats, rest assured.)

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So now to the recipe.

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Buckwheat Chocolate Pound Cake

Simply LuxuriousSimply Luxurious
Adapted from Chocolate & Zucchini's original recipe, this gluten-free (because of the buckwheat!) French classic pound cake is scrumptious! Tasting much like a chocolate chocolate cookie, simple to make, you will surprise and delight your guests and your tastebuds.
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 35 minutes
Total Time 50 minutes


  • 3 large eggs
  • 2/3 cup sugar
  • 2-4 Tbsp muscovado sugar for sprinkling on top
  • 6 ounces 170 grams coconut butter (or unsalted butter) melt to near or entire liquid form for ease of mixing into the batter (or not, as I did, and it will just take longer and make the batter thicker)
  • 1 1/3 cup buckwheat flour
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp fleur de sel
  • 6 ounces 170 grams of favorite preferred chocolate Belgium milk chocolate was used in my recipe – a large chunk, chopped roughly (or finely)


  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (or 175 degrees C). Prepare your cake pan. I used my French cake pan 4" x 8". Line with parchment for easy removal, cut to size so you have enough tumbling over the edges of the pan to pull the cake out carefully.
  • Mix the butter, eggs and sugar until slightly frothy and foamy with a hand mixer or stand mixer.
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  • In a separate bowl, mix the dry ingredients with the chocolate. So the flour, baking powder, and salt.
  • Then mix the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients until fully combined.
  • Pour into your cake pan (again, if the butter wasn't fully liquid, your batter will be a bit thicker and that is okay!).
  • Before placing into the oven, sprinkle the muscovado over the top, generously as this will add wonderful texture to the top of the cake.
  • Depending upon the size of your pan. If narrower and shorter (like mine), bake for about 35-40 minutes. If the batter is able to spread out a bit more, bake for 25-30 minutes. Simply test with a clean knife to make sure the cake is baked through (but not over baked).
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  • Remove and let sit for about 10 minutes to cool, and then remove gently, slice and enjoy!

~Explore more recipes from TSLL here.

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Explore all of TSLL’s Posts shared during the 8th Annual French Week here

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43 thoughts on “Buckwheat Chocolate Pound Cake, a Chocolate Cake that tastes like a Cookie

  1. Hi, Shannon and pups. Looks delicious. As soon as my home is finished from repairs from a basement fire earlier this summer, I’m going to make this cake. Thanks for the recipes and the sweet pictures of your beloved canine kitchen companions. Bon!

  2. Shannon,

    My attention was instantly drawn when buckwheat was mentioned. Like you, I do not have enough uses and I think this will remedy that.

    Sounds and looks delicious!


    1. So true, one can only make so many buckwheat pancakes, right? Well, husband does not agree but what can I say? Hope you are enjoying Summer, it will soon transition, I am not ready!

  3. Thank you, Shannon! I am adding this to my “Chocolate Collection” – to try asap.

    I have never baked with coconut butter. This is going to be a new experience. Am I the only one that gets all excited to have the chance of trying a new ingredient?… No, I guess not… 🙂

    Many pats to the little helpers!

  4. Shannon, Your version looks better to me with the deep chocolate color throughout rather than in chip form. Will make it when the weather gets a bit cooler. I love nuts in chocolate so might decide to add some chopped pecans or walnuts to it. Merci?

    1. Judy, excellent idea about the chopped walnuts or pecans! I was thinking maybe a little raspberry sauce to drizzle over a slice…

  5. Ironically, buckwheat flour has been the topic around here all week! For some reason our local sources have sold out, we have a source up in the mountains about 2 hours away, or the old standby, Amazon. It is supposed to arrive tomorrow. This recipe does interest me. I suppose the texture of the cake is a special component of the finished product. I have a storage room, dedicated to baking items. I do not have the pan you use but I have a wee collection of commercial bakeware that will suffice I think. I plan to put this on my to-try list in the next few weeks. I haven’t seen coconut butter locally, that will be another search! Thanks for testing and sharing this one.

    1. Perfect timing the soon to arrive buckwheat! So happy to hear and I do hope you enjoy the recipe. The coconut butter may take a search (buy it online if necessary), do not substitute with coconut oil as may be the temptation, and it will make a delicious difference. Worth the search and extra dollar or two. ☺️

  6. Shannon, look delish! (And the lemon pound cake is an absolute YUM!) I’ve never used coconut butter and rarely use buckwheat flour, so this will be fun! Any adjustments if using a dark chocolate, like Ghirardelli 70% cacao?

  7. Shannon, Just my cup of tea! Will look forward to trying this out. Thank you for sharing this.

    I trust that Nelle is well on the way to recovery – if she is back to being one of the two Sous Chefs I thought she must be!


    1. Angela,

      Thank you for inquiring about Nelle. She is doing wonderfully! Like nothing happened only a week ago. She had a laparoscopic spay, so less invasive and thus a very short recovery time (and no cone necessary or stitches!)

      I do hope you enjoy the cake. Any expectations or hopes I had for this recipe were far exceeded. Enjoy!

  8. This looks so incredibly good. Cannot wait to try it, and I love the idea of the more finely chopped chocolate infusing the cake…thank you!

  9. Oh wow, this looks delish! I’m crazy about good chocolate. I will have to purchase some buckwheat flour and then make some old fashioned buckwheat pancakes too. Thanks for your recipe Shannon. Xx

  10. Shannon, this looks yummy. I’ll have to try and find some coconut butter. I haven’t heard of it so interested to try it.

  11. Hello Shannon,

    Buckweat is one of my favorite flours to use and who doesn’t love chocolate. This will make a delcious treat for morning coffee, afternoon tea, or a little something before bed. Thank you for sharing this recipe.

  12. Thank you, Shannon! This looks delicious. I picked up some chocolate to make this tonight. We use buckwheat flour a lot for pancakes and waffles. Happy to share my recipe for any and all interested.

    Thank you for so many great posts this French week. Have a wonderful, restful weekend.

  13. I am going to have to try this as I do have some french buckwheat flour that needs to be used up. Will try the coconut butter too. Excited to see who the winners are tomorrow! Bonne Chance everyone!

  14. Oh Shannon, this looks delightful- I will be making this Sunday afternoon! I so enjoy Aleksandra Crapanzano’s cookbook Gâteau per your recommendation as does my entire family! I have a feeling this will be a new favorite!

  15. B7ckwheat coconut butter and chocolate. Three if my favourite ingredients.So happy to heat Nelle is doing well. Sending hugs . Kameela???

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