To dine at The Savoy in the Thames Foyer is a fortunate opportunity, afforded only to their guests currently staying at the hotel, and so, as I had fondly remembered my breakfast during my first stay at The Savoy back in 2022 with my mother, I knew during my stay upon arriving at London this past October at The Savoy yet again (more on my reason for doing so below), that breakfast in the Thames Foyer would definitely be on the itinerary.
Breakfast for me sets the day. When I am properly fed, some protein, fiber and a good pot of tea, then I know I will be able to do whatever the day has in store. Of course, it also helps to precede breakfast with a good night’s sleep, and that too was primarily why I chose The Savoy again as I had the most restful slumber there on my last night in London back in 2022.
So using automatic savings discounts as a member of the Fairmont Group which includes The Savoy, the decision was simple, at one bookend of my trip to England, I would be staying at The Savoy, and I couldn’t wait. (Here is where I stayed for the other book-end accommodation in the city.)
And the first night, following my dinner at the Grill Savoy, I arrived back at my room and found the turn-down service tended to and my bed beckoning me to sleep.

And while any first night of arrival after having flown from the west coast is always filled with tossing and turning, it was as comfortable and as sleep-inducing as it possibly could have been.
With a clear plan of how to begin the day well and overcome my jetlag, I headed first to the Thames Foyer and had a very ‘regular’ for me breakfast, except the surroundings were far from regular as you will see below in the photos and video.
When you head down to the Foyer for breakfast, you pass through the entrance where there is always a seasonal grand display.

You might remember that during the Easter season which is when we stayed there last, the display included a giant chocolate egg. (photo captured in April 2022)

This time around, as autumn had just begun, a display of three umbrellas made of autumnally colored leaves had been designed, and it was absolutely stunning.

The receptionist is standing to either side of the arched entrance prior to the stairs leading down to the Thames Foyer, and you share with them your room number. They check to make sure you indeed are a guest, and then show you to your table. Be sure to grab one of the many free daily newspapers in the main lobby before heading down for breakfast. I grabbed a couple, and yep, one of them was my favorite, The Financial Times, those unique pink pages ☺️.
Here is a video (brief) to provide perspective on the space.
For as large of a room as it is, it is quiet, yet melodious in the sounds that you do hear, meaning you know people are talking, and sometimes the piano may have someone playing, but you can’t hear anyone’s conversation, as you have enough of your own space, yet a grand view of everything and everyone in the space. It’s wonderfully constructed and designed with plush seats, ample eye candy on the walls and of course that stained glass ceiling art above the gazebo. I look forward to enjoying Afternoon Tea here sometime soon during my next visits.
First, I placed my tea order, from which you have many to choose from, and I have a feeling there wouldn’t be a wrong or bad choice. They also come around and offer croissants or scones. I ordered fresh orange juice to pair with my breakfast of two eggs, a side of avocado and while I didn’t order this time, but oh my goodness was it delicious last time, their wide selection of sausages. View the menu here.
You may be wondering, is the Thames Foyer where The Savoy hosts their Afternoon Tea? And yes, you are spot on. Can you just imagine dining for tea here? Gorgeous, absolutely magical it must be. Perhaps that will be a future TSLL In-Person Gathering? What do you think? ☺️?

With breakfast savored, newspapers read, and taking in the reality that I was in London on London time once again, I gradually got up and out of my seat (they bill your room, so no need for payment while dining), and the price is quite affordable, which you can include in the payment of your room for one of their special rates. You can also have breakfast in your room, which I chose to do the second morning before I departed for County Durham, as you place your order before you go to sleep, leave it on your door handle by a certain time, choose the time you would like it to be delivered, and they arrive on the dot with a linen clothed rollable table that fold up and down, and you dine in your room like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman – in your white robe having just woken up, but again, waking up in London. It was delicious and a luxury and I would do it again in a heartbeat if I was so fortunate.
~Learn more about making reservations at The Savoy here. And be sure to sign up for Fairmont Group rewards here.
But next, Norman (remember him from my dinner at the Grill Savoy the night before?) recommended a circular stroll to take along the Thames, something he used to do when he would stay here. As The Savoy is located right along The Thames, you have the Waterloo Bridge directly next to it taking you across to the other side where you loop around to the Westminster Bridge, passing by the London Eye. Then, once back on the Victoria Embankment side (which runs in between The Savoy and the Thames), you can stroll through both the Victoria Embankment Gardens and, my favorite the White Hall Gardens which what I would like to share with you. Now, it was early October, so many, if not all of the seasonal blooms were gone, but based on photos I have seen, this is a gorgeous garden to stroll through in spring when it is filled with tulips and many other types of blooms during the summer.
A small garden, but it takes you off walking along the bustling roadside and turns down the volume on the city bringing the calm and respite you might need to settle everything a bit and get your bearings. I highly recommend wandering through if you are in the area.

Here is a short video to walk you through one side. For the life of me I thought I had a photo or video footage of the famous leaning tree, but alas I do not. With that said, there is a gorgeous old tree that has many of its limbs propped up with supports as it is so heavy, but healthy and looking amazing. Yet again, another reason to visit this park and see it with your own eyes.
I hope this provided some inspiration for how to settle into London well when you first arrive in the city. I know for me, it was a delightful start and certainly made the jet lag dissipate more quickly – fresh air, Mother Nature’s beauty and a delicious breakfast in a welcoming, luxurious setting.
Explore all the posts from this year’s British Week
I follow The Savoy on Insta and always enjoy seeing their seasonal display, but I must say, this one looks particularly fine, and what a treat to view in person! It’s such a lovely old hotel, so full of history and quiet elegance. Lovely stroll about Whitehall Gardens, the architecture is stunning, as I imagine are the flowers when in full bloom, thank you Shannon.?
Were those crumpets I spied? Very British ?.
Beautiful walk along the Thames.
Possibly, or an English muffin. Either way, I do remember them being very good. 🙂
Oh, Michelle, nothing like a nice crumpet in the morning or even as a late-night snack. I am mixing some up this weekend for our Sunday brunch. They are easy to make and such an indulgence. I’ve already made a peach jam to go with them. Have a lovely weekend!
Lucy, I will have to give that a try. I have to travel almost 3 hours to go to the market that carries them, along with clotted cream.
Thanks for the tip.
Shannon, what a gorgeous dining room and you’re right it would be perfect for afternoon tea. Thank you for the video of the Embankment Gardens as it brought back some memories. X
I agree Nicola, it would be lovely to have tea here. Just tell us when and where Shannon! ?❤️
Gorgeous! The Savoy Thames Foyer restaurant does look quite lovely and what a lovely place to start the day.
Their seasonal display is stunning and I recall you sharing it at the time.
Thank you for all the tips, and the Thames circular walk certainly looks like one to take.
I remembered being impressed by the display also.Christmas is my favorite time of the year for decorating, I bet it’s absolutely gorgeous then.
What a treat to start your day here! And the Victoria Embankment Gardens are stunning. Thank you for taking us along.
What a glorious post, and a fantastic vicarious experience, thank you. I’ve never read the Financial Times, now I’m so curious to find one! When I splurged on a tea last year in London, I was there alone, and the first thing the maître d’ did was to ask me which print news I would prefer, if any. It was a moment that was so touching. If I’m ever asked again in London, now I have a good answer! Happy Thursday.
This looks so lovely, it is on my bucket list to visit for afternoon tea but now you’ve made me want to spend the night! A place I am also keen to try out is The Wolseley in Mayfair who apparently do an amazing breakfast. My plan is to try out Hampstead Ladies Pond on Hampstead Heath for a swim then head there for a late breakfast (if you’d like to learn more about the swimming, there is a lovely documentary on Netflix called The Ponds)
Thank you for sharing this information about both the swimming and the breakfast at The Wolseley. 🙂
I can vouch for breakfast at the Wolseley- had a wonderful experience there!
Thank you for sharing, Shannon! Now I must stay at The Savoy!
It sounds a delicious experience! Literally. Thank you for this vicarious breakfast and walk – the appetite I have built now is pretty real though! 😉