TSLL’s 7th Annual French Week is Coming!
Tuesday July 12, 2022

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In one month’s time, TSLL’s most popular week of the year begins. *raising my wine glass!* Santé!

It’s hard to believe we are in the 7th year of celebrating all things French for an entire week here on TSLL blog, but it is true! And I am thankful to all of the readers who stop by during this event making it what it has become – a time to savor the culture that has brought so many of us inspiration to live lives of delicious, beautiful, everyday enjoyment.

As a way to announce the forthcoming week of French festivities, I wanted to share with you a new illustration created exclusively by the artist behind all of the illustrations in TSLL’s 3rd Book, The Road to Le Papillon as well as the new illustration for British Week, Sarah Lœcker. Drawn from eight different moments captured during my recent trip to Paris, Sarah traveled along virtually with me and grabbed these favorites, then compiling them into a collage to capture the memories of the trip (she can do this for you as well – just reach out to her), during this year’s upcoming French Week, I will share the backstory behind each item included above.

As the illustration shares above, TSLL’s 7th Annual French Week kicks off on Sunday August 14th (always the second full week in August), and if you are a Francophile, be sure to mark your calendars and stop by when you can throughout the week. What will take place that is unique to this week on TSLL blog? Let’s take a look:

  • Two new posts each day for the entire week (French-theme), Sunday, the 14th – Saturday the 20th, with a single post on Sunday to announce the winners of the giveaways.
  • Two new podcast episodes
  • Giveaways, French-inspired (companies, brands, items)
    • Past giveaways include:
      • Poilâne sourdough round
      • Gien mugs
      • Rebecca Plotnick prints
      • vintage finds from Provence via Chez Pluie
      • Mauviel copper pans
      • de Buyer carbon steel omelette pan
      • French market baskets
      • E. Dehillerin gift certificate
      • Parachute linen sheets
      • French Country Home year magazine subscription
      • French candles
    • Giveaways are exclusively available for entry only to TOP Tier Members (explore the many other benefits of becoming a TOP Tier Member here)

If you are a new reader here at TSLL, be sure to explore past French Weeks and all of the posts and giveaways here on a new page created specifically to make it simple to continue to enjoy this special week each year no matter when you choose to visit.

And until it’s time to celebrate this special week, TSLL will be posting on its regular weekly schedule, with a French-inspired post tomorrow, a French-inspired podcast episode shared just yesterday and the regular This & That post that goes live each Friday. Wishing you a wonderful Quatorze Juillet this Thursday and Bonne journée!

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From TSLL Archives
Updated British Week 1.jpg
Updated French Week 2.jpg