28: The Modern Woman’s Lifestyle Grocery List (top episode from season 1)
Monday July 22, 2019

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I find that the summer months are a wonderful time for assessment and reassessing of what works well in my daily routines and why.

Similar to the French’s La Rentrée which occurs in September after residents have returned from their holidays and school and life and everyday routines return to their regular pace, so too do many of us find ourselves determined to make everything we do run a bit more smoothly. So I will admit, I wasn’t surprised when this episode, which was shared in the first season of The Simple Sophisticate podcast, was a listeners’ favorite.

With some aspects of our daily routines, there are supplies we need to always have on hand to make our everydays run seamlessly, and that is primarily what a Modern Woman’s Lifestyle Grocery List is all about. And if you’re like me, I take a look at this list every year and update it for my life as it may have changed or improved and different details of each or some of the items may need to be updated, substituted or replaced. I do hope you enjoy and thank you for stopping by and tuning in.

~View the original show notes for episode #28 here.


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4 thoughts on “28: The Modern Woman’s Lifestyle Grocery List (top episode from season 1)

  1. I simply love your show and enjoy listening to your thoughtful ideas when I go running on the weekend. Simply love your ideas and insights. Thank you!

  2. I loved this episode! I would like to add my two cents for the lifestyle grocery list! 1. a lightweight travel bathrobe. I love tucking this into my suitcase or bag before heading on a trip. Sometimes, just having a robe to throw over my pajamas in the morning, to savor my coffee in my hotel room or at a friend’s house, is preferable than to just get dressed. 2. Emergency medicines in small plastic pouch. I find if I carry a small (2 doses, max) medicine kit, with Vitamin C, ColdEeze, royal jelly, etc., I can nip potential colds/flus in the bud. The minute I feel something coming on, which is invariably while away from home, I can pop my remedies and feel instantly on top of things! 3. Essential oils. I recently became attached to several oils that not only scent the room, but also provide therapeutic benefits as well. I love to diffuse wintry scents in the Fall & Winter, then lightweight, citrus scents during Spring and Summer. Lavender at night is relaxing, as well. Those three things I consider essential for my ‘lifestyle grocery list’! Thank you for letting me share and thank you for a great podcast!

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