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“True luxury doesn’t land in our lap, pre-packaged, but rather through conscious living, self-awareness followed by an appreciation for quality, not quantity. Your luxuries will be different than someone else’s if you are wholly aware of your full potential and true self.” —Shannon Ables, blog post “A Simple Life Lived Well IS Luxurious Living, Let Me Explain . . .”
To gently wake in the morning to birdsong as your body and mind are roused to consciousness to begin the day, or nudged by the soft melodies of a pastoral composition played in a nearby radio, such simple occurrences exemplify luxuries that elevate the quality of the day’s unfoldings.
In last Friday’s weekly newsletter sent to subscribers, I suggested treating ourselves to a simply luxury, and while going back through TSLL’s Archives to find posts sharing ideas and inspiration, it came to my attention that I actually only have one post titled “Simple Luxuries”. Rest assured I have oodles of posts titled Petit Plaisirs which are essentially the same thing (find hundreds of them here), and in fact, the two terms here on TSLL are interchangeable, meaning an idea to make the everyday all the more enjoyable, to elevate our lives and help us savor the present moment. Simple luxuries and petit plaisirs need not be of great expense and sometimes are absolutely priceless.
As we begin June, in many ways a month that ushers in a shift from full schedules to more leisure and less structure or at least fewer demands on our time, I wanted to bring a post that reminded us to take a deep breath, exhale completely and prioritize the quality of our everydays ensuring we have intentionally included simple luxuries. And as we put them into place with June’s arrival, hopefully by the time September rolls around, we will realize how the enjoyment and thereby quality of our days has increased and be encouraged to both remember and prioritize continuing to include them in our daily lives as they really do provide a richness leaving us each all the more nourished and thus bring a more grounded, kind and clear-eyed, responsive self to every situation.
So, let’s get started and take a look at 20 ways we can incorporate simple luxuries into our daily life.
1.A well-made (but need not be expensive) teapot that doesn’t drip while pouring
~(Brown Betty’s are a dependable, classic choice as are Amsterdam teapots – only $12!)

2. Fresh lemons
For a hot cup of lemon water to begin the day, a squeeze of juice over a favorite fish dish and so much more. Oh! And yep, a squeeze over freshly sliced avocados as seen in the top photo – yum!
One of my favorite treats for a morning when I have fresh bread in the house – Avocado spread, and yep, a squeeze of lemon is a necessary ingredient!

3. A rich, anti-aging hand cream that soothes after a day of work in the garden or being outside or just because
~Here is a list of 10 to choose from based on needs and budget.
4. Home delivery of your favorite weekly news publications.
I so delight in walking out on to my front porch Sunday morning and seeing the newspaper plopped on the sidewalk ready to be explored. Grateful to the consistent delivery driver who no matter what the weather, it arrives each week.
5. Seeing and remaining still to watch the morning sunrise or evening sunset.
Paired with a hot cuppa or a glass of something delicious depending on which end of the day you find yourself.
6. Savon de Marseille soaps
Simply made with 100% all-natural ingredients, primarily olive oil, La Savonnerie de la Licorne is my go-to Marseille based soap maker who has been making these reliably wonderful-on-your-skin soaps for over 100 years. Using no animal products, nor artificial fragrances, or coloring, or preservatives, once I began using them, they have become all I use for bathing and cleansing.
7. The scent of fresh flowers – whether cut for a boutique in the house or grown in the garden
8. A soothing, rich foot lotion to apply each night before bed for tired feet
L’Occitane’s Shea Butter Intensive Foot Balm does the trick.
9. An herbal tea or tisane to end the day made from clippings found in the garden
From rosemary to sage or lemon verbena and of course, chamomile, being able to snip a few (or just one) sprig or leaf from these herbs grown at home provides a relaxing end to the day, as well as offers a variety of health benefits.
10. Sitting down to enjoy a cosy British or French mystery (ad-free) and a place to put up the feet and relax
–Here are more than a few of my favorites and recommended series from readers for British series and this post includes many ideas for French series.
11. Taking a walk amongst Mother Nature, fresh, clean air and the music of the natural world

12. A teacup or coffee mug or breakfast cup that fits the hand ideally
~for me, this would be a breakfast cup with a thumb rest and enough cup capacity for just the ideal amount of tea, such as Gien’s Breakfast Cup & Saucer.

13. Time to do or be as you please
~a post to explore: How Our Quality of Being Determines Our Quality of Doing
14. An enjoyable book that has you eager to dive back into its pages since the last moment you placed the bookmark

Explore lists upon lists of TSLL’s Favorite books shared at the end of each year, and always remember, you can stop by each Friday for the regular This & That post when I share books just released that I think you will enjoy in all sorts of genres – explore archived T & T posts here, and be sure to peruse TSLL’s Shop in the menu bar – drop-down menu – then click books.
15. A great lipstick
One that both projects the person you want to present to the world and hydrates as well as lasts. I shared the one in May’s Ponderings . . . post that I love which while taking months (maybe years if I am being honest) to find, but found it I finally did!
16. Essential Lavender Oil from Haute-Provence P.D.O. (Protected Designation of Origin)
The only ingredient is lavender oil, and that is all that is needed, 3-5 drops on your pillowcase to welcome sleep swiftly. Shop L’Occitane’s essential lavender oil here.
17. Seasonally fresh produce picked up at the local market or farm stand

~speaking of a good book from point #14, I am thoroughly enjoying the last book in Jean Luc-Bannelac’s Brittany Mystery series – Death of a Master Chef (seen here)~
18. A go-to scarf for each season
A scarf that both flatters our skin tone, but also is made of texture that provides the level of warmth (wool or cashmere in winter vs linen in summer) that makes our chosen accessory feel part of our being and completely comfortable.
19. Listening to a favorite classical composition (or your music genre of choice)
For me, each time Eric Satie’s Gymnopedie #1 begins to play, I stop and just listen to all three+ minutes. The same with Camille Saint-Saens’ “Le Cygne” or Debussy’s Clair de Lune.
20. Always having available in the fridge a quality piece of dark chocolate, and then . . .
. . . when I know I will be savoring it that evening, leaving it out on the counter at room temperature so that the full flavor will be enjoyed when I sit down with my cuppa tea in the evening to begin to unwind.
I wanted to conclude with the final suggestion of savoring a piece of dark chocolate because from the beginning of TSLL it has been a hallmark in many ways of living simply luxuriously in my own life. Yes, from a health standpoint, having dark chocolate satiates my sweet tooth without being too sweet and eliminates nearly entirely (but not absolutely) the desire for sweet desserts. I began welcoming this ritual into my evenings each time I didn’t have dessert back in my late 20s, but it has become my preferred dessert of choice, and quite a fun exploration to welcome home new finds from different chocolatiers, savoring just a square (or two) each night which prolongs the enjoyment even more without too much expense.
My hope in writing today’s post, whether you are a long-time member of TSLL or a new reader, is to inspire you to find those little details, thus the descriptor of ‘simple’ that elevate both the precise moment you are partaking in using or enjoying them, but that also satisfy and nurture the life you love living, not as a indulgence that detracts from your priorities or values or in eating or living healthily or well. Such choices and selections are out there, and when you tailor them to your tastes, preferences and what delights your eye and being, each day becomes all the more rich and amazing.
Wishing you everydays full of simple luxuries to savor. Bonne journée.

Looking for 366 Petit Plaisirs, one for every day of the calendar year? Be sure to pick up TSLL’s third book, The Road to Le Papillon: Daily Meditations on True Contentment where concluding each entry of inspiration, a Petit Plaisir is shared. (Available in four formats: hardback, paperback, audio and e-book.)
episode #306, 25 British Petit Plaisirs

100+ Petit Plaisirs to Enjoy (four-part series)

What a super post to start my week 🙂 I woke early so just enjoying my simple luxury – curled up with a cup of coffee listening to Debussy looking out over my garden before walking to work. I have recently started experimenting with making my own chocolate – it was a lot simpler than I imagined, just cocoa butter, raw cacao and maple syrup (or honey) and it is divine and now my evening luxury, paired with a pot of tea! Thanks as always for the inspiration!
That chocolate making idea does sound doable! And delicious. 🙂 Thank you for sharing. Your morning ritual of simple luxuries brought calm just reading it. 🙂 Thank you for sharing that as well. Wishing you a wonderful week!
Wow! Shannon, you really are the curator of all things wonderful…and I love that it so much about the little things. I do also love all the wonderful products and links you provide. I have been so busy that I am just catching up on your posts from the last few weeks. I already feel more inspired and centered. I am excited to learn more about the Contentment Masterclass. I really don’t know how you provide so much beautiful and inspiring content on a regular basis. You are amazing. Thanks for all you do. You make a difference to so many people.
Thank you for all that you have said. I am chuffed, and grateful to hear you enjoy what you discover here. One of the objectives of TSLL is consistency in both postings and content ethos, and to hear from readers that I am perhaps doing just that means a lot. Thank you. 🙂
Thank you, Shannon, these little reminders and nudges are so helpful. Can’t wait to browse les Petits Plaisirs for even more inspiration!
You are most welcome Melissa. 🙂 And enjoy perusing. 🙂
Posts like this are my favorite! Rituals and treats to implement into our day as a reminder to take advantage of little moments to improve upon the day to days.
The Gien’s Breakfast Cup & Saucer are lovely as well as reasonably priced.
I have not read in months and have truly missed it. A long-overdue epiphany occurred and I renewed my Audible subscription. Now, I get to enjoy books again while on my daily commute (except for the 1st & 3rd Wednesday, of course ?) Although I prefer holding one in my hands and physically turning the pages, this will do in the meantime.
And thank you for reminding me to savor these little luxuries instead of just going through the motions out of habit.
Have a wonderful week.
Audible is such a great idea especially when we wish to read but have a full schedule. Tickled you enjoyed the post and may you find moments to wiggle simple luxuries into your day. 🙂 You are such a very conscious enjoyer of your days, so I have no doubt you will find many. 🙂
I most often wake, for the first time around 5:15 am. I recently read that robins are the first to rise and sing in the morning. What a sweet sound. They provide the background music for my day. While I don’t always jump up to begin my day at that time, I know that this is a luxury that retirement has provided, the option to take the time to listen. Each of your reminders provide an opportunity for us to explore our own lives for special moments or routines. I often remind myself that it’s the little things that provide the big moments in my life and I am more grateful than I can put into words. Have a lovely day everyone!
Lucy Augustine, I enjoyed reading your comment yesterday evening and thought of you this morning as I was hearing the first birds sing…now I know they are robins! Sounds like retirement suits you and you are soaking it up, enjoy!
Thank you for sharing this fact with us about Robins. It wouldn’t surprise me a bit. I so delight in my resident robins. 🙂
Thank you Lucy ?
It IS all the little things, isn’t it ?
Sometimes ‘little things ‘are so much bigger than we think !
When we are aware, and appreciative , those moments are so special, and really do make a difference to our days .
Daily Blessings.?
I’m rather late catching up with this post , but hope that you have had a lovely week, and will enjoy the coming weekend .
Best wishes from the UK
x Anne x
Lucy, I absolutely agree, SUCH a luxury to listen to the birdsong just after awakening. If I’m lucky enough, I am up before the dawn and the birds and it’s as if the day is suspended for just a breathless moment, waiting to spill its pockets of magic over us all. And if I’m really lucky, I already have a cup of coffee in my hands?. And yes, all the moments, tiny and quiet to large and crackling, I am grateful for all. Hope your weekend is absolutely delightful.~Rona??
Loved the Post!
Reminds me of some of the things I already do and more I need to add!
Your reminders and sources, as well as new daily rituals of self care are much appreciated !
Having moved from a sunny hot climate, to Washington,
I’ve found myself leaning even harder into each one.
I now have Spring, Summer and Winter scarves .
Thank you Shannon!
My pleasure! Happy to share and tickled you enjoyed the post. ☺️ Love reading that you too are finding various types of scarves to ensure you stay warm and can venture where you would like. 🙂 Enjoy your outings!
Shannon a delicious list of simple luxuries . I agree with Lucy that it’s the little things in our lives which count the most. Listening to birdsong or stopping to admire a beautiful rose is free but it’s our appreciation for them which nourishes the soul.
I have two of mine to add. The first is crisp linen sheets and the second is a bottle of champagne is always chilling in my fridge. Extravagant I hear you say but it’s within my budget and I source mine from the small producers buying direct or at wine fairs. They don’t cost as much as some of the well known labels and are often better.
I’d like to share this quote from the first Lady of Champagne- Madame Lily Bollinger.
“I drink champagne when I’m happy and when I’m sad. Sometimes I drink it when I’m alone. When I have company I consider it obligatory. I trifle with it if I’m not hungry and drink it when I am. Otherwise I never touch it- unless I’m thirsty” France still holds the number one slot for its consumption. Have a great week enjoying all of life’s little luxuries. Kameela?
Thank you Kameela! ☺️
Great quote Kameela ?
Many years ago , when the UK was experiencing a drought, with water rationing ( I know this is not an unusual occurrence in France ! ) my youngest sister presented me with a white cotton drill apron , with a pink button fastening on the neck loop , and pink lettering which says …….
“ Save Water , Drink Champagne “
Every time I put on my apron , it makes me smile , and remember the many times we DID drink champagne together especially when we were visiting our other sister in the South of France .
Sadly, both of them have passed away in the last few years , but the memories and the laughter we shared will never be forgotten ❤️❤️??
Crisp , freshly ironed sheets ….oh yes ? , and the fragrance of flowers , freesia , roses, wallflowers, pinks , lavender , honeysuckle and jasmine in particular, but so many more .
Both of my sisters ( and our Mother ) were at their happiest working in their beautiful gardens , and all of them had green fingers !
(and we often sipped champagne in the garden too ? )
x Anne x
Anne, I so loved reading about your beautiful memories of your Mother & sisters & you enjoying, well, each other and life together, thank you for sharing. I don’t have any champagne but I do have some chilled sparkling rosé and so this evening I will raise a glass of rosé in honor of their memory. Santé!
Ah, thank you so much Rona ?
It wasn’t always champagne ( although it often was when we were celebrating being together )
Sparkling wines, Samur , and Cremante were equally enjoyed, , and the sister who lived in France lived in Provence, so much Rose was enjoyed as well , as that region is famous for its delicious rose ( apologies for the lack of the e acute accent ,cor the rose , I can’t make my keyboard speak in French ?
Have a lovely weekend x
And you as well, Anne! (Tip: If you are using a Windows based computer, here’s a link on how to create accents for different languages using your keyboard: xx~R
Found it !
Rosé ?
Thank you for encouraging me to explore , I knew there must be a way x
Fabulous quote, Kameela, and now I am off to the market???
I loved this post – and all the comments. Luxuries do not have to cost a ton of money (or any money at all), and these lovely ideas are priceless. Thank you for starting my week out so positively.
This might be my favorite post ever!
Thank you for stopping by Julia ? Tickled you enjoyed the post!
Brilliant! Thank you, Shannon. Wonderful reminder of all the things we can relish on a daily basis. I don’t know to whom this is attributed, but, the phrase, “how you live your days is how you life your life,” always resonates. Days spent savoring simple luxuries and sharing our best selves with others are days well-lived. Thank you so very much.
Ah, yes, Annie Dillard’s famous words. A beauty truth to always hold with us. ? Thank you for stopping by Abigail.
Abigail, I love this quote by Annie Dillard from “The Writing Life”, not only is it a powerful reminder of our choices in life, but it is also a great defense of making a schedule!?Enjoy your weekend! xx Rona
Fabulous list, Shannon, this is why I so love TSLL, you always manage to find and give us such lovely things to ponder and use and as you say,’SAVOR’. Mille mercis. ~Rona???
I love these types of post Shannon. Especially enjoy your recommendations for products to try that you like!
I just have to swing back around, Shannon, and thank you for introducing WRTI (and thank you to whoever introduced you to it, I believe you mentioned a reader had). I have it on right now and so enjoy choosing jazz or classical anytime of day. This morning is a jazz cool blue morning! ?
If I can make it up in time….I’ve come to adore the Sousalarm march at 7:15! I’ve actually marched around the house to it, does get the body going ?. Fun fun. Thanks!
This is one of my favorite posts. I keep coming back to read it. I decided to treat myself to soap from La Savonnerie de la Licorne . I am so excited my package arrived two days ago. I ordered the tin soap case as well. It makes me so happy to just look at the tin. You were right Shannon the soap feels so good on my skin. Thank you for sharing the little pleasures of life.
So happy to hear you are pleased with the soap. ☺️ Thank you for sharing! Such gentle soaps. And simplicity of the minimal products and all natural. Grateful to have found them. Thank you for stopping by!