17 Things to Do, Savor & Experience in November
Wednesday November 1, 2017

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“November comes
And November goes,
With the last red berries
And the first white snows.

With night coming early,
And dawn coming late,
And ice in the bucket
And frost by the gate.

The fires burn
And the kettles sing,
And earth sinks to rest
Until next spring.”

― Clyde Watson

November is the middle child of the fall and holiday season it seems, and perhaps that is exactly as she prefers it because as the gaiety of October concludes with costumes and candy, all of a sudden we are plopped into November.

If you are like me, you revel in this quiet month, the gradual warm up to the holidays, the anticipation as well as gratitude that December isn’t here just yet as whether we want it to be or not, we aren’t quite ready for it.

November offers warmth as we seek it out more and begin our “snuggling in” season. The  wool scarves, hats and gloves come out of the closet, no more excuses to stay inside as the weather’s temperatures have decided that for. Now is the time for reading, dreaming, taking deep breaths and realizing how much the year of 2017 has brought into our lives as it becomes more apparent, more real, more . . . wow, 10 months have indeed already passed.

The pace of November is sweet with its leisure, steadiness and unassuming nature. As is the case, below I have compiled 17 things to enjoy doing, tend to to enhance the enjoyment and savor as we inch ever nearer to the grand finale of the year – December.

1. Take note of the goodness and the progress you’ve made over the past 10 months.

2. Give love to your local businesses with your time, purchasing of gifts, ordering ahead for special food items, etc.

3.Read a delicious book about food, Paris and dreams coming true . . . eventually

4. Watch a cozy mystery in the theater and be reminded of Agatha Christie’s brilliance

5.Finalize your itinerary for holiday travel and then let the journey take you where it may

6. Catch your breath and slow down, pamper yourself with a seasonal facial or favorite spa treatment, regroup and let yourself get excited about the upcoming holidays

7. Make a new recipe using seasonal fall produce

8. Seek out and add one item to your fall outerwear essentials that is the missing piece (a classic cashmere scarf, a pair of booties, a warm wool coat, a pair of slim, yet warm gloves)

9. Virtually be transported to New York City as you sit down and enjoy the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade

10. Cozy up at your favorite bookstore or a new bookstore if traveling

11. Create a shopping list for the holidays: decide on things or experiences, items for the decor and gatherings, items you need that might go on drastic reduction with the upcoming holiday sales, etc.

12. Seek out your holiday stationery 

13. Hold fast to your health regimen: your workout for aerobic caloric burn, time for mindfulness and stretching to usher in the tranquility and regular strength exercises to maintain your metabolism. Your eating as well: eat moderately, savor, don’t be speedy.

14.Make soup, pick up (or make) fresh, crusty bread, stay in one weekend and invite a few friends over for a soup and sip afternoon gathering. Play board games (or pretend to play board games), relax and just enjoy their company before everyone steps into the holiday bustle.

15.Put the house (exterior, yard, sprinklers, etc.) to bed for the winter.

16. Remind yourself of all that is going well as often as you can remember to do so

17.Stock and prepare your travel tote for the upcoming trip or unexpected spur-of-the-moment opportunities to get away and enjoy a different destination separate from your everyday.

And with that, we are in November. Wishing you a most abundant, love-filled and ideally paced eleventh month of the year.


~Why Not . . . Reduce Your Holiday Stress? 

~Why Not . . . Decorate For Autumn?

~Why Not . . . Prepare for the Holidays?

Thesimplyluxuriouslife.com | the simply luxurious life

5 thoughts on “17 Things to Do, Savor & Experience in November

  1. Dear Shannon
    Again and always I thank you for your awesome and inspirational content you share so lovingly with us??
    With much gratitude I enjoy and look forward to your next share every time , informative practical and oh so luxurious???

  2. November is the calm before the storm. It remains one of my most favorite times of year even though we in northern Canada have been bunkered down and preparing for winter for a few weeks already. 😉

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