Welcome to TSLL’s 4th Annual British Week! (and The 1st Giveaway!)
Sunday May 15, 2022

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I feel obliged to confess as I type, I am sipping tea while a cozy/cosy English mystery plays in the background, Nancy Carroll appears on screen in a supporting role (I especially enjoyed episode #5 in Season 3 of this particular series that I am just now starting to watch and it is quite growing on me) and I smile as it reminds me of the crossover of her starring role now in the British-French caper series set in Provence.

No doubt I romanticize Britain and specifically England far too much, or others may say that is so, but for me, a kindred connection has always pulled at my attention, time and curiosity for Britannia.

Whether it is my deep preference for the rain, my love of animals – large and small, my comfort wandering about in the countryside without a trail beginning as a young girl and never ceasing, or my penchant for so many English authors studied in undergrad, just to name a few ideas as to where my affection began, I cannot be certain. But what I am certain about is my sincerity for the culture of cuppas, brollies, wellies and Beatrix Potter. Along with Hercule Poirot of course. 🙂

The entire fifth chapter in my new book The Road to Le Papillon: Daily Meditations on True Contentment focuses on the affection and influence Britain has had on my life and I know so many TSLL readers as well. And as Sarah Lœcker depicted in her illustration for this particular chapter – an ode to a formal English garden complete with boxwoods, paired with a cuppa and a teapot donning a knitted cosy and finished with an umbrella – such details immediately bring Britain to my mind when I see them.

I am tickled to share with you the latest illustration Sarah created for this year’s British Week, one created from photos I captured on my recent trip to England in April, and forever a reminder of a handful of my favorite moments experienced.

Before I share the inspiration for each, can you recall what each symbolizes or depicts? Let me make a list, and present a bit of a puzzle. Perhaps grab a cuppa! 🙂

  • The arched windows
  • The flowers – pink tulip, yellow peony and white tulip
  • The jade and white stripe teacup and saucer
  • The cylinder chocolate patisserie
  • A wellie-lined staircase
  • Rows of umbrellas for sale
  • The wooden theatre sign board

I have a feeling you have already named a few immediately, but if you would like a few hints, check out my IG Highlights, Brit Trip ’22 for all of the images, including each image that inspired the illustration.

thesimplyluxuriouslife.com | The Simply Luxurious Life

Here is the list of answers/items depicted in the new illustration for TSLL’s Annual British Week:

  • The arched windows — St. Pancras International Train Station in London
  • The flowers – pink tulip, yellow peony and white tulip —flowers seen and that caused awe at Sissinghurst Castle Gardens the white tulip was found in the famous White Garden.
  • The jade and white stripe teacup and saucer — Claridge’s famous afternoon tea set
  • The cylinder chocolate patisserie — one of the sweet treats enjoyed at Claridge’s Easter Afternoon Tea
  • A wellie-lined staircase — The entry at The Pig at Bridge Place in Canterbury
  • Rows of umbrellas for sale — James Smith & Sons LTD umbrella shop in London
  • The wooden theatre sign board — The world’s longest running play, written by Agatha Christie, beginning in 1952 and having been performed at St. Martin’s Theatre since 1974, The Mousetrap

Be sure to check out all of the photos (below) that inspired each of the details in the illustration. Sarah gathered each of them up as I traveled about England, and upon returning home, she had come up with the idea for the illustration. ? I am beyond grateful.

Today kicks off the 4th Annual TSLL British Week, a tradition that began in 2019 and continues to be a favorite week of TSLL readers as well as for myself as I love to curate the posts and come up with the giveaways that change each year.

Since this is the first year British Week has been held on TSLL’s new blog design, I wanted to share with you a new addition to the blog to provide readers the opportunity to peruse and explore past British Week’s and all of the posts and giveaways in one easy-to-find place on the blog.

First, check out the menu bar just below the header (see email below). You will see that British-Inspired is on the Menu. Hover over “British-Inspired” and a drop-down menu will appear. Click British Weeks.

Once you have clicked “British Weeks”, you will be taken to the page you see below with each year’s British Week organized by year, with future British Weeks’ dates shared so you can save the dates!

As each post goes live this year, you will be able to find all of them under British Week 2022 on this page to ensure you never miss a post.


What to Look Forward to This Week During TSLL’s British Week

  • Four giveaways with five winners with the Grand and final Giveaway being announced on Friday March 20th with only a 24-hour window to enter, so do be sure to stop by throughout the week to enter.
  • Two posts every day this week, running through Saturday May 21st, and all of the winners will be announced in the final post on Sunday May 22nd.
  • Two Podcast episodes, British-inspired theme
  • Detailed posts of recommended places to visit, stay and explore in England from my most recent trip this past April
  • Engagement and ideas shared from all TSLL readers regarding their affection for the British culture in the comments section of each post.
  • Be sure to explore becoming a TOP Tier Member (monthly, quarterly or yearly options available) — ad-free reading AND exclusive ability to enter all of British and French Week’s giveaways, unlimited reading of all TSLL’s content. Yep, even the exclusive content which includes TSLL home tours and Shannon’s Journey posts (what made me smile, Saturday Ponderings and the monthly A Cuppa Moments video chat).
  • And the first giveaway is live now on the blog – be sure to log in if you are a TOP Tier Member, or become one so you can enter.

Speaking of giveaways, there will be five lucky winners this week, and if you are a TOP Tier Member of TSLL blog you will have the opportunity to enter to win each one. (Learn more about the many benefits, along with being able to have exclusive giveaway access here when you explore the TOP Tier Member options.)

And as is has become a custom, the first post of British Week begins with a giveaway!

Two TSLL readers will win a classic, everyday teapot from Amsterdam (the company). Now, in the past I have giveaway the Brown Betty teapot and the Burleigh teapot and tea set, so this year I wanted to explore other brands that are often associated with England, and while the Amsterdam teapots are not made in England, they are quintessentially British: available in many sizes and colors and most important (at least to me), they do not drip!

Learn more about exactly what is being given away in this post where you will also be able to enter. (If you leave a comment here, you will not be entered in the giveaway – be sure to leave a comment on the Giveaway post – linked here.)

~Click here to Enter the Amsterdam Teapot Giveaway!

Thank you for stopping by to begin this festive week of all things British! Be sure to stop by later today as I have a third post to share with you. Cheers!

Thesimplyluxuriouslife.com | the simply luxurious life

25 thoughts on “Welcome to TSLL’s 4th Annual British Week! (and The 1st Giveaway!)

  1. Happy British week Shannon! I read this post as I sit in my garden on a sunny Sunday morning with my “brew” listening to the birds as Waffle potters around outside.
    The new British week illustration is perfect ! I love those jade cups. Fortunate to have discovered Sarah’s accounts via TSLL (love her Tea in the Studio account).
    I look forward to enjoying this week with all of the TSLL community. Thank you again, as always, for your inspiration and generosity.

    1. Sarah H… I am also enjoying Sarah’s Tea in the Studio posts. Wouldn’t it be fun to sit & chat w her while we had our tea & treat?

    2. Thank you for sharing your moment of calm with all of us. It sounds absolutely delightful. Big loves to Waffle and may you have many more such moments to savor. 🙂

  2. What a lovely illustration to capture the memories of your trip to England and the start to your British week.
    The teapots are darling and green would be my choice to have tea in my English garden through the summer ?
    Looking forward to rest of the week posts.

  3. I am excited to be back in British week again!! I was home in Scotland in March for a week for the first time seeing family in 2.5 years. And hope to go back again in July bringing my kids with me, like old times! Excited to see what the week brings. As a Scottish francophile, I’m torn between which week I love best!!

    1. Sharon I totally get your dilemma. No need to choose. Love both. I love England and lived there for many years and now I live in France. Best of both. Kameela.

    2. Yeah, Kameela is right, embrace it all and love it all. From all the nation within the UK, Scotland is my “secret love”… 😉

  4. I can’t believe how quickly this year is rushing past, or that it’s British week already! I’ve had a frazzled — & frazzling — April, & the first week of May’s not been much better. But getting back on-line literally on the eve of TSLL’s Brit Week is surely the Universe’s way of telling me it’s now time to slow down, take a breath & have another cup of tea. I’m surrounded by packing boxes in a temporary rental just around the corner from the house we’re building, the move itself was uneventful (which I’ve learned through hard experience is the best kind), the cat is happy with her new windows & view of the world, & life is good. Upside down, but good 🙂 . TSLL & British Week are just making it better.

  5. Sarah’s illustration is gorgeous. A tea party with Shannon and Sarah Lockyer would be fabulous. We’ll all bring cakes and spend the afternoon in one of the best indulgences. Shannon I totally understand your deep connection with Britain. I think I was about 8 years old when I decided that I was going to emigrate to England.( had no idea how!) The adults dismissed it. But I realised my dream and after many wonderful years I fell in love with France but secretly Britain will remain my first love . Love it’s quirkiness. Have a fabulous British week. Kameela?xx

  6. This is my first British week. I decided to join since following your trip with your mother on instagram. My first time in England was with my mother as a graduation present many decades ago. The sea foam color is very pretty.

  7. In 3 weeks, my sister and I will be heading ‘home’ to England. It’s a short visit but we are both feeling nostalgic and will be meeting family and friends and visiting places from our childhood while there. So British Week is especially fun this year. Love the illustration, captures memories from your visit. Looking forward to all the posts.

  8. How exciting to be starting TSLL”s British Week 2022! Your first give away is an adorable Amsterdam Teapot! If I am the lucky winner I would like the powder blue pot.
    Thanks for the fun week !! Susan

  9. Hello, Shannon, and everyone! Delighted to be here again at the beginning of another British Week. Yey! Lovely ilustration by Shara L. and yes, a tea party would be fun. 🙂

    There is a strong, long and historical connection between my country (Portugal) and Britain. With both countries being Atlantic dwellers, our affairs have run somehow intertwined (it is not just about Oporto wine, not really…). There is a large British community living in Portugal, especially in the North of the country, and although it has always been there, it expanded in numbers with the Industrial Revolution. I became an Anglophile at the age of 10, after reading a book by a Portuguese author, in which the “main character” is a English family living in Portugal in the 19th century. I felt since then an intense attraction by the British living, its culture and its quirks. When I started learning English at school (age 12) I was in Brit heaven… 😉

    Not much of a logical reason to be attracted for a particular culture – but the heart wants what the heart wants. 🙂

  10. I loved the previous illustration, but I’m equally charmed by the new one! Delightful is the word I always want to use when I see these illustrations. Simply delightful when paired with your words!

    1. Thank you for sharing how you responded to the illustrations Elizabeth. Both artists did such beautiful work. I feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to partner up with them. 🙂

  11. I LOVE British Week! That teapot in the cheerful yellow just brings such a smile. Thank you Shannon once again for offering this fun week. And I am thoroughly enjoying reading about your recent trip “across the pond”.

  12. I love the British and French weeks, they are always so fun. I imagine that are a lot of work, so thank you for all that you do Shannon! I have a recommendation for a show that ties in nicely this week. I recently discovered “Britain’s Best Home Cook” on Hulu and I”m addicted. I did a little research and for readers who have access to BBC One its simply called “Best Home Cook.” I hope anyone that checks it out enjoys this show as much as I do.

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Updated British Week 1.jpg
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