Ready for Rain
Tuesday May 21, 2019

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Rain is a calm comfort when it falls gently and steadily, and the attire to step outside to savor it, and drink in the scents of all that is refreshed and new will vary for each of us depending upon how we live.

From the classic British Barbour coat that Queen Elizabeth is fond of wearing whilst in the countryside (as is Daniel Craig’s James Bond, if he counts being a character and all) to the iconic, handmade (and yes, quite the investment but worth it as you’ll wear it for a lifetime) Mackintosh trench, and yes, I cannot forget the Burberry trench as well (my journey to find my dream coat is shared here), a high quality trench is a capsule must-have if you live where there is an abundance of rain.

Now some may argue a trench isn’t necessary (which is why Barbour is a favorite and seen frequently if you are in the British countryside when it rains), and of course, that is absolutely correct as we all must wear what we feel most comfortable and what works with our lifestyle, but for me, a trench is a favorite choice, and so too is a well made umbrella.

I have been researching and shopping around for about two years for a quality umbrella, and while I haven’t purchased one yet, I have my eyes on a few British brands. Needless to say, I have gone through a few flimsy umbrellas and have had enough when the wind has its way with them. Quality is key when it comes to umbrellas as well, and a nice single stick umbrella from James Smith & Sons looks to be just what I am looking for, and perhaps you too. Fox Umbrellas as well is worth checking out, but I would love to hear from readers of any quality umbrella companies or brands you know about or have experience with that you would recommend. Please do share in the comments as I have a feeling, I am not the only one looking for a well-made accessory to walk with me in the rain.

Oh, and I cannot forget the footwear. While only a few of the images below show the wearing of rain boots, they too are a must, and I could not recommend more highly Hunter wellies. And the good news is they are having a sale at the moment (the US site), 30% off. So if you are in the market, but sure to take a look (the original tall rain boot is a dependable choice and some of its colors are on sale).

Below are many images to offer style inspiration whether it be how to style a trench, an umbrella or both. If you are interested in any of them, do click through the image to be redirected to the original source, and may your rainy days be plenty, and your flowers grow magnificently.


Sunday May 19th

Monday May 20th

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11 thoughts on “Ready for Rain

  1. Great post, I too am looking for a quality, reliable umbrella so look forward to any recommendations other readers provide. With regards to rain, I am currently enjoying a lemon presse and coffee looking over the garden which is also enjoying a drink!
    With very best wishes from England, Sue

    1. Sue, thank you for describing this moment. It sounds like a dream on earth! I love your description of the garden savoring the moment as well. Do see Anne’s comment above regarding umbrellas. She has shared an abundance of ideas for umbrellas that you may find useful. Have a wonderful day and thank you for stopping by. ?

      1. Hello Sue ,
        Just to let you know that you can view and order from Fulton online , they have a great website, easy to navigate , and an excellent courier delivery service .
        I have two umbrellas that I ordered from them , one a Cath Kidston full length umbrella, and one little folding umbrella to keep in the car for unexpected showers ?
        I also bought a beautiful William Morris lined black umbrella as a gift again, excellent service and I could have had it delivered to the recipient directly , if I had wanted this option.
        I’m not affiliated to Fulton, or any of the brands they carry , just a very satisfied customer !
        I hope you will find exactly the right umbrella for you………and I’m sure you will !
        Best Wishes

  2. Shannon, have a look at the Hunter moustache umbrella. It’s a sturdy reasonably priced one. Loving British week, kind regards from Warwickshire UK.

  3. Hi Shannon,

    You asked about British firms producing umbrellas.

    At the luxury end of the market, Swaine Adeney Brigg have been in business for 250 years , and have a fascinating history.

    They produce beautiful umbrellas, amongst other luxury goods .

    You might also like to check out Fulton umbrellas , their price ranges offer a more affordable option for most of us ? and they carry some designer labels as well.

    Joules also produce umbrellas in their fun distinctive style and bright patterns.

    We have lots of options for functional, pretty and stylish umbrellas !!

    Best Wishes from the UK……….which is presently warm and dry ?


  4. Such a timely post. I live in Pennsylvania and we are known for rain, particularly the last couple years. Overcast skies threaten us daily and a flimsy umbrella is the bane of my day! Now, if we find one that creates a micro-climate that keeps the humidity level from frizzing my hair. (((insert smile here))))

  5. Hi Shannon a well made umbrella is essential in Britain. Flimsy ones are almost disposable. If it’s well made it should also be repairable . I have a Fulton which I have had for many years.You have already been given great British makes but I thought may be you should get a Burberry to to with your coat?

  6. I really like my Fulton bird cage umbrella. It’s really wide so it keeps the shoulders dry. You can also see where you’re going as it’s see through. The design is similar to what Her Majesty the Queen carries on official engagements.

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