Thoughts from the Editor
Wednesday February 4, 2015

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With yesterday’s official announcement that the author of the beloved author of To Kill a Mockingbird will be released her long, long, long anticipated second novel this summer (July 14th – my calendar is marked and a day will be entirely dedicated to reading it without interruption), I am reassured that indeed good things do take time . . . but they do indeed materialize. It may be fifty-five years in the waiting, but the 88-year old Harper Lee made a lot of people smile yesterday.

Titled Go Set a Watchman, her second novel was actually written prior to her Pulitizer Prize winning novel narrated by the iconic female protagonist Scout, and is a reported 304 pages. And in even more exciting news, Scout again will narrate the story from her perspective as she returns to Maycomb, Alabama, to visit her father Atticus as a young woman. (While the cover has yet to be revealed, you can already pre-order your copy here.)

However . . . many who know how fiercely Nelle Harper Lee’s sister Alice, protected her sister’s legal rights are questioning whether or not Nelle actually gave consent or not. As Alice passed away last November at the age of 103, she had stated for the press that her sister is not in good health and will sign just about anything placed in front her. I must admit I do have my doubts, and I can only hope that for Nelle’s sake, the novel is a literary success that leaves her devoted fans more adoring than they already are.

(Learn more about Harper Lee in my review about the recently released biography, The Mockingbird Next Door)

On a totally different note, it’s February. I adore this month. Why? Spring is just around the corner and fall fashion weeks are about to begin starting in New York and wrapping up in Paris.  And that also means the March issues are about to arrive on newsstands soon as well.  While I must admit, I didn’t watch the Super Bowl, two Super Bowl related ladies made the covers of top British mags for the Spring Fashion issues:

Needless to say, fashion is on my mind, but so is feeling good, eating well and taking care of my health. December, and I must admit, January too, were two months I enjoyed myself in the kitchen and around the dining room table, so now it is all about getting back on track: packing healthy lunches and snacks to get me through the day, doubling down on yoga classes each week and hydrating with good ole water consistently throughout the day. Here are a few posts on just these topics to help you stay onto of your best health without deprivation or over taxation of your body:

~Why Not . . . Feed Your Body Well?

~Why Not . . . Get & Stay in Shape?

~Why Not . . . Treat Your Body Like a Temple?

~Why Not . . . Try Yoga?

But more than anything that I’ve just mentioned, a recently released study serves as a reminder that sleep, getting enough of it each night, is the foundation for overall resounding good health and a happier life. Yep, 7-9 hours of sleep each night (see below). Find out the many ways a regular good night’s sleep is imperative to good health here. So more than ever, prioritizing how we spend our days, understanding why we do what we do, is vitally important.

I hope your week is treating you well, and I’ll be back on Friday for some fun and exciting items to be shared in the weekly This & That.


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4 thoughts on “Thoughts from the Editor

  1. Oh yes, it was exciting news about Harper Lee wasn’t it Shannon? My 88 tear old Mum saw the launch and reaction to “To Kill a Mockingbird” (and the film with Gregory Peck), she is champing at the bit about the release of the second book!

  2. unfortunately, there is great debate over whether Harper Lee’s book is being released with her permission. not a good thing if she didn’t give it. would love to read it but not if it has been done unethically.

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