Seaside Hotel (Badehotellet), Danish series: petit plaisir #361
Wednesday July 19, 2023

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If you enjoy scenic seaside beauty, time-period drama pieces involving both décor and sartorial accuracy, as well as the backdrop of global events that loosely and sometimes directly affect the lives of the cast, you will want to check out the current series Seaside Hotel.

A Danish drama series with a catchy soundtrack and breath-taking scenery set upon the North Sea of the Danish shores, Badehotellet (English translation, Seaside Hotel) is available with English subtitles on PBS, Walter Presents and also found on Amazon Prime. First premiering in December 2013, the series is now into its ninth season with more on the way. Each season finds us in a new summer, the first season beginning pre-WWII and currently, the ninth season, is the first set in the aftermath of the aforementioned war.

With the characters who lives during the other nine months of the year are spread around then country of Denmark, the same families return each summer for an unofficial reunion of sorts, consisting of all ages and different life chapters as well as life experiences to reconnect.

If you watched the Danish series Borgen on Netflix, you will recognize some of the actors, but most importantly, it is a series with likable characters navigating life as best as they can all while holidaying on the seaside in a picturesque hotel.

Be sure to tune in to today’s episode (#361) of the podcast and listen for more specific thoughts and recommendations as to why I thoroughly enjoy this series and think you might as well.

Watch a trailer for season 1 below.

Seaside Hotel was one of two Petit Plaisirs for episode #361, 33 Decorating & Construction Lessons I Learned Customizing Le Papillon (a 3-year journey) of The Simple Sophisticate podcast | The Simply Luxurious Life

~Explore more Petit Plaisirs here in TSLL’s Archives


2 thoughts on “Seaside Hotel (Badehotellet), Danish series: petit plaisir #361

  1. I Absolutely love the seaside hotel series!!! I’m watching Season 10 now July 2024 and I understand this is the last season and the show is ending …so sad! I live in America in the state of Pennsylvania. The Danish coast looks stunning on television and anyone living there is so very lucky! Thank you. Daryl Ann

    1. Darylann, wasn’t the final season quite lovely? Oh, and that setting and the décor and clothing. Yep, this is a special series. Tickled you enjoyed it as well. Thank you for your comment. 🙂

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