The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, book – petit plaisir #343
Wednesday November 2, 2022

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In less than one hour, you can read through Deepak Chopra’s pocketbook- The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Guide to Fulfilling Your Dreams, and in that hour that you will discover the power of letting go of the outcome, the simplicity of discovering the path that is meant for you actually involves less stress and strife, not more, and that seeking constant security is an attachment that will never be fulfilled and takes us away from discovering the awesomeness of what we each uniquely possess and that the world will benefit from if only we have the courage to share ourselves fully.

With each spiritual law, Chopra shares both conceptual and abstract ideas along with specific concrete examples of how each law can be put into practice. I genuinely enjoyed this book, and found that I didn’t want to whiz through all seven in one hour’s sitting, but read one each day for a moment of contemplation and then mulled over what I had read throughout the day.

Chopra’s pocketbook was originally published in 2007 and is a reader favorite due to its concise presentation and adherence to his sharing fundamental truths that continue to thread through his subsequent books. His most recent book being Abundance: The Inner Path to Wealth that was released this past spring is a book that I enjoyed as well. Inspiring episode #326, in Abundance Chopra deepens and clarifies a couple of the spiritual laws he enumerates in the pocketbook, specifically the idea of seeking and honoring your dharma.

If you haven’t read any of Chopra’s books, I recommend beginning with the pocketbook, and if it resonates with you, exploring further other titles he has written.

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success was the Petit Plaisir for episode #343, How Setting Healthy Boundaries Contributes to True Contentment | The SIMply Luxurious Life

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