304: Artists in Residence writer and illustrator Melissa Wyse and Kate Lewis
Monday April 5, 2021

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Today on the podcast, the creators of the new book Artists in Residence join me to talk about not only their collaboration, but also how readers can find inspiration to look at their own sanctuaries as a haven, decorating it in such a way as to nurture presence and the unique creativity each inhabitant would like to share with the world.

Melissa Wyse is the writer and through her research, so many details largely unknown to the wider public are shared about each of the 17 artists’ residences and their life stories. Kate Lewis brings to vivid imagery each of the intimate spaces with her illustrations. yYou will find yourself looking at all of the detail, going back and forth between the written word and the painted peek to gain a sense of how the artist lived. Not only a book to feast upon with the eyes, but inspire you to honor your own gifts, find time to explore and share them and motivate others to do the same just as Kate and Melissa have done.

Purchase the book Artists in Residence: Seventeen Artists and Their Living Spaces from Giverny to Casa Azul here, and explore more about each of the women below:

~The Simple Sophisticate, episode #304
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3 thoughts on “304: Artists in Residence writer and illustrator Melissa Wyse and Kate Lewis

  1. Was wondering about the cardamom chai that one of the guests mentioned as their simple pleasure. Would love to know the brand!

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