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“Heat is the element of transformation. It is was takes raw to cooked, flabby to firm. Pale to golden brown. ” —Salt, Fat, Heat, Acid, documentary, Samin Nosrat
The topic of butterflies has been abundant here on TSLL blog – in 2011, What Butterflies Have Taught Me; in 2016 – The Butterfly Moment in Life: Don’t Wait, Just Live Well, episode #160; in 2010 – With Balance and Determination – and after reading these past posts, you will quickly see my long-held fascination with this transformative insect with a large pair of brilliantly, uniquely colored wings (and Norman’s too as explained in the first post listed).
Let me begin this conversation by sharing an interesting note: caterpillars are associated with both butterflies and moths, and there are far more moths than butterflies (6-11% butterflies as opposed to 89-94% moths), but often the opposite is believed to be true because moths are nocturnal and butterflies fly about during the day.
Taking a mere couple of weeks (sometimes months, a for a few butterflies, years), the process, while some may describe it as “beautiful” due to its magnificence and eventual outcome, it actually can be quite odd, not typically majestic aesthetically and perhaps to some, gross. I won’t describe all that takes place (you can read about that here), but yeah, part of the process is icky (I use this elementary term only to further my next point – what Mother Nature is enabling to happen as the butterfly transforms from a caterpillar is nothing short of awesome).
When you have the courage to step forward into transformation, to cultivate a life that welcomes contentment, to let go of what is no longer supporting the person you wish and somewhere within you unconsciously or consciously knows you can become, there will be stages that are “icky”, uncomfortable, frustrating, doubt-filled and maybe even painful figuratively/emotionally speaking. But that is part of the necessary process.
Last weekend, I posted this image on Instagram (see below). For those listening, it is an image of my new maghony bed frame. Complete with a footboard and headboard, at the top of each is a carefully carved butterfly. I call it, not surprisingly, my butterfly bed. As I shared in my Instragam post, it was a find at a secondhand store for a price that was far below what it should have been marked, but this treasure had gone unnoticed for many months and the owner of the shop was eager to move it. Knowing the carpenter, artist is a more apt word, Steve Arment, who is a dear family acquaintance in Wallowa County, I knew a treasure when I found one and welcomed this piece of art into my home tout suite.

Much of TSLL’s new book Living The Simply Luxurious Life: Making Your Everydays Extraordinary and Becoming Your Best Self) is about the chosen transformation to travel your singular journey in order to attain, and live each day, your best life. A life of contentment, a life of realizing your true potential.
And it is a book inspired by my own choosing to step into the stages of transformation.
There are countless blog posts, and even books on the process of personal transformation, but it warrants a closer, yet concise look at the realities and the benefits of the process.
When I heard the quote shared at the top of this post shared by the author of the wildly successful book and now docu-series Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat Samin Nosrat in the Heat episode, an image of a butterfly struggling to free itself from its cocoon was on the screen. I pressed pause. I rewound and listened again to what she said. I listened again and proceeded to write down the words shared today. Admittedly, she is talking immediately about food, but she could just as well be talking about any change we seek in our own lives. In order to cultivate change, we must create friction which causes heat, which mobilizes the ability for the change we seek to occur.
1.Give yourself permission to become more
“There is power in allowing yourself to be known and heard, in owning your unique story, in using your authentic voice. And there’s grace in being willing to know and hear others. This, for me, is how we become.” —Michelle Obama, in her memoir Becoming
Whether it is society or our own limiting thoughts, obstacles of the transformation we know vaguely awaits us should we choose to step forward to change will flash before us repeatedly attempting to thwart any decision to proceed. But you must be daring. You must be brave because as former First Lady Michelle Obama shares in her new memoir and directly in this quote, when you choose to become more, you empower yourself and now have the ability to help others step into their fullest potential as well.
2. Give yourself permission to be content.
Sometimes, especially as women, we need to hear that our actions will help others in order to give ourselves permission to do something that will improve our lives and make us more content. But in this particular step, I want to give you permission, and thus for you to give yourself permission, to let yourself be truly content. Each of us is living different lives, each of us has different responsibilities, that is why your journey will be unique and only you will truly know what you can let go of, what you need to remain committed to and what you no longer need to be a part of, but your happiness will spilleth over if it comes from a place of authenticity of an opportunity to improve the world and its contentment.
There will always be shamers, guilt-trippers, and fear-mongers to attempt to “put you back into your place”, which is why you need to find your support system (TSLL is here for you too!), but first be your own support system and give yourself permission to be content. A better you will help cultivate a better world.
3.Remind yourself of your unique strengths and past successes
“By staying in touch with your accomplishments, you build true, authentic confidence to move on to make new things happen. Appreciating your success enables you to take responsibility for your greatness so that your life . . . [is about] finding ways to use your own gifts to make a difference.” —Jinny S. Ditzler, author of Your Best Year Yet
When we are in the middle of transforming, doubt inevitably creeps in. We begin to wonder if we really do have something the world needs and whether our investment of time and resources will be worth it. In these moments, take time to slow down and remind yourself of both your unique strengths and your past successes – those actions and abilities that inspired you to begin the journey you are currently on. Perhaps you need to check in with that dear friend of yours that is your constant cheerleader if you cannot seem to remember your awesomeness because it is there and once you remember these truths about yourself, a deep breath will emerge, your chin will rise just enough for you to look forward so that you can keep on striving.
4. Understand that constructing a solid foundation begins with instability
Your world will feel as though it is shaking at times, unstable, some of the previous strongholds – perhaps financially, perhaps socially, etc.. You will feel emotionally drained and tapped to find an ounce of energy to power through. You may have moments of floods of tears, anger due to disrespect or lack of understanding. Keep your composure in public, seek out those you trust for comfort and reassurance in private, take time to find balance and strength, and know these moments are part of the building a more solid foundation.
I was recently watching a segment on Oregon’s Public Broadcasting which spotlighted the building of Portland’s Japanese Gardens, Oregon Art Beat. And in the segment, the first natural design one sees when they enter the garden before hiking up to the full Japanese natural space are the dry stone walls. The architect explained that this architectural approach of stacking rocks without cement or binder ironically enables the wall to become stronger with each shake of the earth, each shift of the ground beneath it. Why? Because as the earth moves, the rocks begin to settle more and more firmly into their place. The key is to have chosen the pieces carefully when first designing the wall.
You are the architect of your life, and so long as you trust your journey, understand your unique gifts (something that is discussed in detail regarding how to do in chapters 8 & 9 of TSLL’s new book), with each shake that comes from society, from a critic, from individuals who challenge what you are doing, it will ultimately only strengthen your foundation, but at first, it will feel unstable as it is new.
Learn more about TSLL’s Contentment Masterclass here.

5. Remain open to opportunities you initially may not recognize
Opportunities often take time to materialize and thus for us to recognize as opportunities when they first dance across our paths. Because we are seeking or traveling down a path that is new to us as we have chosen the path of transformation away from our previous existence and toward a new one, opportunities will be, and initially look, different.
Much like continuing to date the same type of person, we cannot expect to seize the same type of opportunity over and over again and expect a different result. It seems obvious, but it is hard in practice initially because we have become trained to see opportunities that we now know do not serve us for our new journey. Which is why we must remain open to opportunities that may be unrecognizable initially. How?
What I have learned is that opportunities often take time to fully take shape. In fact, we have to do the homework beforehand, take a risk often times and then be patient to see how it will all work out. The most important step is doing our homework. In other words, what investments have the best chance of helping us to attain the outcome we seek. Instead of seeking the option that will give us an outcome quickly, but not the best outcome, we need to be patient and simply let it unfold once we’ve put forth the effort.
Eventually, the opportunity will become clear, but along the way, it will be foreign as we are a new student to this language.
This past summer, I spoke often about my trip to France. It was a trip, while not my first, that is most memorable for a long list of reasons. And it was on this trip that a butterfly came so close to my face on multiple occasions it felt surreal. As we sat down for lunch throughout my week at the Provence cooking school, the butterflies would dance down the center of the arced table overlooking the valley in Vaison la Romaine. I would catch the eye of fellow students immediately after it would happen and we would just smile in adoration and disbelief at what we had just seen, no words needed to be exchanged. Of course, I had my own reasons for smiling, much of what is explained here, but it was when I came across my new bed (that I was not shopping for – in fact I was shopping for a round pedestal dining room table that I continue to shop for), that I smiled again spontaneously.
If you too are fascinated with butterflies, you will have your own reasons for smiling when you see them as we are each choosing to travel along our own transformative path, but I find my bed to be even more now a place of support and encouragement. And the transformation in my most private sanctuary a welcomed change as a new chapter of sorts begins.
It is a curious feeling sharing a creative piece of yourself, in my case, a book which shares many different personal details, with the world. As many readers have coined, it is somewhat like a “book baby”. You work on it for years, you read it and reread it and reread it multiple times, but it isn’t until it is put out into the world that you feel particular feelings at their most visceral level – vulnerability, hope, relief, just to name a few. The relief is one of emotional expenditure, and perhaps the bed came at the perfect time with its comfort provided because I have slept longer and more deeply in the past two weeks than I have for some time. I am recharging.
Heat is created when we choose to take action. The action may not be understood by everyone during the process of transformation, but when you trust your journey, when you understand yourself, when you emerge, you will be strong enough to explain, introduce and share your newly transformed, beautiful self to the world.

~TSLL’s New Book is Released! Let’s Live Our Best Lives – the Official Release Day – View and Listen to interviews and learn much more about the book in this detailed post.
~Trust the Transition: How to Step Through and Embrace the Change You Seek, episode #225
~How to Create the Change You Seek
~Why Not . . . Recognize the Stages of Making a Lifestyle Change?
Petit Plaisir:
~Parmesan Chicken and Forbidden Rice (aka Black Rice)
~The Simple Sophisticate, episode #233
~Subscribe to The Simple Sophisticate: iTunes | Stitcher | iHeartRadio | YouTube | Spotify
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- Holly & Tanager, The Professional: Backpack Purse (check out the video below)
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Shannon, i am in awe of the wisdom you have shared with us today.
Once gain, thank you.
Thank you for stopping by. Transforming, while a choice, and yes, uncomfortable (to say the least in certain moments), will yield an outcome and a daily life to savor. Wishing you a beautiful week. 🙂
Shannon, you beautiful butterfly, thank you. This came at the perfect time for me. I also love the description of heat as a metaphor in addition to the butterfly.
Brilliantly written.
Thank you for time and comment Jennifer ?. Trust your transformation. It sounds like you are in the middle, and continuing to strive. Progress is being made, no doubt. ?
Shannon ~ You never fail to inspire! I’m using your Transformation Guidelines as my writing prompts this week. So much to process. Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving Marian! Thank you for stopping by and saying hello. 🙂
Oh wow !
I have just listened to the podcast ( I read the post yesterday and enjoyed it very much )
Thank you so much for reading out my comment on your new book , it was such a lovely surprise ?
It is a delight to hear all the great reviews, and read the comments of appreciation from fellow readers of the blog.
Thank you Shannon, , another Petite Plaisir from you ??
Best Wishes
Thank you Anne for taking the time to share your detailed review. I appreciate it immensely. ?