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~The Simple Sophisticate, episode #132
“There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.” —Douglas H. Everett
The arrival of a new year always fills me with giddy exuberance. No matter what occurred during the current year, I am very much like a child eagerly determined to will even more amazing, fulfilling and growth-opportunities into my world and into the world around me.
2016 has brought many of the latter on the list, growth-opportunities, and while I won’t be sad to see it go, I am still very grateful for all that it opened my eyes to, all that it taught me, all that it pushed me to do so that I could begin to step outside of, in many ways, an unconscious self-imposed shell. So for that reason alone, I am thankful, indebted actually, to 2016.
Isn’t that way it works? Some years we savor, some years we sweat, some years are a mixture of both, but all offer the opportunity to be a different person come the year’s end.
Speaking of year’s end, it isn’t quite here yet. In fact, we still have one month to make our resolutions a reality, and I don’t know about you, but I am excited to finish strong. Let’s talk about how to do just that no matter where you might find yourself at the end of the eleventh month of 2016.
1. Balance the monthly budget
Let’s talk money straight-away. Nothing boosts our confidence, settles our nerves and brightens our hopes for the future when we know where we stand with our money. As is the case, businesses want to finish strong as well, but we shouldn’t help them at the expense of us not doing the same. Holiday gift giving and travel and entertaining can be a roadblock, but with careful planning and a clear awareness of what you are capable of, by the time the end of the year arrives, you will be feeling at ease when it comes to your financial situation.
2. Assess the goals/resolutions you pursued during 2016
Now to the task at hand. How have you been doing on the resolutions you set at the beginning of 2016? Perhaps you set some mid-year goals. How are those going? Be honest, which goes both ways. Notice how much further you have to go, but also recognize what you have done. Sometimes we stop ourselves from attaining what we seek because we are fearful we will fail. Ironically, we fail if we don’t try. Trying, no matter how small the progress, is always reason to celebrate. And as Marilyn Ferguson reminds, “Ultimately we know deeply that the other side of every fear is freedom.” So let your fear lead you to keep trying and keep striving forward. The other side is indeed worth seeing and experiencing.
3. What habits have served you well and visa versa
After taking an honest assessment of how you are doing with your goals, what habits are helping you maintaining your progress? Write these down. Do the same exercise for habits that are impeding your progress. Don’t worry, I am not about to tell you to break 10 bad habits in 31 days. The first thing to do is recognize what is and isn’t working, and then, baby steps. Vow to break one bad habit. Then once that bad habit is broken and you don’t even think about it, break the next bad habit. Maybe the chance to begin the second will begin the next week or maybe next month, but have a priority list of habits you want to break and slowly make your way through them.
4. Let go of passivity
Ask for what you want. Remove the possibility of regret.
If events or progress toward your goals aren’t moving as you had hoped they would, observe your behavior these past eleven months. Have you been sitting on the sidelines hoping others will notice what you’ve been working so hard on? Have you been hoping they could read your mind? Speak up. Ask for what you want. Make decisions without asking for approval from others. If it is indeed what you want, what you’ve been working for, step forward and make what is in your control a reality.
5. Tie up loose ends
Look around your house, look at your planner. Do you see any projects, large or small, that aren’t complete yet? Perhaps you are either putting them off or maybe you began but something occurred and zapped your time availability. Reexamine each and do your best to wrap them up so you can move forward without unnecessary expectations and demands when the new year begins. A fresh start is great motivation.
6. Get busy with small steps
There is still one month left in 2016, and a lot can happen in 31 days. A lot can happen in a mere moment, so get moving. Keep Isaac Newton’s words in the back of your mind as you start your engine, and no matter how gradual you roll forward always remember, “An object at rest tends to stay at rest, an object in motion tends to stay in motion.”
7. Declutter
Perhaps you have some extra time toward the end of the year or maybe at some point during the month. Even if you don’t have an immense amount of time, find a way to target the spots in your home, office, life that could you some decluttering. Again, the goal is a fresh of start when 2017 arrives and the visual component of less stuff to look at, take care of, etc. holds incredible power over our state of mind and thus our stress levels. So get busy: go through your closet, your entire home and more specifically your kitchen. Set yourself free and you open the door for more applicable and authentic opportunities and gifts.
8. Bulk up your retirement savings for maximum tax benefit
The list began with finances, but I wanted to focus specifically on retirement savings as well. The more you can invest now, the more powerful compound interest will be and the lower your taxable income will be. So take a close look at your 401(k) or IRA contributions, which have limits of $18,000 and $5,500 this year, respectively. Can you add some more? (Good news: You can actually make 2016 contributions to your IRA through mid-April 2017 which means thereis still time after the New Year.)
9. Decide on a planning system that functions and is something you love
Just prior to each month’s beginning I sit down with my planner and add the new month’s pages. I then take time to plan out the month with previously schedule events, my weekly and daily routines, etc. I love this monthly rituals, and I especially love the yearly ritual of looking ahead and putting in the pages for 2o17. In fact, I just ordered a new binder and am shifting from Franklin to the six-ring A6 personal binder. And because of this, TSLL readers who have ask for TSLL Planning Pages to fit the A5 and the Personal Planner are in luck. The Personal Planning page (along with the all-inclusive planning package) is now available. Coming in a few weeks, just in time for 2017, you will be able to purchase exclusively sized planning pages for these two new sizes (on top of the Classic and Compact pages already available).
It is important to have a system that works for you. Not every one, like myself and many of you, want an all digital planning system, but some do. You know what works well with your lifestyle and routine. Tweak what you have to make it work even better and enjoy setting clear goals, breaking them down and managing each day to help you find the balance of rest and success.
~Shop TSLL Planning Pages for Classic and Compact planners here (and for today only, save 20% with TSLLHOLIDAY20)
~My new planner and binder is seen below. It is an A6 six-ring Ancicraft leather binder (other sizes are available here).
10. What makes you smile spontaneously?
Take a moment and try to recall the moments in which you found yourself smiling without a forethought, smiling due to something tickling your mental funny bone or observing something joyful and pleasure filled. Take a mental note of these events or better yet, write them down. Now, try to cultivate opportunities for these moments to happen in balance with the success you are trying to achieve.
11. Answer this question honestly:
Where and how do you want to wake up on Sunday January 1st, 2017? Now plan accordingly. You will be glad you did and the new year will be assured to be off to a wonderful start.
Wishing you a wonderful final month in 2016. May the struggles, if you encounter a few this year, begin to wind down and reveal their fruit and polish, and may the final few days give you a time to celebrate and appreciate all that has gone well and recognize how much you’ve grown.
~Why Not . . . Create a Clean Slate for the New Year?
~7 Reasons 2016 Will Be a Wonderful Year
~Why Not . . . Make This Your Year?
Petit Plaisir:
~Till Brönner, The Good Life[podcast src=”” width=”100%” scrolling=”no” class=”podcast-class” frameborder=”0″ placement=”bottom” primary_content_url=”″ libsyn_item_id=”4858578″ height=”90″ theme=”custom” custom_color=”d0d4b9″ player_use_thumbnail=”use_thumbnail” use_download_link=”use_download_link” download_link_text=”Download the episode” /]
Hey Shannon,
I am always looking for great jazz; so, thank you for the recommendation! In the spirit of Jazz and Christmas, I would like to share a jazz instrumental album that I absolutely love. Its called, ‘A Simpler Christmas Time’ by the Leonard Brothers. I happened to meet one of the performers, a Kansas City local, several years ago when I was visiting home. It’s a nice backdrop to a dinner party or tree decorating ritual. I don’t know if you allow links, but here is the Amazon link to the CD. You can also find it on iTunes.
Thank you for sharing! I am always looking for more jazz music, especially for the holidays.
HI Shannon
I have followed TSLL for 18-20 months and, while there is rarely a post don’t benefit from, I wanted to compliment and thank you on today’s wise and well-presented post. I have performed these analyses for years both in my personal and business lives and cannot imagine not doing so. Nevertheless it is heart-warming to be reminded of benefits that are forgotten over time. I enjoy the planning process so it is not drudgery.
I hope that your students appreciate the gift you are to them. If they don’t now, they most certainly will in hindsight. 🙂
Deborah, Thank you for your kind words and thoughtful comment. I too enjoy this year end reflection and analysis. 🙂
Hello Shannon!
Thank you for recording the podcasts, I truly enjoy listening to your programme.
Right now I am sitting next to a group of candles, you remember, the podcast with tips how to live like a Parisienne? It does look nice, indeed.
This year I started with a notebook/journal. I have it with me all the time and I designed the days and weeks in a way that leaves plenty of room for ideas. Today, on my way out of a museum, a distant friend came to my mind: Send her a Christmas-card! I took a note and made sure that I won’t forget the idea.
I even come back to your podcasts and listen a 2nd or even 3rd time! Everytime I discover some more wisdom.
I thought you would like to hear that you have fans from overseas, too!
warm regards,
Paula from Vienna, Austria
Paula, Thank you tremendously for your comment. I am beyond tickled you are enjoying the podcasts. 🙂