TSLL’s New Croissants Notepad is Now Available!
Wednesday February 9, 2022

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Capturing a delicious, buttery bite of France, adding a touch of whimsy and humor and including a nod to TSLL’s mission of living well by focusing on quality over quantity, the new TSLL notepad has been named and is now available for purchase!

Last month I invited readers to come up with the title for the new notepad that would include artist Sarah Löcker’s design of two croissants on a classic French bistro plate rimmed with French marine bleu. The suggested and offered ideas came in immediately and sparked conversation, exploration and even learning of many new French words (check them all out here).

Did you know that the ‘models’ for the croissants came from both images of actual croissants enjoyed in Paris during my travels (see pics below) and croissants Sarah purchased at her local Austrian bakery? Yep! The real deal depiction of a buttery, flaky and scrumptious classic morning pastry.

A fresh croissant enjoyed in Paris in 2019 from the boulangerie that was the winner of the Best Croissant in 2018, La Maison d’Isabelle!


One more! A second day in Paris in 2019 and a second morning beginning with a freshly made croissant – these were amazing!

The winning phrase, Simplicité, Tranquillité, Croissance! is a marriage of two TSLL reader suggestions and an homage to the French culture. Kameela introduced the French word ‘croissance’ which means growth, and AdventuresInLiving offered a play on France’s motto, fraternite, egalite, liberte – Simplicity, Luxury, Growth. As a play on the pun of the English word ‘croissants’, the use of ‘croissance’ was chosen to fulfill two purposes – acknowledge the illustration of two croissants and speak to the mission of living simply luxuriously. When we welcome simplicity and cultivate tranquility through mindful living, we not only grow as individuals into our true selves, finding the strength to share out capabilities and awesomeness with the world, we also elevate the quality of our everyday experience, which, bien sûr, for so many of us just might include savoring a croissant . . . or two. 😉

Kameela and AdventuresInLiving will BOTH receive the winning prize, splitting the 10 Croissants notepads (5 each) and each will receive the other five TSLL Notepads. Congratulations to you both and thank you for sharing your ideas. Thank you as well to everyone who submitted ideas for consideration. There was much food for thought, and I know many readers simply enjoyed stopping by and checking out all that was shared.

Details about the new TSLL Notepad:

  • The largest notepad TSLL has offered – 4″ x 8″
  • 50 pages
  • magnet is included
  • white recycled paper 20lb wt.
  • full-color illustration, custom and exclusively created for TSLL by Sarah Löcker (the artist behind all of the 14 illustrations in TSLL’s 3rd Book)
  • Prices: $12/single notepad; $32.50/3-pack (10% savings); now included in the All-Inclusive TSLL Notepad package
  • All orders will be shipped March 1st and arrive no later than March 22nd.

Promo Code – limited time savings

Now through February 28th, use the promo code CROISSANTFEB to save 15% off any order that includes a Croissant notepad (packages too).

thesimplyluxuriouslife.com | The Simply Luxurious Life

TSLL’s All-Inclusive Notepad package, 6 notepads (10% savings)

Shop all of TSLL’s Notepads

thesimplyluxuriouslife.com | The Simply Luxurious Life

Order your Croissant notepads now and receive them by March 22nd.

~For a limited time (through February 14th) if you become a TOP Tier Member and place your free order for a signed bookplate for TSLL’s book, you will also automatically receive one free Croissant notepad.

Thesimplyluxuriouslife.com | the simply luxurious life

24 thoughts on “TSLL’s New Croissants Notepad is Now Available!

  1. Perfect ??

    Many congratulations to Kameela and Adventures in Living , and thank you so much to everyone else who sent in suggestions,they were such fun to read !

    Croissance was a new word for me, thank you Kameela ? and is perfect ……..‘ growth ‘ is what we all aspire to , isn’t it , in every area of our lives, and I love the play on the French motto suggested by Adventure in Living….it reminds me of the Three Muscateers as well ?

    Such a great caption for the new notepad ??

    Enjoy the rest of the week , everyone.

    x Anne x

    1. Thank you Anne. I never win anything but there’s always a first time. It’s perfect and I enjoyed all the entries were . We stop growing physically but personal growth contiunes in so many ways if we allow it. Have a lovely weekend xx

  2. Perfectly chosen words that fully capture this blog’s intention! Well done to Kameela and Adventures in Living ??

  3. Perfect, congratulations Kameela & AdventuresInLiving! And Shannon, I did not realize the ‘models’ were from photos you took on your Parisian travels! That makes the design of this notepad very special indeed. (Love the size by the way…)XO ~R

    1. Rona,

      Yes, Sarah paid careful attention in each illustration as all are based on something very specific to my life journey. I sent far too many pictures her way to provide inspiration, and this one, well, this one was easy 🙂 Croissants! From France! 🙂

  4. It was so much fun to create this as a community — delighted this was a shared effort. Congratulations Kameela! Terrific design. Looking forward to jotting down some notes while savoring the new book. We have discovered a new French bakery locally, the new book will be cause for a bit of a celebration.

    1. Abigail, Congratulations and thank you for bringing forward your idea! SO happy as well that you have a local French bakery to visit. What a trea! Look for your additional notepads to all be shipped to you with your signed bookplate and all arrive together no later than March 22. ?

    2. Many congratulations to you too Adventuresinliving. It was such fun and the end result is simplement parfait. A lovely community indeed. Enjoy using your notepads?

  5. Good morning and many congratulations to the winners! 🙂

    I really like the motto and the fact that it comes from a joint venture… Three Musketeers indeed!

    It is also an interesting detail that these particular illustrations came from a real croissant… Who knew that a humble Parisienne croissant would one day become a “note-pad star” and travel all over the world?… Such is destiny. 😉

    Have a lovely day, everyone!

      1. That made me smile?. Adjectives must always agree with the gender of the noun in French. It can be frustrating sometimes. Thank you Weisserose.

  6. I love the name! We live in France, departement 36, “L’Indre.” An award-winning boulangerie-patisserie is only 4km from our home! They have won for successive years, the Grand Prix for their croissants and for their “baguette traditionnelle” I must confess to eating only the end bits and the flaky exterior. The soft inside has never interested me.

  7. What a charming collaboration! I like the Three Muskateers analogy too Anne. Shannon, Kameela, and Adventures in Living your efforts are much appreciated to enhance my day-to-day living!

  8. Making me want to pop in the frozen chocolate croissants from Trader Joe’s tomorrow morning! I love the phrasing and the look of the new notepads!

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