A Woman Who Inspires Me: International Woman’s Day 2017
Wednesday March 8, 2017

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Yesterday, one of my closest friends texted me, describing me as an independent woman, complete with multiple exclamation points to celebrate the fact she was acknowledging. This dear friend is one of the most amazing independent women I know. Let me introduce you.

She is intelligent.

She is driven.

She is a woman who invests in her career, and has done so while she was single and now while she is married and raising two equally impressive daughters. 

She is a woman who doesn’t follow the crowd but listens to her internal voice.

She thinks for herself.

She is a rock of support to her friends and family, but clear about her boundaries.

She is secure in who she is and allows others to be themselves.

She finds her confidence from the knowledge of her own self-worth and models this for her daughters and her friends.

She is an amazing athlete, having completed multiple marathons, as well as many daily runs with the family dog. 

She can recognize bulls&*# and isn’t afraid to speak out with tact, questions and strength.

She is kind and thoughtful.

She is strong.

She is loving.

She is one of the many women around the globe who exemplify the amazing capabilities all women have the potential to achieve and blossom into being. 

On this International Woman’s Day, originally known as International Working Women’s Day, let’s us each draw attention to the women in our lives and in our world that remind us to reach our full potential, to not be cowered by misogynistic or patriarchal values, to stand up for equal rights and protections, to remain educated, aware and active, to use our voice, and to use our lives as examples of what is possible.

Today I express my admiration for Nancy, my dear friend of 14 years. Who do you admire? Who are you thankful for? Who inspires you?

~View all FEMININITY posts in TSLL Archives here.

~POSTS & PODCAST EPISODES from the Archives to Inspire on International Woman’s Day:

~The Truths & Myths of the Independent, Single Woman

~Why Not . . . Be a Strong Woman?

~Why Not . . . Be a Successful Woman? (three part series)

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